"What's going on at DMH?"
tony tampasis said...
i think this is a hunt for the head man at dmh smithmire, 95 doctors have been summozied by the feds. there has been no real news on this no tv or radio, i think they are trying to keep it quite
it is a shame that people resort to this type polical josting.
5/02/2005 07:21:26 AM
Decatur Democrat said...
This should be a fun one to watch, thanks for posting it, I'll link to it.
5/02/2005 11:16:54 AM
Anonymous said...
To be more precise...
There were 115 subpoenas sent out 2 weeks ago, with the total ending up to be around 120. SEVERAL doctors, physician assistant's, and local medical equipment companies have been interviewed or their records subpoened. The word from those that have been interviewed is that the feds are probing DMH because of three potential problems:
1) Medicare fraud. Don't know where, how or who, but that's what was said.
2) Anti-trust violations, specifically violation of the Stark law which prohibits an entity from soley referring to another entity that is owned by a parent corporation, or is owned one by the other. (DMH docs can't MAKE a patient go see another DMH doc or use DMH facilities, they have to give the patient the choice. Evidently, this was the accusation.)
3) Improper use of funds, specifically, docs being recruited to town, and on top of sign-on bonuses, being given money toward downpayment of homes or other incentives. This, again, another no-no.
(There's also the story of Mr. Smithmeir's new home that is being built on land that was donated to the DMH Foundation for charitable purposes. Supposedly this land was purchased from the foundation "at a reasonable fair-market cost" but there is some debate on that. To date, the Smithmeir's are not allowed to move in.)
In addition to all of this, recent rumors have come up that there are also some Medicaid fraud allegations, and so the Illinois State Police are somehow involved.
I don't think any *DECATUR* stations/news-sources are going to cover this story, as they have heavy advertising bucks from DMH. Spfld, Champaign, Bloomington....if they were to take off with this story, then, who knows. Trouble is, all they have is hearsay.
The trouble I see is, with the way the feds are, during their investigation of DMH, they may get a little too power happy and nail a few docs at the same time. Traditionally, the more public these cases are, the much less likely these "collateral damage" type of cases against the docs would happen. Yet, DMH keeps it quiet to save their own skin, and tells their docs to do the same. Little do the docs know that by keeping it quiet, somebody in their ranks might get his/her goose cooked.
TDD is right. This will be a fun one to watch. Unless you're Ken Smithmeir, Tim Stone or other high-ranking DMH administrators.
5/02/2005 06:44:04 PM
Decaturite said...
It is spelled just as our fifth grade teachers admonished, Smithm-i-e-r: 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'-riminal.
5/02/2005 09:49:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Maybe someone should inform Fox News, CNN,MSBC,,etc etc,,about how this town covers its behind when some of the in crowd gets into trouble....This should be National News....
5/02/2005 10:04:46 PM
Anonymous said...
Maybe we should call Mr. Smythmeer and let him know about this blog...
5/03/2005 08:43:28 AM
Decatur Pride said...
I'm wondering when all this does hit the fan will some of the DMH employed docs leave town? Will this impact new docs from coming to town? I have a feeling that it will, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. If CHIC clinic doesn't recruit an adult medicine doc soon, all those patients will go the rest of the docs in the community. If then some of those docs leave town, we'll be in a pickle!
5/03/2005 08:58:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Federal agents were at the late Richard "Dick" Ammann's home yesterday and took ALL his computers from the home. Mr. Ammann was Mr. Smithmier's right-hand-man for a number of years until his recent death. Somebody call WGN? Maybe they'll carry the story!
5/03/2005 09:42:23 AM
Decatur Democrat said...
Anyone want to start a pool on how long media silence lasts?
5/03/2005 10:41:33 AM
Anonymous said...
The media has known about the story but no one will go on the record. They can not print hear say and rumors like the blogs.
5/03/2005 10:48:15 AM
Anonymous said...
I heard that WCIA is going to break this story before this Friday,and then everyone else will jump in with both feet
5/03/2005 11:59:05 AM
Anonymous said...
Okay, I'll go in for the pool. I say the story breaks this Thursday on WCIA. I'll put in a virtual dollar. Matt holds the money. Whoever wins buys TheJacksonFile a cup of coffee.
5/03/2005 01:36:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Since everyone seems to be really concerned about what the media is not publishing/reporting...maybe some of you who know a lot more than you're letting on need to provide a little more information.
You have to remember that the media can be sued. If things are reported that aren't true and are based on hearsay...there are consequences.
The media can't just report on what's being said on "blogs" or anonymous tips. If you want to see something done about the ALLEGED situation..do something about it.
5/03/2005 01:42:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, I agree about the media has to be careful but if it was a public body the media would have gone after the public offical long ago. The list is long of politicans and public servants that the media has jump to quick.
How about that Jasper Street Mobile home court security guard that the media painted as Sarah Kraemer's possible killer.
How does one regain their honor and status or good name in the community after they have been torn apart if it does pan out.
5/03/2005 02:24:26 PM
Anonymous said...
The only ones who could do something (i.e., the only ones with concrete evidence such as the subpoenas themselves or the docs who have been interviewed) are MOSTLY DMH EMPLOYEES, or, would suffer greatly financially if they were to go public with what they know since DMH would somehow cut that doc off (reasons can always be found.)
So, all there is now is hearsay for you and me. Until, perhaps, an out of town news source decides to do their own investigation, and then dig into this (perhaps getting some docs to talk anonymously and providing a few documents.) It will happen, it's just a wait game, as stated previously. No one, as the previous poster has said, is going to go off half-cocked and start accusing without concrete evidence. When the evidence surfaces, then it will be made public.
5/03/2005 03:46:59 PM
Anonymous said...
As the world turns at DMH, let's see Smithmeir incharge of economic development, and enterprise zone, his henceman Stone cracking the whip, and now a Federal Investigation,
Let me give you a little insight into thing's closer to home. The City of Decatur raising property taxes-just look at the property DMH ownes, go to Steve Bean and get the list of participants in the Enterprise Zone, DMH will appear quite often. Smithmeir, building a house on property given to the foundation, as a gift.
This is begining to sound like the FOX-in-the Chicken coop.
You can bet Herald & Review will not print a peep. (As our Mayor say's), things are really looking up.
5/03/2005 04:01:02 PM
Anonymous said...
I thought that was Jack Horkheimer?
5/03/2005 05:25:59 PM
DrDave said...
All very interesting.
As a physician in this community, I can say that I have heard of some/most of the above, and can substantiate a few of the facts. I personally know several physicians who have been interviewed. I personally know many who have been given subpoenas. As to the State Police story and Dick Ammann stuff, who knows.
I would agree with Decatur Pride in the "access to healthcare" concern. If the king goes down, so do a lot of the doctors he recruited to come here. Not that we can't replace them, but that will take time. My hope is that the patients of this town do not have even fewer doctors to choose from when all this blows. And it blows, believe me.
As to the reason why it hasn't gone public, I think most of our anonymous posters have hit it on the head: DMH owns the media, so to speak, and those with the information are probably not going to speak, at least not yet.
In fact, this blog is the only place I've heard anyone else talk about it except in and around the hospital.
Matt, any word from the Mrs./Dr.?
5/03/2005 05:49:22 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
On this one, I'm happy to report the she's completely in the dark. She wouldn't have even heard about this if it weren't for a "consolidated legal defense" appeal letter that went out to all the area docs about a month ago.
5/03/2005 06:50:12 PM
smbean said...
Before you head to the county clerk's office let me clear up some things.
First, DMH does not have any property taking advantage of the new enterprise zone ( there are currently only 1 or 2properties).
Second DMH had a number of properties under the old zones.
Third, after the zone benefits ended DMH went to the Board Of Review to ask that many of their properties be tax exempt due to all the charity work the hospital and its doctors do. The State Appeals board granted the exemptions. Clare Clinic in Urbana was denied by the Champaign Board of Review for the same kind of request that DHM was granted here.
those exemptions transfer additional tax burden on the rest of us. But remember they are a big employer and they do all that free medical care.
I do not know any thing about the current siuation at the hospital.
You must understand the media can not report rumors or coffee shop talk about a private business. They do that only for politicans.
Property tax system is unfair and not just and should be elimanated or scale back. That's another story.
5/03/2005 08:00:32 PM
Anonymous said...
5/03/2005 08:37:54 PM
Anonymous said...
WCIA had a small sound bite about DMH turning over records to the Dept of Health and Human Services on the 6 and 10 PM news ...looks like they are probably trying to dig into this matter,,,more then the local media is doing...Like always,,to get news about Decatur,,tune into Champaign or other towns to learn something...
5/03/2005 10:13:17 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
Was that state or fed HHS?
5/03/2005 10:40:41 PM
Anonymous said...
It wasn't the HHS, it was the Department of Justice, and yes, that's Federal...
I heard Brian Byers bashing the blogs this morning, saying we put up lies, use fake names, etc. No, I'm not a CBS news affiliate, but that doesn't mean I'm any less credible. (In fact, given CBS's history, I'd think I'm much MORE credible.) The facts of the case are there; if WSOY or WAND or the Herald and Review decided to do some more investigative reporting, sort of like what WCIA did yesterday, then maybe they would have more detailed information, and may have reported on this story before an out-of-town newssource did. The blogs do not report the news, but they can serve to point to where it can be found. True: opinion, and lies, and slander, and fiction, can appear here in the blogs, but when many different people from different areas are all hearing the same thing, and THEN the blogs start talking about it, and THEN and out-of-town TV station begins to report on it, I don't think it can be considered "un-newsworthy" anymore.
5/04/2005 11:41:47 AM
Anonymous said...
The difference is that traditional media have standards and editors and blogs do not. Granted some media outlets have broken trust. However, it's way to easy to slander someone without consequence on a blog.
5/04/2005 04:38:28 PM
Anonymous said...
The WAND newsroom knows about the rumors and has for about a month and a half, but they can't find ANYONE to confirm it. So, if someone would like to, feel free. From what I understand, they need information firsthand...someone who is in the know!
5/04/2005 05:46:10 PM
DrDave said...
"Traditional media have standards"?!?!?
Uh...well, let's be more accurate.
*SOME* traditional media have standards. And some have editors with standards. A lot of them are so slanted in their bias that it's not even funny.
The only way to know if something has a standard is to have a control, a known true value. NOTHING in the media today is put up towards a standard. Sure the way in which it is presented (who, what, where, why, when and how, etc.) may be standardized, and the format may appear somewhat standard, but from what I've seen from the so-called "traditional media" they have no standard anymore. It's whatever it takes to sell papers/ratings, and whatever it takes to make a name for the reporter, and whatever it takes to fulfill the political agenda that may or may not be in the backs of their minds.
It's not so much in Decatur...Matt will have some comments here, I'm sure, but otherwise, I don't buy the standards, etc. Editors are there to make sure everything looks good, sells, and doesn't make the network/paper look bad (or get them in legal trouble.) TRUTH is optional. Personally, I don't see much difference between the blogs and the traditional media with respect to this issue; except I get to read the blogs for free.
5/04/2005 05:48:03 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Standards? Kids, this is an open forum. No editing, no holds barred. You say it, and it goes into the mix.
Actually, I am pretty impressed at the *ahem* anomymous person who said the blogs don't have any standards & editors. Well, right, so are you suggesting public conversation should be monitored, too?
Frankly, I think blogs provide a forum the true reporter would revel in. Its a wonderful mix of fact, conjecture, and infrence. All there , waiting to be sorted out and clarified.
5/04/2005 07:23:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I vividly remember Byers & Company on November 2cd saying reporting or claiming or stating, your choice that it was had on good authority that Democrat Party Activists from Springfield would be in Decatur giving out cigarettes for people in exchange for voting for Bob Flider. Yes, it is the blogs that have no standards, keep on keepin on.
5/04/2005 07:47:38 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
yup - just different mediums...
5/04/2005 08:19:54 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
I don't see much difference between a radio call in show where you can call in and say whatever and a blog where you can type whatever. Everyone can read it or hear it, you just have to recognize who is completely off base and who knows what's going on.
5/04/2005 08:28:23 PM
Anonymous said...
It is ok to say horrible things about politicans without good sources. But your big advertising clients-no way. It is show me the money.
5/04/2005 09:52:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Why doesn't someone ask Gary Sawyer on his blog what is going on?
5/04/2005 10:07:36 PM
Anonymous said...
No one seems to answer the question thrown out there from the WAND mention. Are you able to legitimately confirm this information on DMH? Firsthand, knowledge? If you are, there's a place for you in the traditional media...and local stations, are looking for you right now. Waiting for you to call. So, instead of complaining about what different local mediums do or don't do...why don't you share some information with them, so they can publish this?
5/04/2005 10:24:38 PM
Anonymous said...
"Are you able to legitimately confirm this information on DMH? Firsthand, knowledge? If you are, there's a place for you in the traditional media...and local stations, are looking for you right now...why don't you share some information with them, so they can publish this?"
Are you kidding? The only people who can offer firsthand knowledge are those who DEPEND on DMH for their LIVELIHOOD -- either because they are DMH employees or private physicians who practice there. Physicians in this community who are viewed by DMH as "St. Mary's doctors" (even those who also practice at DMH) or those who have fallen out of favor with the DMH Administration are at a huge disadvantage over those docs who are willing to bow. Smithmeir and his little philandering sidekick, Stone, are ruthless people -- I have firsthand knowledge of that. Any physician in this community who has received a subpoena from the US Attorney General's Office has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking to the media.
If the local media is truly interested in covering this story, I suggest they put an investigative reporter on the paper trail -- beginning with the local US attorney's offices in Chicago, Champaign and Springfield -- or talk to numerous DMH employed physicians under the condition of annonymity to corraborate their stories. There are profile cards on countertops all over DMH for "their docs" if reporters don't know who works where. Granted, it would be a lot easier for the media if a local doctor would shoot him or herself in the foot by dropping the information into a reporter's lap, but that's very unlikely.
5/05/2005 09:09:37 AM
Anonymous said...
I think this will be a sad one to watch, but I have a feeling the dramatic conclusion is a long way off. DMH has all kinds of deals on the side with local doctors. It's too bad though, that honest doctors who just want to take care of people and support their families are probably going to fall, too. Afterall, they studied medicine, not law or hospital administration. When an entire industry has sprung up to help physicians navigate the morass of confusing and contradictory medicare regulations, when Medicare Compliance Officers only score 15% on average when their knowledge of the rules are tested, and when physicians are required to get it right 100% of the time ... it's hard to imagine that our local doctors won't be hurt by this.
5/05/2005 10:15:37 AM
Anonymous said...
"The pillar of our health community, Decatur Memorial HaHaHa-spital." Don'tcha just love that little ditty?
Looks like pillars made of Smithmeir and Stone don't have as much structural integrity as their jingle claims.
5/05/2005 10:21:45 AM
Anonymous said...
"I suggest they put an investigative reporter on the paper trail -- beginning with the local US attorney's offices in Chicago, Champaign and Springfield -- "
You're suggestion was in action before you made it. We are investigating it...and getting nowhere. Here's the deal: the U.S. Attorney offices won't 'confirm or deny' an investigation, the FBI says they can't give the media anything...and as far as we know, there are no government sources that can give the information. The subpoenas are under seal from what we understand...which obviously means we can't get to them...
As for local doctors corroborating on condition of anonymity...we could easily have that. But on our part, before this goes public, we can't just tie a bunch of anonymous sources together and hope that it flies. Our credibility could be questioned, before the real story comes out. It would amount to a 45 second story on the nightly news, because we would have no soundbytes.
DMH knows that we know about this. We've talked to them about it. But those a reporter spoke to acted as though nothing was going on...said they would 'check into it.'
Therefore, instead of bashing the media on this blog, please know that we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If anyone else has another suggestion on publicly talking about this...go ahead and post, we'll keep checking.
5/05/2005 01:49:05 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
I don't think anything I have said should be interpreted as media bashing,on this issue. I know that it is being looked into. I also know that when things go federal, in this area at least things tend to be more tight lipped then when it is a more local issue. It seems from reading that there are more than a few people in the know willing to talk about it, whether they will use there names or not is another idea. One suggestion could be to ask people that have talked on here about it to email you, and see if that pans out anything. It's a tough shell to crack, but i'm sure there is a way.
5/05/2005 01:56:39 PM
Anonymous said...
It could be up to two years before we know anything. So you might as well calm down and wait.
This is not Martha Stewart you know.
5/05/2005 02:20:05 PM
Anonymous said...
WCIA ran all I think local media will be able to run until more CONCRETE information comes through.
If you all know of someone willing to step out and go on camera anonymously, I would suggest giving WCIA a call. I think they have an office in Decatur.
It seems they have a lot more information about what's going on at DMH than the other local media, after all, at least they have run something on the situation.
5/05/2005 03:08:40 PM
Anonymous said...
To the prior anonymous post...as kind as you may be...other media in Decatur has a hold of this information. Detailed information, that I can't even list on this blog. WAND and the Herald and Review know about this. WCIA does have an office in Decatur, and does a nice job...but there are other reporters at WAND and the H&R that can handle this. The WCIA story never even collected the Dept. of HHS papers...to the scandals.
Plus, the WCIA reporter here treats the community with some disrespect...from what I understand. I think several people are unhappy with her.
5/05/2005 06:09:21 PM
Anonymous said...
I think you are dreaming about channel 3. Again it will be the H&R that will report it first when the facts can be proven by sources. there are alot of emails and other information out there .
5/05/2005 08:42:25 PM
Shannon said...
Just so yall know-I just heard from a friend who knows somebody. If anybody does got any real evidence about all this, they probly won't say much. My friend says the FBI doesn't want details of the case getting out because it would mess up the case. So there won't be much in the news for a while.
5/05/2005 09:17:42 PM
Anonymous said...
10 to 1 odds
that the whole thing will just go away. The DMH empire will prevail and grow even larger.
5/06/2005 11:18:23 AM
Shannon said...
From what my friend said, ain't nothing "just going away". Theres a lot of papers to go through before its all said and done.
5/06/2005 12:08:16 PM
Thomas J. Pliura, M.D., J.D. said...
Hello. I apologize in advance for the length of this note. I am at a conference right now in California and learned about this blog site this morning.
First, while I run a business in Decatur, I do not live in Decatur. I am a physician and an attorney. I was born and raised in McLean County. I live in Le Roy. My father was a general practice physician in Le Roy. I am an emergency physician by training. I have worked in 15-18 communities at hospitals throughout Illinois during the past 20 years.
I am not hesitant to sign my name to this blog message. The following paragraphs constitute my personal opinions and beliefs.
In February, 2003 I appeared at the Decatur City Council to complain about the business practices of Decatur Memorial Hospital. I believed (and believe)DMH was utilizing improper and unethical business practices to gain an advantage in the community. I sent letters to the Decatur Mayor, Chamber of Commerce, all the city council members, and about anyone else I could think of to call attention to what I believed, in my personal opinion, were unethical business practices on the part of Decatur Memorial Hospital. Short of taking all my clothes off in the city square and lighting myself on fire, I did everything I could to call attention to these matters. All to no avail, I might add. Everyone refused to even look at the issue, in my opinion.
My complaints were made in a very public fashion, as I thought it would be in the best interest of the public to investigate this situation. What I encountered, in my opinion, was an almost unbelieveable hesitancy to even superficially investigate the situation. It was, and is, my opinion that Decatur Memorial Hospital was utilizing its market power to intimidate physicians, businesses and the community in an unethical fashion.
Via a Freedom of Information Act(FOIA)request, I obtained copies of the federal tax returns of both DMH and St. Mary's Hospital. What I found astounded me. Over a three year period, DMH and its affiliated not-for-profit organizations had profits exceeding $40 Million dollars. DMH essentially paid no taxes on these profits, in my opinion. No property taxes on the exempt property and no income taxes. During the same three year time frame, St. Mary's and its affiliates had losses in excess of $15 Million. The overall difference (profits as compared to losses) between the two healthcare organizations was in excess of $60 Million dollars. This comes at a time when the local schools can hardly buy paper for the children to take their tests on.
Generally, in life, when two similarly situated healthcare organizations compete in the same community, and if the playing field is level, one would not anticipate seeing a >$60 Million swing in the profits between these two organizations. It would be easy to argue that when two businesses compete, there will always be one entity that is ahead and one that is behind. What concerned me most, was the length of the lead that I uncovered. And in my opinion, I found an incredible arrogance by the top individuals at DMH, implying that they would wipe out all competition. These were the individuals who decided who could talk, who could not, where patients could go to receive healthcare, and where they could not go.
It has been my experience in life, quite often when two similarly situated businesses compete and when one is so far ahead of the opposition that it is startling, quite often it is not simply because the leader is "better" than the opponent. In many cases, the cause of the discrepancy is the result of other contributing factors.
For example, when a company such as Enron can rise from obscurity to become a dominant player in the market, there are often reasons other than simply being able to build a better mousetrap.
Another example, closer to home, might be the Lysine/ADM example. Surely everyone hasn't fogotten that story. When you are doing so well against the competition, quite often there are reasons other than that you are just good.
Obviously, I did not have subpoena power when I was "beating the drum" in February 2003. Nor do I have subpoena powers now. I was only able to scratch the surface in investigating what I believed were improper and unethical business practices. At the time, I was convinced that if the situation continued, the community would get to witness the death of St. Mary's hospital, right before its eyes. Over the past 26 months or so, I have become even more convinced that St. Mary's Hospital will die on the vine if something is not done to stop these improper and unethical business practices. The most amazing thing to me is that it seemed (and seems) like nobody could see the potential danger of losing a hospital like St. Mary's.
I have been intimately involved in the healthcare situation throughout Central Illinois for many years. I have personally witnessed the deaths of several hospitals in towns such as Bloomington (Mennonite Hospital), Champaign (Cole Hospital and Burnham City Hospital), Paxton (Community Hospital), Danville (St. Elizabeth Hospital). In my opinion, the community lost in a big way when these facilities closed down.
Competition in healthcare is not really any different than in the gas station business, grocery store business or the restaurant industry. If there is only one gas station in town, the owner can raise prices to whatever the market will bear. Without competition, the consumer has little choice but to pay the price or drive to another town to get his gas. And if the gauge is on empty, that might not be an option. If there is only a single steakhouse in town, if the meat shows up charred & cold and the prices are high, the consumer really has few options. He can either swallow hard and eat the thing, or drive to another town for a steak. If there is only one place in town that sells milk, then when the milk is a bit sour and the prices are very high, the only option is to put up with the bitter milk and pay the higher price. Healthcare is not really any different.
When you kill a competing hospital in a "two hospital town", then the community ultimately suffers from the lack of competition. And healthcare is a bit different than other regular businesses in many respects. When someone you love is having chest pains, traveling to another community is simply not an option to determine if "dad" is having a heart attack. When your three-year-old daughter is struck by a car while riding her bike, then you aren't thinking about driving to Springfield to get her treated. I am sure everybody understands that point.
I was apparently mentioned as a potential culprit, by those "in the know", as someone who might have secretly pointed the finger at DMH and "turned them in" recently. While I greatly wish that I could personally take credit for causing the investigation, I cannot honestly do so. Again, I am not ashamed to say I wish I could take credit for this investigation, but I can't. On the other hand, I am anxiously awaiting the results. The stories and rumors that I have heard most certainly makes for interesting gossip. I suspect only time will tell.
It might be appropriate for those who are interested to go back and review the Lysine misadventure. Go to any search engine and type in "Lysine ADM" and see what you find. The two situations are not exactly similar, but I believe you might find it interesting to compare the "spin" that was put out by the public relations people when the story first broke. Damage control was attempted and everyone denied everything. A very well-orchestrated plan was crafted in dealing with the allegations. But in the end, people pled guilty and that was that. Review the newspaper articles and carefully look at the language the "spin-meisters" used initially for damage control.
I personally have no idea how this will all unfold. If nobody did anything improper, then nobody has anything to worry about. Pretty simple concept. Ultimately, the true story will come out.
In many ways, the "story" is the fact that nobody in the news media will even talk about the subject publicly. It is as if they are afraid to comment in the public. Very clearly, it is improper to publicize anything that is untrue or factually incorrect. But isn't it a story when more than 100 physicians receive subpoenas? That issue is no big secret. For example, "Numerous local healthcare providers receive subpoenas" seems like a valid true story. It is factually true and correct. It reminds me of the "elephant in the living room" story. There is an elephant sitting in the living room, but no one speaks about it and everybody acts like they don't see it.
Please remember that personal opinions are absolutely protected under laws protecting free speech. That is, you can say pretty much whatever you want as long as you clarify that they are your opinions. The other thing absolutely protected from claims of slander and libel are truthful statements. That is, if you make a truthful statement, which is factually accurate, then you need not fear retribution for the statements.
I apologize if I sound like a "know-it-all" or arrogant. Please understand that is not my intention. In my opinion, DMH has used its obvious market power in Macon County to intimidate the little guy. In my opinion, DMH has used its wealth and power to try and kill St. Mary's Hospital and all the other competition against it. This bothers me..... greatly.
It will be unfortunate if anyone loses their jobs as a result of the investigation. It was unfortunate in the Enron case that many innocent employees were penalized or lost their jobs as a result of the improper actions of a few individuals. But in my opinion, it is even more unfortunate what has occured in the Decatur community by the improper and unethical actions of a large not-for-profit healthcare giant. Generally, it bothers me greatly when large businesses tread on the rights of little guys. It bothers me even more when they try to put a muzzle on everybody and nobody will talk about the situation publicly.
I have copies of the DMH IRS tax returns and the St. Mary's Hospital tax returns on PDF files, if anyone is interested. I have copies of the letters I sent to the Mayor, the city council members, the chamber of commerce, the newspapers, etc. My e-mail is tom.pliura@z-chart.com
My office number is (309) 962-2299.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note.
Thomas J. Pliura, M.D., J.D.
5/06/2005 12:43:33 PM
concerned decaturite said...
Concerned Decaturite
Dr. Pliura's comments certainly is 100% true. when almost half of the doctors in Decatur are being served supoena's by the feds and most if not all have some form of relations to DMH something is going on and its not good either.
Regarding the media, its hard not to notice that H&R does play favorites. For example, recently the paper published an article about the two hospital, this was a good article. DMH got 3/4 of the article and SMH had few sentences.
There will always be a lot of finger pointing as to who the whistle blower is. Some say it may be a SMH doctor, well there is no SMH doctor. All of the doctors at SMH are tenants of the hospital. They rent office spaces.
I agree with Dr. Pliura that DMH hired docs are being directed to have their patients go to DMH and some of them make excuses like SMH does not have the right equipment for me to do surgery or I can not get an earlier schedule at SMH so will do it at DMH. My wife was in this situation sometime back so she transfered doctors. The bottom line is greed. There is a financial incentive for these doctors to have all their test done at DMH or refer their patient to other DMH hired doctors.
These physicians know what they were into. They choose to do it willingly. They know this is wrong. But they continue to protect their so called leader. To a lot of docs in town, they will tell you that all these illegal maneuvering are going on but no concrete evidence can be seen. Those physicians who are involve know really well what is going on. If they are trully physicians here to help people then they will be willing to tell the truth.
5/06/2005 02:29:53 PM
Anonymous said...
I wonder if the various trade contractors who have been forced for years now to send their employees to DMH or else they'll lose their contract with DMH will be subpoened?
All it takes is for good people to stand up and say and do what is right. Everyone in Decatur knows the truth about DMH. $25 million in annual profits each year and not one dime paid in to the community other than some token getures is obscene. Especially when one looks at the poverty in this town and the number of people without medical insurance or ready access to healthcare.
5/06/2005 03:40:34 PM
Anonymous said...
They do not pay property taxes because they do all this wonderful work free for the public.
According to the state.
5/06/2005 04:06:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Whoever posted the comment about WCIA on May 5, 2005 at 6:09, you are absolutely wrong! I happen to be very active in the community and I have never heard anything negative about the station or the little girl who works in the office over there. I have done numerous interviews with them and I have nothing but respect for that station. They cover both the good and bad about the community. In fact, most people I know prefer to watch WCIA over WAND.
5/06/2005 04:41:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know the name or phonenumber of the person or persons we can call if we have pertinent information for the FBI's investigation?
5/06/2005 04:43:31 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Yup -
The FBI has a Springfield office:
(217) 522-9675
5/06/2005 05:29:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Bob Pittenger of the United States Attorney's Office in Springfield
5/06/2005 05:30:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Occasionally while driving Rt. 51 from Clinton to Decatur, I notice the monstrous home the Smithmiers are having built. Either she's an enormously wealthy woman in her own right or he's getting a fabulous salary from DMH. I choose not to support a hospital that hires a person with such elaborate tastes. That doesn't set well with people who work hard for their money--------especially when they receive a bill from DMH.
5/06/2005 07:18:09 PM
Anonymous said...
I am a patient at SIU here in Decatur. Are they DMH doctors too? They do not go to St. Mary's Hospital, and I've been told to go to DMH. Does anybody know?
5/06/2005 10:17:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Don't know if SIU docs are DMH docs as well. I do know my grandma had a podiatry appointment at the podiatry clinic on the DMH campus, and then was scheduled for an appointment at the SIU clinic next door on the DMH campus, and then got scheduled for a surgery at DMH by the foot doctor on the DMH campus. Do I remember any other options being given to her, or her being asked if she already had a doctor who could do the physical, negative.
5/07/2005 01:33:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Smithmeir and Stone have never made their desires concerning St. Mary's a secret. Smithmeir has in the past addressed new employees during their orientation and stated the goals and direction of DMH which included the statement that it wouldn't be long until DMH is the only hospital in town.
Tim Stone (being Tim Stone) was always more verbal in his relentless desire to see St. Marys close it's doors. MANY times Stone addressed various departments-physical therapy, nursing, etc.-concerning the practice of employees "moonlighting" at St. Marys on their days off. He badgered, pleaded, and offered money to those employees to not work at St.Marys (those employees had not signed no-compete contracts). His statement was that if DMH employees did not moonlight at St.Marys, that hospital would be short staffed, MDs would become angry because they could not schedule a procedure and would then come to DMH.
Stone's and Smithmeir's goals were never any secret to employees or physicians.
While their actions may or may not be correct/ethical, many physician's actions have been even more concerning. Many loyal patients lost their doctors because those MDs chose to use DMH exclusively. St.Mary's employees with St.Mary's insurance had no choice but to find other doctors. I'm sure there are still copies of Dr. Mike Wall's letter to his patients as an example of how this went down.
Another issue is why some of those DMH doctors are requiring that reaonably healthy patients whom had previously (pre-DMH) been required to see their MD once a year to renew a prescription are now instructed by their MDs to see them twice or more often a year?
Even more blatant is the outright lying by some surgeons who tell their patients that they have to go to DMH for a procedure because St.Marys doesn't have the equipment to do the procedure. If St.Marys can provided equipment and staff for brain, spine or total joint surgery, they can certainly provide the equipment and staff for a minor procedure. Of course if you send your patient to DMH under false pretenses then I guess you can't be accused of steering patients to DMH.
I don't know what, if any of the previous is illegle, immoral or just dirty business practices, but I am just one of many who is thankful that somebody is finally looking at the situation.
5/07/2005 07:40:42 AM
Concerned Decaturite said...
Why not ask the people who work for these doctors. I am sure they have been told where to send their patients. Bet you they know something we don't. Ah, their too afraid to tell (chicken), you see the henchman just round the corner. Oh, maybe the feds will get there first, what do you think?
5/07/2005 08:19:15 AM
Concerned Decaturite said...
I don't understand. The hospital has board of directors that oversee the hospitals overall business. Are these people liable as well? Or did they just turn their backs and pretended nothing happened. Because if they are liable, these are very prominent and powerful group of people in Decatur. Or is this the reason why the hospital's administration think they could get away with illegal, as one put it immoral, activities. Should they be investigated as well?
5/07/2005 08:33:10 AM
Anonymous said...
I understand that the media should not report items without knowing the full truth-LOL-but how many times has an ongoing investigation of ANYTHING in this town been reported on before the actual outcome/truth was known. I think the media in Decatur is dancing around this issue for a reason that has nothing to do with having the whole story, etc.
I would like to know if Smithmeir or Stone or any of the other higher-ups at DMH is on the board of directors or any other governing body of the H&R or WAND.
5/07/2005 08:51:15 AM
~*~DANNA~*~ said...
~*~*~ "May the Lord give you increase more and more, You and your children.
May you be blessed by the Lord, Who made heaven and earth." ~*~*~
Psalm 115:14-15
5/07/2005 09:04:37 AM
Anonymous said...
I must have missed something.
5/07/2005 09:26:38 AM
Anonymous Too said...
I am sure a huge reason that nothing has been in the H&R could be the fact that the Editor, Linda Lindus is ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT DMH!
Smithmier/Stone's disdane for St. Mary's is common knowledge. As a former employee (I left to pursue another interest) I have been in orientations and meetings where K. Smithmier's Machiavellian (the end justifies the means) vow to double his income every 5 years, left me wondering what lengths would he go to to accomplish that??- Food for thought.
5/07/2005 11:22:29 AM
Anonymous said...
I talked to my neighbor a nurse who works for DMH about this yesterday. Interstingly enough she told me they have a new computer system in her office, and the reason they send their patients to DMH docs instead of St. Mary's docs is because the test results from tests that DMH docs do will come up in their computers, but they wont if they are St. Mary's docs doing them.
5/07/2005 11:32:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Sure. That makes sense. The reason why the authorities are sending subpoenas to all those Docs is because the computer system is only available to DMH owned docs (which is not true). That still doesn't answer the big question. Why is the local news so quiet on this subject? Is is untruthful to say that some kind of an investigation is going on that involves DMH and more than 100 doctors? Sounds like that would sell papers to me.
5/07/2005 12:35:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Lack of editing and checking facts on blogs is apparent on this one. Linda Lindus is the publisher of the Herald and Review - not the editor. And she is NOT on the DMH board of directors.
Accuracy is important when you are whipping up public sentiment against the newspaper and DMH.
5/07/2005 02:36:17 PM
anonymous too said...
My error- Linda L is the Publisher and not the Editor, my apologies, in regard to her being on the Board, I even triple checked with this person- (a former H&R employee who usually is very reliable)! and I was told that there is more to her involvement with DMH than meets the eye. If she is not now on the Board she is acting in some capacity-perhaps an advisor, but there is a relationship here. If anyone has the info on who IS on the Board of Directors please let me know. I went on every site I could think of to corroborate that info and could not find that list anywhere. So I chose to trust the person who told me- that'll teach me.
As to the comment about "whippng up sentiment against the H&R and DMH" I don't think any help is needed there.- Give a man enough rope, he'll hang himself.
5/07/2005 03:41:34 PM
Anonymous said...
One wonders about the DMH Foundation, the land south of Maroa, and the CEO's new home.
You keep hearing different stories on the status of the home. Anybody know? Does Wegi Stewart work for the DMH foundation?
5/07/2005 04:06:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Does not Mike Shampine or some other labor leaders serve on DMH Board?
I think Wegi works for the Foundation. Ddid the Foundation sell the land to the CEO that smithgyer?
5/07/2005 04:31:52 PM
Anonymous said...
"I have done numerous interviews with them and I have nothing but respect for that station. They cover both the good and bad about the community. In fact, most people I know prefer to watch WCIA over WAND."
As per this comment, I can vouch for the post it was replying to about the WCIA reporter. I am also very active and involved in the community, a longtime reisdent. The WCIA reporter has been very coarse with me over the phone and in person...to the point of a raised voice. It didn't need to be that way, either. WCIA carries A LOT more Champaign and Danville news than it does Decatur. So, I watch the station that covers my home territory-Decatur. I hope to see WAND and the Herald and Review pursue this. I think both have some reporters that would do this story justice.
5/07/2005 04:57:57 PM
Anonymous said...
You have to have better sources than they been able to get.
5/07/2005 06:13:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Heck the Justice Department sent a sorts of warning letters to the County about the Auditor during the last couple years has anything been wrote about that?
The County had problems with grant reporting with audits.
The Auditor just did not respond to the first letters.
So why should we be picking on DMH?
5/07/2005 06:18:14 PM
beancity said...
In regard to the lack of information in the Herald & Review, I think it's obvious: DMH is a major advertiser.
I worked at the paper in the late 80s when a zealous young reporter did an expose' on car dealers.
A man and a woman, with similar credit ratings, incomes, etc. went to car dealerships and negotiated for vehicles. Would you believe it, the man got a great deal and the woman got hosed. The article made the dealerships look like they were out to rip off every woman who came in.
Virtually all of the car dealers in Decatur and the surrounding areas pulled their advertising from the H&R. Imagine the size of the paper (the paper size and the amount of news in it is determined by the ads that have been sold)with no car ads.
It took a couple of days before the H&R was brought to its knees and printed a weak "clarification" to bring the revenue back in.
Tomorrow cut all the DMH and DMH-affiliated ads out of the Sunday H&R and see how many holes you've got.
Just my opinion.
5/07/2005 06:47:09 PM
Anonymous said...
The question is why should a hospital advertise in the first place. it is like lawyer advertising, it is just not right.
But church do.
Well do the victor goes the spoils. DMH will never miss a beat.
5/07/2005 07:51:55 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wegi works for DMH.
5/07/2005 08:02:25 PM
Anonymous said...
To answer the previous question about SIU: SIU's teaching doctors are employed by the SIU School of Medicine. The residents, however, are paid directly by DMH (with a subidy from Medicare.) Now let's see. DMH employed doctors don't go to St. Mary's for whatever reason. SIU doctors (teachers and residents) don't go to St. Mary's. It makes one wonder if Mr. Smithmier leaned a little on the residency to get them to stop going to St. Mary's, too.
5/07/2005 09:17:35 PM
Anonymous said...
As a former employee I witnessed a considerable amount of wrongdoing first hand. Smithmeier and Stone had hand-on control of every detail. I left because I was asked to do things that were unethical, all for the purpose of supplementing the income of physicians. I hope that I receive a subpoena. Believe me, I will sing like a bird and plenty of people will listen. Stay tuned !
Everyone is focused on whether the media is sandbagging the story. We need to be concerned about the DMH Board of Directors, the oversight body that is supposed to protect the health concerns of the community and the long term insterests of the hospital. Will they step up and do the right thing and take the lead in cleaning the mess up ?
5/07/2005 09:49:11 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
I'm sure the FBI would be interested in hearing your story - even without a subpoena.
5/07/2005 10:05:56 PM
anonymous said...
DMH is the 2nd largest employer in Decatur, after ADM. This investigation has been going on awhile, so I'm hoping it means the Feds have all their ducks in a row. My concern is that there will be scape-goats and/or innocent folks who are affectd.
5/07/2005 10:21:42 PM
Anonymous said...
seems funny to me that Smithmeir is on the board of hickory point bank which is owned by Adm which uses corporate health with in turn is owned by DMH. All these big shots in town are in each others pockets. I know first hand that docs at corporate health are told by Stone not to put injured workers off if the big shots at ADM says ney and the docs are told to refer all work injury surgeries to dmh surgeons and if the docs at corporate health know whats good for them they better do it. These guys are all so crooked I hope they all go up in flames. As far as Dick Ahman doing any of this he wasn't a crooked business man just a pharmasist used by the other two to do their dirty work, don't think he was smart enough to do anything else.
5/07/2005 11:58:46 PM
Anonymous said...
Here a list of all docs that are on DMH payroll:
Baumberger, David M.D.
Franklin, William M.D.
Goetter, Stephen M.D.
Jyothinagaram, Madhu M.D.
Kirovski, Emil M.D.
Neviackas, James M.D.
Nutakor, Worlalie M.D.
Satyadev, Anand M.D.
Smith, Keith M.D.
Stanley, Paul M.D.
Williams, Brit M.D.
Yu, David M.D.
Meng, Ronald M.D.
Aasar, Mahmoud M.D.
Aker, Nidal M.D.
Jyothinagaram, Madhu M.D.
Soliman, Soliman M.D.
Waters, John M.D.
Barnes, Ronald M.D.
Cavanagh, Patrick M.D.
McCormack, Anthony M.D.
Miller, Timothy M.D.
Newcome, Kristin M.D.
Wall, Michael M.D.
Yocks, Brian M.D.
Bailey, Timothy M.D.
Gilman, Albert M.D.
Weber, Steven M.D.
Minnaganti, Venkat M.D.
Siddiqui, Suhail M.D.
Dawood, Mohammed M.D.
Hasnain, Mohammad M.D.
Neviackas, James M.D.
Mahmood, Rana M.D.
Dove, Douglas M.D.
Dold, Oliver M.D.
Kraus, Robert M.D.
Long, Marie M.D.
Broghammer, Robert M.D.
Fahey, John M.D.
Ringer, James M.D.
Still, N. Lee M.D.
Estrada, Dolores M.D.
Perdekamp, Maria M.D.
Velasco, Mario Jr., M.D.
Chadwick, Stephen M.D.
Dailey, John M.D.
Sobol, Steven M.D.
Woods, Terence M.D.
Hebron, Yvette M.D.
Tan, Nehemiah M.D.
Becton, Wendell M.D.
Trice, Michael M.D.
Telle, William M.D.
I hope I did not miss anybody. There are other physicians who have contracts with the hospital but are not directly hired by the hospital. Groups like SIU, Plastic Surgeons, Pain center, Radiology, ER, Orthopedic group at DMH. I know I'm missing a few but these are the big players.
So now you can imagine how much profit these guys can make to a not-for-profit hospital.
5/08/2005 08:31:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Any investigators searching for the truth at DMH reading might want to take a hard look a CIMSI, (which stood for Central Illinois Medical Services, Inc.) a conduit corporation set up for the purpose of "providing services" to physicians' practices affiliated with DMH. The term "affiliated" takes on a whole new meaning at DMH ! It is very likely that every trace of this "corporation" has already been removed, but it could be found with a little looking in the right places.
5/08/2005 08:51:55 AM
anonymous said...
I watched with interest as St. Mary's was building an additional wing for Dr's offices, thinking who in the world are they gonna get to move in there? HMMMM- any guesses?
5/08/2005 09:14:16 AM
Anonymous said...
St. Mary's has been trying to attract many different specialties to come to town for quite some time, including more hospital-based psychiatry (we only have two!), another gastroenterology group, and urology among others. These physicians would not be employed just as none of the tenants of St. Mary's are.
Recruiting physicians that the community needs while providing office space for those physicians is what St. Mary's had in mind. They have never placed restrictions on where their tenant doctors can admit patients.
Now, however, there may be a few doctors who may need to flee a sinking ship, and may need a new place to set up shop..
5/08/2005 10:17:18 AM
Anonymous said...
It's been written earlier on this blog, that anyone with any information that they would like to share with the FBI on this investigation can call Bob Pettinger at:
The FBI has a Springfield office:
(217) 522-9675
5/08/2005 11:31:57 AM
Anonymous said...
I think there are more culprits at DMH than Tim Stone who have taken part in tortious interference of St. Mary's operation. I find it despicable not only that Tim Stone would address a group of DMH employees and tell them that the hospital's mission statement is to drive SMH out of town and increase his boss Smithmeir's salary, but more so that people there follow lock step behind him. I think we all know who these people are. They're the ones who intimidated follow employees and subordinates.
5/08/2005 11:57:09 AM
Anonymous said...
I predict that DMH will of course issue some statment that they've committed no wrong doing etc. I think there has been a pattern of unethical and illegal behavior going on there for so long that they don't even know they're doing wrong.
If just half of what has been written on this blog site is true, then some Smithmeir and Stone and others should be fired and prosecuted for tortious interference of SMH and the practices of physicians who have remained loyal to SMH while still seeing patients at DMH.
5/08/2005 11:57:45 AM
Anonymous said...
$45 Million annual profit for DMH? No taxes paid? The city is struggling to get back on its feet? Not one dime paid in taxes, and there are people in this town unable to afford health care for themselves and families? It makes me angry. It should make everyone angry.
5/08/2005 11:58:39 AM
Anonymous said...
I am glad that someone sent me this site. I have heard these rumors for quite awhile now. It seems to me that many of those rumors could be very true. After reading all these posts,it becomes very apparent that the Hospital is probably in very serious trouble,and these Doctors probably are to. May I asked a question? Why can't the media just print these blogs? or even the posts.
All I can say now is Thanks for the Jackson File. I real be reading it from now on,and I am sure that many others with online service will to. PJ
5/08/2005 12:00:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I have worked for a few Docs at DMH and was never aware of the misconduct that has been described here ie; the medicare fraud. I only hope the RIGHT persons are convicted if it's true. That is a concern because there has been enough time to conceal information.
5/08/2005 12:27:15 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't think many doctors if any have acted improperly, but clearly Smithmeir and Stone intimidate their subordinates and they inturn to the same to the little people underneath.
I know of doctors fired, not allowed to get staff priviledges etc simply because they are affiliated with SMH.
The people from the top should be fired and I predict in time will be and hopefully indicted.
As for the media? Hopefully there is an enterprising young reporter, not the ones who have been DMH's prostitutes, out there who will show some guts and to a story on this after getting all the facts. It has the potential for a Pulitzer prize.
5/08/2005 01:04:19 PM
Anonymous said...
As a person who has been around the hospitals for the last 25 years, I must say I am enjoying the "fall of the empire"! It can't happen soon enough!
Thanks to the person who posted the list of Docs who receive paychecks from DMH. I can definitely tell you that there are more Docs involved than that. Maybe not officially on the payroll....but Smithmier has them in his back pocket. Maybe someone needs to try to find out how much rent the Docs are paying for their new offices. Or not paying would probably be the more appropriate term.
Or maybe someone could ask Docs what percentage of patients Smithmier requires be brought to DMH and what percentage he "allows" to go the SMH.
As to the post about Docs fleeing a sinking ship and may need some office space, unfortunately those Docs probably signed a do not compete clause before they signed on with the devil. We will probably loose them. Some of them I will not miss.
Anybody else notice how the ad in the Herald and Review for a certain group of OB/GYN Docs has changed in the last week or so? Before it was all DMH......now it says we don't care where you deliver as long as you deliver with us. Gee, isn't that interesting!
5/08/2005 08:29:01 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
I think it's pretty clear there's plenty for an investigation of DMH.
Have any of you Annie's contacted the FBI and volunteered information? I know the DOJ *is* keeping an eye on this thread. (DOJ has its own domain, so I can see them)
It's one thing to complain, it's entirely another to step up and stand up for what you believe is right.
5/09/2005 05:51:37 AM
Anonymous said...
>May I asked a question? Why can't the media just print these blogs? or even the posts.<
Libel. Individual gossip, complains, accusations and opinions are one thing, especially on the Web, and quite another when broadcast or published in a newspaper.
I'm fascinated that the underlying theme in a number of posts here in "Why doesn't WAND/Herald & Review turn their 'investigative team' loose on this?" when elsewhere in the blogosphere, people complain about how little news comes from these media. Just because they say they have investigative reporters (or an "I-Team"!) doesn't mean the bodies are out there.
My guess is at vest, every central Illinois newspaper and radio and TV station sniffing around this MIGHT have one reporter who can make a few phone calls a week. There's a huge difference between that and being able to devote full-time hours to it.
(It was the Wall Street Journal that broke the ADM/Whitacre story, remember, and that was mainly because they could free up the manpower to dig it up.)
If there's fire underneath all this DMH smoke, we'll see it soon enough. Stuff like this can never stay hidden.
5/09/2005 08:31:25 AM
Decatur Democrat said...
I have a spin off from this now on my blog. www.decaturdemocrat.blogspot.com
5/09/2005 01:25:38 PM
Anonymous said...
There is another hospital the Feds need to look at. It is located in Marion, IL. The parent company Community Health Systems is a for profit company located in Tn. They are notorious for overpaying doctors, flooding the market with their hired mercenaries, all in an effort to corner the market on healthcare. There is a rumor that they even bought a house from a cardiac surgeon at an inflated rate just to secure his loyalty. It sounds like DMH, even though they are not for profit, operates like most for profit hospitals with the attitude that rules and laws are optional!
5/09/2005 03:23:51 PM
Anonymous said...
As an ousider who moved to Decatur I was frankly shocked and appalled by the fact that the Chicago mob has nothing on this community. What a "loser" Decatur is as a community. It would go to any extreme to cover up the largest scandal to hit the city.
5/09/2005 04:16:35 PM
Anonymous said...
and............Nobody has mentioned that both the top dogs have had their personal assets frozen. THAT IS A FACT!!
5/09/2005 04:20:17 PM
Anonymous said...
What about the box of money Smithmier left at his house he sold a few weeks ago?
5/09/2005 04:22:38 PM
Anonymous said...
DMH is a little syndicate. I have personally been exposed to their tactics of exploiting the innocent people of Decatur. If you have ever been to the hosptial, take a look and all of the doctor names that start appearing on statements. Chances are, you are being billed without them even seeing you. They also are good for calling in additional staff to evaluate that are not specialists - just another name to bill for a visit.
5/09/2005 04:28:52 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
First Decatur Blog to hit 100 comments on a post! Congrats!
5/09/2005 04:29:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Somebody needs to check into why & how CHIC clinic that gets federal funds will only go to DMH.
5/09/2005 09:52:24 PM
Anonymous said...
CHIC pediatrics goes to BOTH hospitals.
CHIC adult (internal medicine) is unfortunately down to ONE doctor. When they had three (one full time office only and two hospital) they could cover both hospitals well. As to why they decided upon DMH instead of SMH, who knows. Probably because most of their patients go there, I'm guessing. When DMH sold their old building out from under them (to make room for another &*%$#!! Walgreens, just what we need), it wasn't exactly in CHIC's favor. So I don't they are getting any preferential treatment.
BTW...CHIC's last adult doc is leaving June 1, according to an earlier post. (No help from DMH, obviously.) I guess the DMH hospitalists will be admitting a lot of old CHIC patients come June?
5/09/2005 10:29:58 PM
Daddy-o said...
I truly wish that people making comments on the subject of DMH would take the time to learn the facts first.
Fact 1. Mr. Smithmier does not talk about, putting St. Marys out of business, at employee orientations. He tries not to mention them at all. If pressed he simply says the "other hospital" and laughs.
Fact 2. At this time there have been only 80 subpeonas.
As to Tim Stone I do not care for him but I do not care for a number of other people. He is doing the job he was hired to do. Since Smithmier and Stone have come to DMH we have done nothing but grow. Sure, DMH is not perfect but name me another company that is. Let's face it, the bottom line is to make money.
I fully support and respect everyones rights to speak out just please take the time to become more educated on a subject before speaking.
5/09/2005 10:30:24 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
Let's face it, the bottom line is to make money.
The bottom line is to make money you say, then why is DMH a NOT FOR PROFIT?
5/10/2005 12:15:42 AM
Anonymous said...
Wonder who daddy-o is smithmeir or Stone possibly who in their right mind could stand in defense of these crooks. I realize alot of what is written in the blogs is just crap but it can't all be could it?
5/10/2005 12:34:14 AM
Anonymous said...
The bottom line should be patient care not profit. SMH gives excellent patient care and have for over 100 yrs. DMH has grown so fast and their patient care has not. I hear horror stories from people that were patients at DMH. For example, if you are a patient in their ICU, you don't get a bath unless your family gives it to youl. Now that sounds like really good patient care to me (sic). SMH is only one hospital in a very large hospital system HSHS. The nuns won't let this hospital close. Just remember, patient care is the bottom line.
5/10/2005 01:31:47 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
lol - I think DMH is a not for profit in a relative sense. Coming out $47M ahead per year is not profit - it's, er, well, future expenditures...yeah- that's the ticket! ;)
coming out $50M ahead, now *that* would be profit!
5/10/2005 05:36:04 AM
Decatur Democrat said...
It was actually 47 mil over 4 years.
5/10/2005 10:55:45 AM
Anonymous said...
The best example of DMH's greed was selling Decatur's most important clinic to Walgreen's for $1,000,000 and only God knows what else.
The CHIC clinic was and is SOOOOOOOOOOOO important to the community, caring for the poor, elderly, many very ill. Grand and Main was an ideal location and the clinic was thriving.
The CEO and Board of Directors actually chose $1,000,000 over the poor and elderly. The Board of DMH is BLIND! Allowing another Walgreens onto land only a few blocks from the newest Walgreens is very sad.
This perfectly illustrates the "dollar" philosophy of the hospital.
A "dollar" factory and empire has been built over the past 10 years. It is far overloaded with patients causing multiple concerning clinical errors. Many patients see nurses rarely even after surgery!
5/10/2005 11:08:10 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
Thanks for the correction, TDD - early morning fuzz-brain strikes again!
47M/4 years is bad enough!!!
5/10/2005 11:26:30 AM
Anonymous said...
What goes 'round, comes 'round and I can hardly wait. This is lonnng overdue! My fear is DMH will get out of any accountability.
5/10/2005 11:28:04 AM
Anonymous said...
My mother was a patient of Dr. Macormack. She always go to St. Mary's Hospital. She then received a letter from him generally stating that SMH is too far for him to go to. I did not really understand this since his office is at south shores.
Are there other similar situations out there? I think there are just too many coincidences here.
I think it better to be honest and just say I'm not allowed to go see patient at SMH anymore, my boss told me so. I don't think this is illegal. Whats illegal is not giving your patient a choice.
5/10/2005 11:52:12 AM
Hank Hill said...
Sure are a lot of strange postings on here. I can't quite figure out why so many people are so quick to beat up on a hospital. It doesn't quite make sense to me and such intense hatred looks like it comes from disgruntled employees. As for horror stories you can find them about any institution. I was always a St. Mary's fan until I checked in there about 3 AM a few years ago and they put me in a corner and let me lay in severe pain until a custodian got me a phone at 6:30 and I called the front desk. I've been a DMH person since then, but that's not the only reason.
When I see the previously posted profit and loss for both businesses, it makes me wonder how that came to be. For whatever reason, DMH is doing something right and St. Mary's isn't. Whether it's operations or just marketing, St. Mary's is obviously woefully behind and needs to make some changes. With the losses they're showing, I can't imagine that they're not far from closing the doors and that's not good for the community, but how do you ask DMH to quit doing things better and let SMH catch up?
Could this be the reason DMH sold land to the head honcho to build a house on? The fact that he built a big house might be consistent with the fact that DMH is the county's second biggest employer.
Issuing subpoenas means absolutely nothing and it looks to me like there's a whole lot left to be learned here before all these people are convicted in "blog court."
5/10/2005 12:57:53 PM
Anonymous said...
As a former employee at DMH, I heard Smithmier and Stone make comments about SMH and how Decatur would eventually become a one hospital town. Stone used his power with contractors to switch thier employees choice in hospitals to DMH if they wanted to get contract jobs at DMH.
Stone stayed in a patient room at the hospital until his house was purchased by DMH at a higher price than what they new they could get on the market (BOD Approval)and was buried in relocation costs.
Also, he would sneak around at night and go into Department Directors offices and look for information on desks to use against them if they were on his Black List or to intimidate them in following his path to keep thier job (Ammann).
I hope they both get what they have coming to them however, they will probaly sneak out of it just like Stone did in Directors Office's!
5/10/2005 01:06:24 PM
Anonymous said...
'Hank Hill' needs to wake up and smell the coffee. And manure.
I do agree with one thing 'he' said. St. Mary's does need to be more aggressive in their marketing. Sometimes you need to fight fire with fire.
What this all boils down to is this: What is the most important thing in providing healthcare?: Is it patients' access to quality care and hospitals working together to provide the best all around care, with appropriate purchasing and non-duplication of services...or is money money money money money and 'make our hospital look so **** good' in the process and 'drive the other out of business?'
It's a difference in philosophy. (Or ethics?) One could argue all day long as to whether one or the other is right or wrong. The key thing in this situation is, was there a crime or crimes committed during the time DMH was doing it's empire-building?
That is what the DOJ is going to tell us, eventually.
5/10/2005 01:24:56 PM
Anonymous said...
yall are just a bunch of jealous old ladies. With apologies to to "The Music Man" ... pick a little, peck a little, pick a little, peck a little, pick, pick, pick, peck, peck, pick a little more.
Just give the boys and girls at justice some time to do their thing. I'm sure that there will be room in Dick Scrushy's cell if that's their conclusion, if not I don't suppose any of you will bother eating the crow that you would need to.
Anytime a bottom feeder like Dr. Pliura sounds like the voice of reason I get quite worried.
5/10/2005 03:10:50 PM
Anonymous said...
As a SMH employee I feel sorry for the employees of DMH. As an employee you do not have control over what managment does (especially top management). I am proud to be an employee of SMH because the "top" management are the Sisters at Hospital Sisters Health System. They own 13 other hospitals in the country and they have kept their Decatur hospital running on losses because they do care about the community and their employees. Their mission is to support the people of the community and I'm proud of the "integrity" that we do have.
5/10/2005 04:51:33 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Dr. Pliura signed his post which is more than I can say for you.
5/10/2005 05:32:48 PM
Anonymous said...
How do they keep a hospital running on losses? At how many million $$$ do they decide things may not be working quite right? Who will be the guy on the table when the power gets shut off? Will they use integrity to sew him up so he can get to DMH and have the surgery finished?
5/10/2005 05:35:24 PM
Anonymous said...
How dare you! SMH obviously has something going for it to be kept running. There won't be a "guy on the table when the power gets shut off" because the power will never be shut off at SMH. We finish each surgery correctly and with integrity and concern everyday, no one ever has to go to DMH to "have surgery finished". I also, if you didn't get the clue, am a 15 year employee at SMH. They have their share of problems as do all workplaces. The hospital is a business as is DMH, the difference is we are not intimidated when we moonlight at DMH. There are excellent employees at BOTH hospitals. Up until a few years ago, both hospitals "played well together", sharing equipment, information and sometimes people. For whatever reason this has changed, but let me make on thing perfectly clear to everyone... SMH has all the equipment needed to do any and all surgeries that DMH does and we do it just as well as they do. I don't think neither hospital has better employees, each place has people who do their specialty and they do it very well. Both places have patients who have had care they considered substandard and will not go to "the other hospital again" but you are going to have that kind of reaction from people regardless. As you know, there are some people who would gripe because they were "hung with a new rope". Don't count SMH out, they are in it for the long run giving Decatur the best care they can.
5/10/2005 08:19:25 PM
Anonymous said...
If Stone knows that you are a St.Mary's employee you won't be moonlighting at DMH.
5/10/2005 08:58:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Read some of the stuff up above and then tell me why anyone would want to moonlight at that nasty place.
5/10/2005 09:05:54 PM
Anonymous said...
You are missing the point, I don't moonlight at DMH but have worked at both places and will always work for SMH, working at DMH again isn't an option but at least SMH gives us that option. They are never threatened by employees who work at both places nor have they ever been nor will be in the future. We have had people leave and go across town but find the grass isn't always greener.
The problems going on now aren't because of the nursing staff, it is above them though to degrees it does involve the nursing staff and in the long run they and the patients will be the ones to pay for Smithmier and Stone's greed.
5/10/2005 09:39:36 PM
Spongblog said...
Do I detect some bitter feelings toward Stone and Smithmier???? Can someone tell me what is wrong with providing 2400people in this community with jobs? And what would this community do if DMH sudenly decided to close shop and move? Just wondering.
5/10/2005 11:00:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow, wow, wow!! Where the heck have I been? Certainly not under a Stone...I read for the first time all the comments about DMH. It would certainly be distruptive to patient interest and Decatur to say the least if all comes to past as speculated and testified to in this here bolging fourm. No one likes to see the bigger interest and picture blurred, darkened and eventually erradicated. Good intention and caring still goes on in both hospitals by alot of good caring people dispite the goings on of a few. This applies to all sectors and all levels. Let's not rush for blood too quick or hope what we hear is true. To hope and wish bad for others puts us on the wrong side of the ledger. It's not for us to exact a verbal justice but to accurately portray what we know and can testify to at the appropriate time. All I can testify to is that, as an ex-DMH empoyee, trust the system to do what is does best. Try not to fill in the blanks when no answer is called for. In the end, bad behavior is usually punished, and good behavior is rewarded.
5/10/2005 11:05:35 PM
Anonymous said...
You need to recheck your Doctor list. Dr. Brit Williams is not, and never has been on the DMH payroll. He has never been their employee.
5/11/2005 10:26:17 AM
terry a. mason said...
As I have read thru the majority of the comments regarding DMH, and its leaders, I am concerned that most of those leaving messages or comments, (which is some cases are just conjecture) have not left their own name, but instead signed it "Anonymous, Decaturite, or Democrat". If we are going to be talking about peoples lives, lets at least be willing to stand up for what believe, and be man/woman enough to sign your thoughts. I personally know both Ken Smithmier & Tom Stone, and am very proud of them & their efforts, and what DMH has brought to our community. May GOD Bless everyone as this unfolds.....
Joshua 1:9 & Psalms 46:10
terry a. mason
5/11/2005 11:58:57 AM
Decatur Democrat said...
I haven't speculated as to anything, the only thing I have said is if you post a 19 million dollar profit in one year's time you are not a not-for-profit organization. Is that an unfair analyzation?
5/11/2005 12:19:19 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
I mis-spoke, I meant to say if you post a $19 million dollar profit in one year's time you SHOULDN'T be a not-for-profit.
5/11/2005 12:25:11 PM
Hank Hill said...
I know this may sound strange at a location where people seem to know everything, but I don't know all the rules for "not-for-profit." Since DMH is not-for-profit and maybe has shown a profit, could it be that a not-for-profit can show a profit over a year if they can also show a logical reason for that, such as a large upcoming capital expense? It doesn't seem at all logical to me that DMH would show a profit and keep doing that over a long period of time, knowing they could lose the NFP status.
5/11/2005 12:55:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Not-for-profit does not mean that a business can't be in the black. Not for profit status basically has to do with the use of the funds and that members of management, board of directors, employees or any outside entity can not benefit from the profits such as shares, dividends, and the like. A certain amount of funds spent must benefit definitions and criteria for certain groups, poverty levels and such. It's more complex than just saying not for profit means you can't make money. Also, money must be put back into the business for improvements, growth, etc. A business usually gets into trouble when it does not met the continued guidelines for maintaining not for porfit status. Might help to look at IRS web pages for information on what constitutes not for profit.
5/11/2005 01:19:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's not lose sight of what the original post was about. It's about how DMH upper management does business and how it effects our community and health care.
DMH will not go away, it will continue to be a major health care provider, no matter what may happen to top management.
DMH is not the first hospital that has gone through this type of investigation, other hospitals have survived. The employees that need to worry about loosing their jobs, are the dishonest ones.
Regarding keeping identities anonymous; I don't blame anyone for doing so. If the information here is to be found true, we're looking at the possibility of some top DMH people doing jail time. Because of this hanging over someone's head, it may also be cause for some desperate actions by those who may be guilty. I would not want to be in their firing line.
-I Care-
5/11/2005 02:18:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Well, Mr. Jackson, I think it is time for you to start a new Comment.
All I see now is people opining about DMH v SMH...who cares ,,I enjoyed reading all the scoops about whats going on at DMH. Thats the real news. I am sure both hospitals give excellent care.I am sure both are staffed with excellent Doctors and Nurses.
The real issue here is what has been going on at DMH,,and is it something that is illegal...Thats what we the readers of these blogs what to know.
5/11/2005 02:28:30 PM
Anonymous said...
As a member of the medical community, I can say that this is absurd. Consider the source as you most certainly know, Dr David Fletcher a guy with an vendetta. This physician has sued dmh on several occassions, review the court records. A guy with his name appearing on the State of Illinois Web Site for physicians sanctioned for misconduct. Check into your facts. Ask St. Marys for the illegal loans they have made to doctors over the years. Ask them about the loan to Dr. Charles and the referrals he was required to make in return for the loan.
5/11/2005 03:15:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Who's accusing Dr. Fletcher (?consider the source?) of anything. There a lot of people who may have a vendetta. Most of these federal investigations get started by a vendetta, but it's only the ones that have merit that get continued and prosecuted.
So, we go back to the original post. What is going on at DMH? We'll all just have to wait for the DOJ to spell it out. Or maybe the Wall Street Journal may have a few things to say, who knows. As for people starting to say things about SMH and other doctors, sounds like Tim Stone found out how to use his laptop.
5/11/2005 04:13:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Or...maybe things are just evening out. Big business is big business and I'm sure St. Mary's is not squeaky clean.
5/11/2005 06:51:53 PM
Anonymous said...
St. Mary's isn't "big business." They are a Catholic organization whose operation is based on the Christian principle of the Great Comission, and the teachings of St. Francis. Precisely why HSHS keeps them open.
There's a HUGE difference in philosophy of business here. I think we've already covered the tax returns which proves the outcomes of those philosophies.
Now back to the point at hand, there's a rumor that the H&R is going to break a story about DMH in the next few days, and that maybe, as a previous Annie said, another one coming from the Wall Street Journal. Anyone know anymore?
5/11/2005 07:58:17 PM
Decatur conservative said...
I have a very good friend who was an exec at DMH till 2 years ago when she left because she felt there were things going on that were not right. She always said that it wouldnt be long till they would be in trouble. Looks like she was right.
5/11/2005 08:52:43 PM
Anonymous said...
With the profits and losses shown up above, you're right. St. Mary's is not "big business." It's bad business. No matter what anyone says, you can't continue to operate any business with losses like that unless you have someone with a lot more money than brains to bankroll it.
5/11/2005 10:00:44 PM
LincolnRepublican said...
*** Just to clarify *** The post by "decatur conservative" is in no way tied to my blog, DecaturConservative, which can be found at www.decaturconservative.blogspot.com
Just an FYI.
Have a nice day.
'Sure are a lot of posts in here, aren't there?
5/11/2005 10:55:00 PM
Anonymous said...
I have a few comments. I hate to post anonymously, because I am not afraid to speak the ruth, but since my husband has shared some of this information with me (as a current SMH employee and a former DMHer), I feel it is not MY place to put my name on this if it affects him.
That being said, I also want to say that on the aforementioned list of doctors "on DMH's payroll," some of those doctors also practice at SMH and do nt play favorites or leave any patients in the lurch. Among these doctors ar Dr. Marie Long and Dr. Oliver Dold, two very skilled neurosurgeons who are a great blessing to Decatur at a time when many areas have no such specialists. They do keep their offices at DMH, but I know Dr. Long personally, and my husband is often privileged to work with her in surgery, and she is a great doctor who truly cares for the patiet, regardless of the venue.
However, along the lines of DMH docs "urging" patients to seek treatment at DMH, I have a sotry for you. When I was pregnant with my first child, my husband and I were poor college students and I had to receive a medical card from the state of IL in order to seek necessary prenatal care. I was told that my only option for obstetric care was the DMH prenatal clinic (as the hospital itself referred to the practice. This is the Byrkit, Pfeiffer, Tsuda, Rominger practice on the DMH campus. As a "public Aid" recipient, I could only seek care on Monday or Wednesday mornings. We had to make our "appointments" far in advance (hard to do with the unpredictabilities of pregnancy), and when you would show up to your "appointment," you would find out that the one doctor in that morning had also scheduled 40 other women for your same appointment time. The average wait time for a 5 minute exam was 3 and a half hours, and most of the "exam" was a weigh in from the nurses.
Besides multiple accounts of inferior care and complete and utter disrespect from two of the doctors, I was told flat out by a nurse, a receptionist, and Dr. Tsuda that I MUST deliver at DMH, that it was in no way a choice. When I asked what would happen if I went to SMH instead, I was told that I would no longer be able to receive care from their practice, they would not deliver my baby or see me postpartum, and that an "ER doc at St. Mary's would deliver my baby in the middle of the ER," which is an outragious claim, because anyone in labor who goes to SMH gets a beautiful birthing suite (nicer than DMH's, IMO), and an OB/GYN or nurse midwife, same as DMH. When I eventually had to be induced, I was told to check into DMH at 1:00 AM to start my labor so that Dr. Tsuda could deliver me at his convenience the following afternoon. When I was not dialting "on his schedule," he ordered the nurse to double my Pitocin (the drug that causes contractions), which caused my uterus to hypercontract (essentially a constant muscle contraction without a period of relaxation). All because I was cutting itno his afternoon. Well here's a hint: if you don't like unpredictable hours, don't become an obstetrician!
While in labor, I was told that if I wanted a private room, I needed to get $86 cash and go downstairs an pay for it. This was, I was told, the policy for everyone, regardless of your insurance. Your insurance is billed for your room, but you have to pay $86 cash per night just to not have some other patient watching you nurse your baby and get your episiotomy stitches examined. The first night we stayed in the private room because I fainted in the shower and was too weak to move. SUPPOSEDLY, your $86 a night gets you a steak dinner for two, a VCR in your room, a laptop to use and a digital camera to take photos of your baby. We got NONE of these things. Even though we paid for the night, when we asked about the dinner, we were told we needed to put in our orders earlier, so they couldn't help us. Yeah, sorry I forgot to call food service when I was drugged up and giving birth.
The second night we decided the private room charge was too much. We had already been called by the finances people in the middle of the night right after I gave birth to ask me to bring my $86 downstairs. So after I said to forget about buying a private room, I got moved to a "regular room," which turned out to be private, since they literally had a whole half floor of empty recovery rooms anyway, so I got an unofficial private room. So I guess their story about needing to charge us an aditional fee to recoup their losses at only 1 patiet per room was BS. They couldn't have put 2 patients in a room together if they had wanted to.
Anyway, back to the DMH/SMH thing. When my husband was a student learning his profession, his school had a deal going with DMH that only DMH could be used as a clinical site, not St. Mary's. Therefore, the students basically pay for the privilege of working for free at DMH, and DMH gets scads of free labor. It's not like barber college where your exams or surgeries cost less because they are being performed for free by a student; even though the student doesn't get paid a penny, DMH will charge you the same. For example, an x-ray performed at no cost by the student still costs you about $300, not counting additional fees by the physician for reading the x-ray. When my husband worked at DMH, Mr. Smithmier did joke about how they needed to work hard to put SMH in the ground, and how if you went "across town" you were basically getting third world care. In fact, I remember when my husband believed all this hype from the DMH guys, calling St. Mary's "the mistake by the lake." This was all to build DMH loyalty among students, who DMH hoped would sign contracts with them after graduation.
However, when graduation came, my husband saw a sign-on bonus from St. Mary's (necessary to compete with DMH), so he signed on at SMH. Now that he works here, he tells me everyday how he would never dream of working anywhere but SMH. The first day, after employee orientation, he told me how the nuns said that everyone's goal should be to treat every patient with humanity, dignity, and respect, regardless of ability to pay, and that everyone was obligated to report an unethical behavior exibited by an SMH entity or employee in order to maintain St. Mary's integrity. He never heard that at DMH.
While it is true that St. Mary's ER doctors leave a lot to be desired (St. Mary's simply can't compete with DMH for the good ER docs in terms of pay), the ER is a terrible representation of all SMH has to offer. After working in surgery at SMH, my husband is in awe of the skill of the doctors and the staff, and of the courtesy shown to the patietns, even when they are unconscious (for example, they try to keep their private areas covered as much as possible for the patient's dignity, even when the patient wouldn't know anyway).
I know everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and I pray no innocent employees lost their jobs because of this debaucle, but I also agree that if no one has anything to hide, they won't fear a through investigation by the DOJ OR the media. I also do not think that ANYONE on the blog is hoping DMH goes under because of this, but just that they start playing a little more fairly with their competitors and using honest practices. SMH certainly doesn't want DMH to fail, and anyone who would suggest such a thing seems to be thinking with the sort of aggressive mindset that seems to come from the other guys.
PS--No one is going to be "on the table" when the "power goes out." That is BS. SMH has never needed DMH to finish a surgery! In some cases, severe traumas are airlifted to ST. Louis or Springfield, but the same happens at DMH.
Sorry for the length of this post, but I thought I'd share my experiences. I can't verify the validity of other people's posts, but mine is 100% accurate.
5/11/2005 11:46:47 PM
Annalisa said...
To respond to some people's insinuations that St. Mary's is either somehow privately bankrolled or will go under because it is operating at a loss, you must understand that St. Mary's is not a solitary entity, but that is is part of 13 other hospitals in the Hospital Sisters Health System. While St. Mary's Hospital is operating at a loss, St. John's in Springfireld, for example, is operating at a profit. But instead of using the profit for big CEO paychecks, for example, they use the extra money from the more monetarily successful hospitals to keep smaller hospitals like St. Mary's open to serve the public. HSHS operates like a big family, so one of their hospitals will not close its doors unless the WHOLE organization starts operating at a major loss. Get it? I know it is hard for many of you to understand why SMH would stay open if it wasn't making money, because that's not "good business sense." The problem here is that not-for-profit organizations, like HSHS, are not SUPPOSED to be out to make a ton of money. The "bottom line" is not THEIR bottom line. Just like Catholic charities, Catholic social services offices, etc. (the people who run thrift stores, food pantries, and adoption agencies), the hospitals are part of the Franciscan nuns' efforts to help the community, especially the impoverished. St. Mary's, by its own accounts, only collects approximately 40% of the money of its services rendered. They aren't as aggressive about sending collection agencies after the homeless, I guess because they figure people living on the streets losing their legs to gangreen (yes this STILL happens...in Decatur) don't care about getting a bad credit score.
The point is, a lot of you have said in Mr. Smithmier's defense that he lives in a huge house because he effectively runs the city's second largest employer, so it makes sense for him to be rich. You are forgetting that DMH is SUPPOSED to be a not-for-profit. That doesn't mean they should be operating at a loss; it just means that certain people on the board of directors aren't suuposed to keep all the earnings. That factor, along with the facts that DMH doesn't pay taxes to the country, state, or community on their earnings, and the fact that the employees don't get to be shareholders to enjoy the fruits of their labor, seperates DMH from corporations like ADM. It's ok for the Andreas family to have a big house when their corporation does well, right? ADM pays taxes to the community and employees and the public can hold shares in the company. DMH is different. They are huge because of the men and women working for them and the community that patronizes them, and when they keep the profits for only a few bigwigs, they aren't following the rules. Remember, Mr. Smithmier is supposed to be a caretaker, not a profiteer. DMH is supposed to be like the United Way or Easter Seals or the Red Cross. NOW DO YOU GET IT? That's what's wrong.
5/12/2005 12:18:51 AM
Annalisa said...
I was thinking about how a lot of you seem to be confused about what makes a company a not-for-profit. DMH can be a NFP and generate funds. In fact it is good to generate funds because it keeps your doors open and allows you to help more people. The difference is how you use the generated funds. In order to clarify this, we can use the analogy of an imaginary animal shelter.
Let's say this animal shelter currently has the space and money to house 20 dogs, but they do a lot of aggressive fundraising and get a lot of donations. Let's say a wealthy benefactor names the animal shelter in his will. So this means that the animal shelter, a not-for-profit organization, has generated a lot of money. That's great. But the rules of being a NFP dictate that the shelter needs to use this money to feed and care for the animals, and, when possible, expand the shelter to house more animals and expand its operations. That is the appropriate use of generated funds for a NFP. It can even use some of its funds to go back into advertising to generate more funds in the future.
However, let's say that the President of the animal shelter launders some of the moeny and keeps the donations for herself. Let's say that instead of saving more dogs, she keeps some of the money and uses it to buy herself a new sportscar. Or let's say she is intentionally acquiring and selling puppies at a profit and claiming she is helping place unwanted animals. Then she is not running an animal shelter; she owns a pet store.
The point is, it is great for a NFP to operate at a surplus, but they then need to put all the profits into expanding operations (EXPANDING LEGALLY; no one is arguing that DMH hasn't expanded), and helping more in the community (in the case of a hospital, that might be by offering lots of free classes in fields like first aid, CPR, and parenting, or by offering free heart disease or diabetes screenings, or free cancer screenings for the poor). The matter at hand is not if it is ok for DMH to operate with financial success, the question is:
1) How did they make the money? Are they following the rules of fair competition?
2) Are they breaking any laws in their policies?
3) Are they misusing funds in regards to recruiting doctors?
4) Are they keeping funds and using them for non-charitable purposes?
5) Are they scamming the federal government through phony billing or by ordering unnecessary procedures?
These are the issues. hope that clears it up.
5/12/2005 12:41:30 AM
doc said...
I was given the address of Matt's blog site by a friend mine and been reading all the comments. Matt, this has been entertaining at times eye popping. Isn't this country great. Freedom of speech. You can say anything you want and not disappear from the face of this earth, unlike some other countries I know in this world. So here's my take on this.
How about if we re-start by understanding the Stark Law(it really is quite complicated). From what I'm reading here this seems to be the jest of it. I know one of the contributors in this site had mentioned the Stark law. Lets try to look at this again if you all would not mind.
In general, what restrictions does the Stark Law place on physician referrals?
The Stark Law prohibits a physician from referring a Medicare or Medicaid patient for any "designated health service" ("DHS") to an entity with which the physician (or an immediate family member) has a financial relationship (i.e., an ownership or compensation arrangement), unless an exception applies. Furthermore, an entity that receives a prohibited referral cannot bill the Medicare or Medicaid program for that service.
What are the designated health services to which the Stark Law applies?
The eleven categories of DHS covered by the Stark Law, as defined in the statute and implementing regulations (42 C.F.R. § 411.351), are as follows:
1. clinical laboratory services;
2. physical therapy services, including speech-language pathology services;
3. occupational therapy services;
4. radiology and certain other imaging services;
5. radiation therapy services and supplies;
6. durable medical equipment and supplies;
7. parenteral and enteral nutrients, equipment, and supplies;
8. prosthetics, orthotics, and prosthetic devices and supplies;
9. home health services and supplies;
10. outpatient prescription drugs; and
11. inpatient and outpatient hospital services.
A related definitional point should be kept in mind when determining whether a particular service constitutes a DHS in the skilled nursing facility ("SNF") setting. The Stark definition of DHS excludes services that Medicare pays for as part of a composite rate, such as what otherwise would be a DHS service included as part of the SNF per diem rate. If, on the other hand, a SNF furnishes a DHS services that is not paid for as part of the composite rate, such as therapy services furnished under a consolidated billing arrangement or DHS services furnished on an outpatient basis, these services would be Stark-covered DHS.
There are a lot more information about the Stark Law than what is noted above. As I've mentioned earlier it is quite complicated, and I don't want to bore the readers with details(a web address is noted below for those who want to view more details of the Stark Law).
It is common knowledge that supoenas had been served to over 80 physicians. Most of them are employed by DMH. Now, has DMH officials and its employed physicians violated the Stark Law? I don't know. Who am I to make judgement. Maybe the group involved may already know the answer to this question. I guess DOJ investigators will make that determination.
Now, some of you may think that only DMH is being picked on. If I am not mistaken (since my office is at Lake Shore Medical Building and SMH is my landlord), our contracts (doctors who have their offices at SMH campus) with the hospital were look at and reviewed as well. Anybody who has first hand knowledge may correct me if I'm wrong.
Although there are some people at DMH ,in my personal opinion, remains to be desired, there are a lot more of the desirables, good nurses for example, some of them work at both hospitals, you have good people working as pharmacist, respiratory therapist, transport, lab techs, unit secretaries, house keeping, dietician, case managers, physical therapist, transcriptionist, accountants, one of them by the way once told me that I was crazy for returning a check (I could never forget the look on his face), and many more, I know, believe me I know. I work with these guys on a regular basis. I am mentioning these so that we do not loose site of this fact. On the other hand, to those physicians who bad mouths SMH to patients, who want to go to SMH, without justification or merit, beware, this may just haunt you, or is it haunting you now?
It is vital for this community to have the 2 hospitals and I honestly believe that this will remain so. Despite its losses, SMH is a small part of a big organization. Secondly, it continue to provide services as the OSF mission to the community. I also believe and I've always said this, that everybody should be given a choice. Wether it be choice of doctors or hospital for example. I really think this is important, don't you? I feel sorry for some of you who made comments here where no choice were given. That is really sad.
Well, if the person/s involved have all their T's crossed and the i's dotted, then there should be nothing to worry about, right? On the other hand, knowing the feds/DOJ, they most likely have all their ducks already lined up before they come knocking on your door.
Bottom line is, when all this is over, we all will know who did what and what wrong doings have been made, if any, and who turned who in. The good guys will be fine, the bad guys will have to face the music and dance to DOJ's tunes. My advice to next generation of docs, stick with caring for your patients. Be honest, and don't be greedy. When you have an offer that sounds to good to be true, it may just be what it is. Remember GREED is a monster that will bite you back in the rear end.
I know its lenghty, but, thank you all for your patience in reading my comments. My comments are purely mine and not the county society. So, if you don't like what is written ,heck, blame me. It would not be the first nor would it be the last.
You can find out more about the Stark law at http://www.aafp.org/fpm/20040200/41thes.html
or http://www.starkcompliance.com/preview/resources/law.cfm?app_id=1
Marlon T. Muneses, MD, FAAFP
President-Macon County Medical Society
5/12/2005 02:44:49 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
Excellent posts - thank you all for participating.
To everyone:
It's well worth reading these last few posts - they're long - but full of great information.
5/12/2005 05:49:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Whoever posted the physician list does not access to correct records Dr. Brit Williams has never been on DMH payroll and there are physicians that were there at the time in question that are not listed. I would say the person who posted the list is not credible.
5/12/2005 06:43:25 AM
Anonymous said...
"Whoever posted the physicians list..."
Before attacking someone else's credibility, at least have the good sense to write readable material with appropriate punctuation.
5/12/2005 09:42:52 AM
Anonymous said...
There were doctors who were subpoenaed who are not DMH employees - what happens to them with all this?
5/12/2005 10:50:19 AM
Annie 2 said...
I heard you were going to be on Byer's show today, I tuned in (1st time) and thought you handled yourself well, (considering you had to repeat several times what blogs are!) I have read all 150 of the posts and probably appreciated Dr Muneses the most. I have worked at both hospitals and did not like the nasty turn it was taking the last couple of days. Fortunatly we have an unbiased group of folks investigating this matter. Both hospitals have awesome people associated with them and the not-so-wonderful ones. All we can do is wait and pray. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE.
5/12/2005 11:02:49 AM
ruebob said...
The United Way, Easter Seals, and the Red Cross all have CEO's/presidents that are reported to have at least six figure incomes. My guess is their houses are pretty big and their cars are pretty nice.
5/12/2005 11:43:52 AM
Anonymous said...
People who do their job well tend to live like people who do their job well. Isn't that what this country is all about?
5/12/2005 12:58:42 PM
Anonymous said...
If the executives live like kings,then the profit level will go down more so it can be a non-for-profit hospital.
5/12/2005 01:14:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Does anyone remember the Jim Edgecomb scandal?? I believe that was his name. He lived just on the edge of MTZ but still in Decatur. Sounds a little similar. Also, wonder how much Joel Fletcher knows. He seems to be a man that has a lot of connections and surly a know it all!!!
5/12/2005 04:51:54 PM
Anonymous said...
FYI For those of you that don't know who Joel Fletcher is, he is the General Manager of Next Media Radio Stations. Home of Byers' show. I am sure that those two know nothing. And for Byers not to know what a blog was. Get real. How ignorant do they think we are? I guess it is true, Those in Fight Club, don't mention Fight Club.
5/12/2005 04:55:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Matt, ask Byers if he knows what plagiarism is and what he thinks a plagiarist should suffer for that type of 'transgression'.
Watch him closely while he answers.
Byers discussing ethics! Ha!
He is such a 'maroon'.
5/12/2005 05:01:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Here Here to that!
5/12/2005 05:04:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I hear that WAND is breaking the story tonight at 6 PM.
5/12/2005 05:05:09 PM
Anonymous said...
I used to work for Next Media, I am sure that I saw a few things that were going on that would explain the lack of "media attention." don't you think it is a little weird that all of their DJ's started to leave at the same time. and low and behold, who took over. I think it was Byers!!!! Maybe they saw too much.
5/12/2005 05:06:36 PM
Anonymous said...
What time foe WAND? Anyone care to share anything about knowledge of Fletcher or Byers? Who left? Long-term employees? Whats up??
5/12/2005 05:20:01 PM
Anonymous said...
I also have worked for Nextmedia in the past, and let me just say that the big boys in this town take care of their own. It's worse than a snobby high school clique. If Byers or any other "figurehead" management in radio media broadcasting in this town choose silence over investigation, trust me, there is a reason and that reason is money.
5/12/2005 05:28:07 PM
Anonymous said...
So, any breaking stories on tonight's local news??
5/12/2005 06:30:49 PM
Anonymous said...
WAND had on a little blurb about it.
5/12/2005 06:44:29 PM
Anonymous said...
It was more than a little blurb, I think the information they had...took up at least two minutes. No one willing to go on camera...but they had the subpoena onset with the reporter.
5/12/2005 06:58:40 PM
Anonymous said...
For those of us who missed it, would anyone share what was said on WAND? Thanks.
5/12/2005 07:33:31 PM
Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
5/12/2005 08:51:54 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Hey gang - just go home from work (yeah, it's 8:30, I know!)
As for Joel Fletcher and Brian - I think it's safe to say they've met the players - as casual, social acquantences - and that's about it.
I think that's a function of being socially active in Decatur - not of being in cohoots.
I honestly don't think they know any more than we do. If things break bad on DMH, I think WSOY report the straight story.
That's what I think, at least.
I missed the WAND thing too - what was the story?
5/12/2005 08:54:17 PM
Anonymous said...
A deleted post? Whats the matter--people starting to get nasty??
5/12/2005 08:56:20 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
FYI - the deleted post was a horribly misspelled (even for me) version of the post right below it.
5/12/2005 09:03:50 PM
beancity said...
not that much, at least to people who have been following this for months.
Notable was the implication that DMH being investigated for violations of the HIPAA Act. While these are seious violations, they fall into the category of improper billing or unauthorized release of information, etc. - not serious legal issues (as in the type of charges that would be likely to result in criminal charges), so it would appear to me that it's being down-played to a certain extent. But we have to realize that WAND plays by different rules than are observed here. Fact-an investigation is going on. Fact-subpoenas have been issued. Fact- a number of local physicians have been subpoenaed, the reason apparently being an attempt to determine their relationship to DMH (it's conceivable that some information might be sought to establish a "base-line": to determine the relationships of non-DMH-affiliated physicians with DMH and compare them with affiliated physicians and see how the relationships compare). That's as far as the media could (and should) be allowed to go at this point. It's in the open now, and I assume that posturing (DOJ: "they did this"; DMH: "that's not what happened") will become the order of the day for months to come.
A much more serious issue will be one that concerns the use of non-profit funds involved in for-profit ventures. That's a pretty big no-no when the IRS comes to call.
While I've never been a Smithmeier & Stone fan, they have built DMH into a first-class institution that is (and should be) the pride of this comminty. The issue is the type of business practices that were utilized to accomplish this.
Every person with whom I have ever spoken concerning DMH's business practices has referred to them as cold-hearted, ruthless (insert your favorite non-charitable adjective here), etc. Every person to whom I have spoken that knows Mr. Smithmeier personally (I have not) has characterized him as a wonderful person, and these people are, without exception, people whose judgment I would never question.
As to the issue of non-profit corporations that earn huge profits- that's not a bad thing.
A non-profit cannot pay dividends, and related parties cannot profit from their involvement. The amount of profit should never be an issue, as long as it is used, appropriately, to increase the non-profit's ability to do what it does for the good of the community.
Another Decatur blog has mentioned the legality of not-for-profits suing. If that is correct, DMH certainly has a problem there: they'll send you to the Credit Bureau faster than the Check 'n Go (or the rent-to-own places). If it's illegal for one to operate in a less-than-charitable manner, that also would be a problem.
I don't attempt to defend DMH or the folks who have been running it. To the contrary, I am a health care provider who has been harmed by the business practices of DMH as much as anyone that I am aware of. I apologize for the anonymity (and longevity) of this post, but I have been interviewed by both Mr. Pittenger and the State Police investigators, and I think incognito is appropriate at this point.
DMH is a great institution, and it will survive. All I ask, or have ever asked, (of Mr. Smithmeier or his suceesor): Please, do the right thing.
5/12/2005 09:09:43 PM
Anonymous said...
The WAND thing was nothing. Subpoenas issued for files and paperwork. Big deal. They also said it could take 2 to 3 years to investigate and that's if nothing more important comes up. Can you imagine the expense in just copying files or printing them off the computer? Gee...wonder who'll pay for that. We know it won't be the Doctors or the hospital.
5/12/2005 09:11:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Here's the thing...WAND told the public, what wasn't public yet. It was all rumor prior to now, including this blog. At least we know they're not playing advertising favorites over there, and are willing to look into the situation. I hear its going to hit the paper next.
5/12/2005 11:47:30 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
lol - it hit the paper allright - front page:
"DMH heleport named tops in state"
OK - I'll be nice now...
5/13/2005 05:38:37 AM
beenthere said...
I think someone should look into how the anesthesia department uses its students as staff. How exactly do they charge for anesthesia time when there hasn't been a anesthesiologist or a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist present. For example.....on a labor epidural, the anesthesiologist comes up and watches the student instert the epidural then leaves. The student remains with the laboring mother for an additional 30 minutes to observe for hypotension and treat with ephedrine if necessary. The total anethsia time is marked as 45 minutes to an hour, but the physician was in the room for 10 minutes. I always found this interesting. Also of interest.....DMH uses students to staff their operating rooms. We were told that we that they were short on staff and needed us to stay. I do not know how they did billing for this, but I often wondered.
5/13/2005 07:00:57 AM
Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
5/13/2005 07:02:08 AM
Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
5/13/2005 07:05:37 AM
Anonymous said...
Regarding Beenthere--I haven't been there for a few years, but the anesthesia students are supervised by Anesthetists (CRNAs), who are supervised by anesthesiologists (MDs). Don't forget that the anesthesia students are Degree prepared Registered Nurses (RN, BSN)who are more than qualified to monitor and treat patients just like they did when they were ICU nurses.
The public must be careful not to start "nit-picking" individual departments or the hospital itself because admin. MIGHT be involved in something.
5/13/2005 08:18:28 AM
Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
5/13/2005 08:31:00 AM
beenthere said...
To anonymous above....
I know what I saw in the department of Anesthesia. Changing of start times to suit Doctors so they did not overlap cases.... Dr. O telling patients that if they did not want to have students do thier cases to go elsewhere. One CRNA running two rooms with students for hand cases (carpal tunnel, trigger finger, etc) and fudging times on the anesthesia record. This is an open forum. My point was...perhaps this is something they are looking into.
5/13/2005 08:35:15 AM
Anonymous said...
And how much money do you make every year BECAUSE you CHOSE to apply AND complete your education at that school?
If you had issues then, why didn't you quit and go somewhere else?
5/13/2005 08:37:39 AM
beenthere said...
Oh my...I think I struck a nerve!!!
5/13/2005 08:39:38 AM
Anonymous said...
No nerve struck here...I guess I should know better than to debate with someone who has a personal axe to grind.
5/13/2005 08:45:31 AM
Anonymous said...
I am a physician, previously employed by DMH and left because of the very things they are now being charged. FYI, they are all true. Its unfortunate that the community will suffer because of these greedy and power-hungry Administrators & Physicians
5/13/2005 09:38:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Lots of axes being ground on here. Success brings hatred with it. The posting above was right. The WAND story had a big build up but amounted to ZILCH.
5/13/2005 12:44:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Nothing will ever make some bloggers happy (see above comment about WAND story.) ZILCH...whatever! None of that information was public until now. Tell me, on what other news source did you see DIRECT information from a supboena? I just wish someone I am associated with got it first!
5/13/2005 01:03:19 PM
Anonymous said...
I am a physician, currently employed by DMH and came here because they don't do the things with which they are now being charged. FYI, they are all lies. It's fortunate that the community will benefit because of these caring administrators and physicians.
5/13/2005 01:07:07 PM
Anonymous said...
You're right. WAND was brilliant. They'll probably get an Emmy, or a Goofey or some kind of award for that outstanding reporting. How'd they do that without Dan Rather's help? I could hardly contain my exictement at the sight of that blacked out piece of paper. It was shocking.
5/13/2005 01:18:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Its obvious that the physician that defends DMH practices is on their payroll and helped perpetuate this whole dilemma...have the guts to stand up to DMH and do what's right for patients....you did take the Hippocratic Oath, or did DMH buy your degree too?
5/13/2005 02:49:02 PM
Anonymous said...
What you want to wager that this whole thing goes away? WAND will regret that they ran a nothing piece. Unnamed sources sounds like the Washington Post.
5/13/2005 03:06:53 PM
Anonymous said...
How can you deny the copy of the supboena they had? That is a fact.
I don't think they'll regret it at all. They said DMH is accused of nothing at this point, just being investigated.
Are you idiots? Obviously, you know nothing about the media...and are living in your own fictional and gossip-filled world. Keep relying on that...it will get you far!
5/13/2005 03:09:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Anybody can wave a piece of paper with a number of blackout sections and say it is a court document.
It is one thing going after public figures.
Case in point when Rueter was State's Attorney a case had problems on being late going to trail. It is on the front page.
Same thing happens under the new States Attorney is luck it makes the back pages. Justice?
What happen to the idea that one is innocent until proven guilty and not guilty until you prove you're innocent?
Like they say where does the DMH S/S guys go to get back the good names if this is not true.
By the way I think Jim Edgecomb still lives outside St Louis. Nobody really knows how much he really took.
5/13/2005 03:48:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you really think a news station or newspaper is going to wave around a piece of paper and say its a court document? Do you REALLY think they would call it a supboena if it was not one? Are you ignorant? Because from the looks of that post...you are.
5/13/2005 03:56:47 PM
Anonymous said...
I'd take the Washington Post over the Herald and Review anyday.
5/13/2005 05:30:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Who did Edgecomb work for?
5/13/2005 06:56:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Jim Edgecomb was the county treasurer who stole money from Macon County.
So a bunch of files have been subpoenaed. BIG DEAL. If someone spends enough time looking through enough paperwork, we all know violations of about any kind could be found, whether it was at DMH, St. Marys, Carle Clinic, or the first-aid tent at the celebration.
5/13/2005 08:30:30 PM
Anonymous said...
As a previous RN at SMH and DMH I can say that there are caring staff at both places whom all take great pride in caring for patients. However, there are no people left on the surgical table and surgery to be finished at DMH. Although, I know this as a fact that equipment is readily available at both hospitals for procedures. Let it be known that both hospitals have equipment brought in by company reps to do procedures. Notice I say both. I would think that since SMH has had a smaller surgical schedule over the yrs which is common knowledge that doctors would not find it difficult to get on the schedule as stated in earlier posts. I know there staff has decreased in size but they still run a daily schedule. I now work in Springfield and it is nice to know here that both places work together for the greater good of the community. Maybe Smithmier and Stone need to take lessons in business ethics as they could use a few pointers.
5/13/2005 08:53:02 PM
Anonymous said...
This is to beenthere you writing in and saying that students staying over to finish cases is not true for RNAI or surgical technologist students, and this bull crape about one CRNA for two room that is false too. My real problem is though that you would have a problem with Dr.O this man was a Dr. that did my surgery I ask for no student in my room there was no question and no comments from him at all. He was very nice and caring. He was also the Dr. for my brothers surgery, might I add that my brother is mentally handicapped he was very nice, very caring. Talked to brother in a way that my brother would be able to understand and even asked a couple of days after how he was doing. So you know if you want to put stuff out there about the hospital fine, because you had a bad experience there, or maybe you should of talked to someone about your problem and come up some solutions to work it out. But it really makes me mad when you put in Dr's names and especially someone so nice and caring like Dr. O.
5/13/2005 09:50:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I worked for DMH several years ago. I enjoyed the excellent salary, generous Christmas bonus, the free turkey at Thanksgiving, and the free ham at Easter. I'm not sure that I like my grocery bill being covered at the expense of ill people. However, I chowed.
I worked closely with the Administrators, which opened my eyes to the corrupt personal agenda they all strive to meet.
I was there when Tim Stone and Betty Hughes did the strongarm manuever on Dr. Flether and Corporate Health. I'm still trying to figure out why they didn't do time over that. In my opinion, they are both A+ liars.
I was there when Smithmeier and Stone forced the DMH physicians to track who they sent referrals to; they are required to log this information in the computer system. A report can be ran at any moment to see where the patients are being sent. They say this is used only for marketing purposes, to make sure we were brining in the needed specialties. Doubt it.
Stone and Smithmeier have the DMH physicians by the contractual gonads. Stone needs to be fired, so DMH can serve the needs of the community instead of his.
I don't want to see DMH go down, I want to see the evil dark side succomb to what is right, fair and legal.
5/13/2005 10:40:14 PM
Anonymous said...
does anyone know who reported these allegations to the authorities?
5/14/2005 01:27:20 AM
Anonymous said...
It doesn't matter to anyone who reported this to the authorities except to the people who have something to worry about. The fact that there are so many names being named as possible talkers just shows that there are lots of people out there that have reason to contact the DOJ
5/14/2005 06:09:12 AM
Anonymous said...
Common sense says the complaint came from the gored ox. With one business showing a regular profit and the other showing large regular losses does it take Einstein to figure out who's complaining? It would be much easier for St. Mary's to catch up if they didn't have so far to run.
5/14/2005 11:15:54 AM
Anonymous said...
FBI officials have said to at least two different docs being questioned that the "whistleblower" was an ex-DMH employee, ?physician or not we don't know.
Can't say where I heard it, because that person needs to keep that person's job.
And so do I.
5/14/2005 12:50:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Did Fletcher just have his property rezoned for a subdivision at the county board meeting on Thursday?
5/14/2005 05:41:44 PM
Anonymous said...
The blogger idiot who thinks St. Mary's has something to gain to bring down DMH needs to do some research. Yes, St. Mary's is not operating at a profit level, but as mentioned before in an earlier blog, it is not their mission. And as far as how do they keep doing that, they have the backing of a Catholic healtchare system, HSHS, who plenty of resources to allow them to continue to serve this community. Thank God, literally, that there are organizations out there that are faith-based systems and can operate as such.
5/14/2005 05:44:13 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm not going back and reading 205 comments to find it, but St. Mary's has something to gain by bringing down DMH. I don't think they are trying to, and I dont think anyone has claimed that, but they certainly do have something to gain if DMH goes into the toilets, which it won't.
5/14/2005 06:47:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course St. Mary's will benefit if DMH goes belly up! But I do not believe that anyone wants to see that. What I do believe is expected is a fair playing field, which the healthy competition between two hospital will bring a higher quality product to the patients served. But for an institution to "own physicians" and bully some into doing inappropriate things (others will do so just remain on the good side of Administration) is detrimental to the community. Although unfortunate in how this info was brought out, I applaude whomever did....as in the long run, we will have what the community deserves in healthcare.
5/14/2005 07:33:42 PM
Anonymous said...
What does Fletcher's property have to do with the discussion at hand?
Working in Real Estate, I know he's had his land on the market for almost a year
5/14/2005 07:35:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't think DMH going belly-up is in the future. They appear to be very good at marketing themselves. How long does the St. Mary's group allow St. John's to carry them? It would seem that you would start to have questions about any business losing that much money. Even a NFP business should be able to tread water.
5/14/2005 07:53:33 PM
Anonymous said...
I really beleive that many are falling for the "spin" of attmpting to divert the true issues here. It's not DMH vs St Mary's. It's an Institution (DMH) and some of its physicians not acting in the best interest of the patients and community. Instead they are placing greed and power first. I am happy that many have come forward and will continue to come forward, to provide credible information to the governmental agencies that I pray will sort this out. Before more patients are hurt!
5/14/2005 09:16:38 PM
Anonymous said...
WOW...Now there's someone who knows what's going on. Greed, power, and people getting hurt. That's what prime time TV is made of. Do I see a made for TV movie in the works? And this one has people and institutions doing bad things and already convicted, so they must have it all figured out.
5/14/2005 10:54:55 PM
Anonymous said...
WOW, you must be one of those accused....WOW, I would be concerned....because when the truth is uncovered, well then WOW you may go to jail, or lose your license to practice medicine!
5/14/2005 11:26:24 PM
Anonymous said...
An earlier comment suggested that medical product companies may be scrutinized in this. Some companies operate in a very above board manner but a few seem a little shady. Any thoughts or comments?
5/15/2005 08:17:29 AM
Anonymous said...
It's amazing! To date, nothing mentioned in the Herald & Review.
The medical companies have a product to sell...again someone is attempting to alter the focus off the true culprits...DMH and the unethical docs!
5/15/2005 09:09:09 AM
Anonymous said...
It has always been curious to me tht so any primary care physicians were willing to agree to limit their practices to DMH. That certainly strongly contributed to the seismic shift to the hospital on the North, its growth and its profits. That was not imposed in Springfield. Fortunately, my family was able to avoid that simply because our insurance gave us CHOICE. Interestngly, however, a specialist on the DMH campus asked us to make our own arrangments when we requested testing and surgery at St. Marys. Certainly are many issues of at least borderline ethics.
5/15/2005 09:31:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Borderline ethics?
When DMH employed primary and subspecialty physicians either succomb to their "boss's pressure" or decide to work in concert with them for financial/influential gains, at the expense of appropriateness of care for patients, I'd say there exists a MAJOR ETHICS ISSUE!
5/15/2005 10:09:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Now Dick Mell's remarks have the Feds looking into jobs for campaign donations according to the Sun times.
Chicago papers are full of stories about federal looking at wrong doings by hospitals,politicans, and even the mob still.
So what is a little hospital in downstate fit into going after a Governor,big city hospitals,or the mob.
5/15/2005 10:15:44 AM
Anonymous said...
it's not about Chicago, the mob, etc...
it's about healthcare & lives in our community...
the Sun Times covers the Chicago Hospital issues, why has the Hearld & Review not done the same?
5/15/2005 10:23:44 AM
wakeup said...
Health care is better in Decatur now than ever before. So the rich get richer is not the American way as the Bush doctrine sees it.
Stop all this could be or might be bs. Wait until the Feds make announcement. The Governor selling jobs for campaign contributions according to Sun Times. That is a real story written in the real media. It must be true. So go to star Wars you all this week because you all live in a dream world far,far,away.
5/15/2005 10:37:50 AM
Anonymous said...
Obviously this past comment referring to Star Wars originates from someone on the DMH payroll. No one said that a hospital should not be successful, but it should not be at the expense of patient care.
I do agree that we must wait for the final determination from the Feds, but to block any mention of an investigation is wrong. The word will get out anyway and raise the level of doubt towards DMH and Gangs innocence. If you have nothing to hide, then why hide?
5/15/2005 10:51:24 AM
Anonymous said...
5/15/2005 01:13:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Why wait? Get a rope and hang 'em all.
5/15/2005 01:15:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Intelligent last two responses from Smithmier, Stone and docs...
nobody wants anything except ethical behavior....grow up
did you think you could pay everyone off!..the truth eventually comes out...
5/15/2005 01:19:21 PM
Anonymous said...
An earlier post mentioned medical products companies being scrutinized and wondered how they fit in this investigation.
These products fit into categories 6, 7 & 8 in Dr. Muneses list (in an earlier post) of the "designated health services" that are covered by the Stark Law.
It's well known that DMH has referred the overwhelming majority of its patients being discharged to DME (the hospital-owned equipment company). If this hasn't been done properly, and it's unlikely that it has, the referrals fall into the category of Medicare and Medicaid fraud.
I am assuming that when the other companies are questioned, they will have no problem providing information to indicate that DMH's referral practices have been less than compliant with the requirements of the Stark Law.
5/15/2005 05:37:52 PM
Anonymous said...
who need's the tv or hearld & review or the radio to put the news out. sound's like alot of people have made up their mind already. i thought you were not guilty untill it went to the courts.some people are not happy untill they make everyone unhappy!! there will be some sorry they ever started this mess, and you know who you are.if you were in charge of a bussiness just how would you run it, and how would you like all these people trying to run it for you.
5/15/2005 05:46:01 PM
Anonymous said...
I see one hospital being well run and operating as a business should. I see another heading for the "deep six." Since those who operate the loser don't know how to fix it, their only solution is to bring down the successful operation. Isn't life strange?
5/15/2005 07:10:15 PM
Anonymous said...
again, why are these comments focused-obsessed with the business and competition between the two hospitals....again, I believe that this is spin to not see that the real issue is harm to patient's well-being....
the hell with the money, what about those who were and will be hurt, by not receiving appropriate care!
5/15/2005 07:29:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I was employed by DMH and saw this first hand...
they played the good cop (Smithmier), bad cop (Stone) scenario, but behind the scenes, they are one in the same...
I did not mind the business (legal) portion of it, as competition between the two hospitals is healthy and raises the level of care....if it is done legally.
When it became detrimental to patient care and they attempted to direct the manner in which I practice, I walked, and glad I did
5/15/2005 07:39:22 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't think there's been any allegations of negligent or substandard patient care being provided by either hospital.
As to the fact that DMH has been "convicted" on this blog site, I think we just have a lot of people taking advantage of an opportunity here to vent their anger, frustation, etc.
If information was available from the media, it would certainly cut down on a lot of the speculation.
There are certainly enough facts available to warrant news coverage. Guilty, innocent, that's not the point: the fact that an investigation is ongoing and subpoenas have been issued is one of the biggest stories to hit this town in a while.
As to the management or mismanagement of St. Mary's: that also is not the point. Any time a business (a bank, a lumberyard, a cab company, a hospital) uses its dominant position in the marketplace to harm (or attempt to harm) another business is unethical (at best) and could be a violation of federal regulations concerning restraint of trade.
DMH's business philosophy and tactics have been well known in Decatur for years. For federal or state investigative or oversight agencies to ignore apparent serious violations would be unconscionable.
5/15/2005 07:49:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Should DMH slow down and allow St. Mary's to catch up or should St. Mary's hire someone who knows how to cook the books and make them look better? And, where is DMH hiding all the bodies of the people they're killing? OH No...They're in league with the funeral homes too? What are we to do???
5/15/2005 08:21:28 PM
Anonymous said...
It's great to read comments from the DMH Administration and bought physicians....
the negligence and substandard care is present, by Administration prohibiting their "physicians" from sending patients to facilities that have the experience and facilities that DMH cannot provide....but GOD forbid a physician attempt to do so
5/15/2005 08:33:57 PM
Anonymous said...
2 experiences I've known of with DMH that make me dislike them: 1: the company I worked for was at one time ONLY allowed to use dmh with our healthcare because they are a big customer, this was at their demand. 2. a friend who had no health insurance went to DMH with severe chest pains and was held over night for a stress test until an excellent doctor from prairie heart re-read the the ekg and said "DO NOT STRESS TEST!, angiogram please". the results said 95% blockage in a tough location, stress test could have been fatal. The patient was sent to St Johns by ambuliance. At St John's multiple stents. In the end, this patient with no money and no insurance was given charity treatment from St. Johns in the value of over $40,000. DMH is still trying to collect $10,000 from a one night stay and wrong diagnosis. Charity hospital? I think not. Greedy Bully? yes. "DMH cares"- Yea, right.
5/15/2005 09:11:45 PM
Anonymous said...
I've been in DMH twice in the last few years. I came out with my problems taken care of, but with all the negligence and substandard care alleged on here I'm thrilled to death I'm still alive. At the time I had no idea I was right at death's door.
5/15/2005 09:27:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Its troubling to read these accounts on this website...
As an ex-DMH Healthcare Provider, and after having witnessed all these "allegations" first-hand, I have instructed my spouse to air-vac me to either Springfield or St Louis if I have a life-threatening illness....
its clearly worth the extra time!
5/15/2005 09:36:50 PM
Anonymous said...
kudos to the Prairie Heart docs for getting the diagnosis right!
5/15/2005 09:39:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I have another comment about DMH...it's supposed to be against the law to violate HIPAA, which I'm pretty sure includes giving out any info about someone's medical condition to private thrid parties. Well then the feds should investigate DMH's prenatal clinic, which as I've seen it is full of illegal things. Maybe they think poor moms are too stupid to see their rights being violated, or that no one cares anyway.
When I was a patient there, the doctors had an agreement with the health department, a private group called Baby Talk, and the New Life Pregnancy Center, a private religious-based pro-life group where reps. from these places camp out in the waiting room during all the prenatal clinics and pester the patients about keeping their pregnancies (which they are obviously doing already if they are there), and coming to parenting classes, etc. These resources might be good for some people, but it is really insulting that they assume that if you are below a certain income level that you are putting your baby "at risk," as they say.
If representatives of any other third party went ino most doctor's offices pestering rich people about their personal medical issues, I don't think it would fly.
When I first went to the clinic, I was jumped on by 5 or 6 different women asking me all about how far along I was and if I was married, and all this other stuff that wasn't their business, and they were wearing scrubs so they looked like they were nurses, but they weren't. And why was it that when I got there they already new my name? And how did they get my address to send me their brochures?
If the docs had wanted to make this info available to us, they could have just left the flyers in the waiting room, but instead they let these women in and made them privy to all our private information and these complete strangers asked us all about our income, if we'd ever had a miscarriage, etc. I'm pretty sure if we were rich, they would have stopped this a long time ago, but who pays attention to poor women and single moms? No one I guess, but someone should.
5/16/2005 01:10:21 AM
Anonymous said...
I have worked at both DMH and St.Marys. I know for a fact that patients receive excellent care at BOTH hospitals. There will always be patients and families who have a preference for one hospital over the other. Thats normal and can be found in any community with more than one hospital to choose from. Also, mistakes and misdiagnosis can and will occur anywhere including Duke, Mayo, etc.
What I am really concerned about is that an excellent blog addressing the possible misconduct of DMH's administration and some MDs has turned into a petty gripe session that distracts from the orginal issue put forth by Mr. Jackson. It would be nice if comments remained centered around Stone/Smithmier/fraud/etc.
5/16/2005 06:52:19 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
I think it's safe to say employees at both hospitals do what they do, for the most part, very well.
As for what's going on, I think it's pretty clear that nobody knows, lots of people are worried, and lots of people are not happy.
My personal opinion:
1. The county's #2 employer, at the very least will have to start paying their fair share of taxes (I think they're going to loose their non-profit status)
2. I'm sorry to say, I think some "innocent bystander" docs are going to be drug through the mud over this....Probably due to contractual agreements they were cornered into without sufficient legal advice...MD's are notorious for being great healers, but awful businesspersons. - And that's too bad. My only suggestion to them is to cooperate with the authorities, be honest, and hang in there.
5/16/2005 08:48:38 AM
Anonymous said...
I want to respond to the writer on 5/11 who's husband works for SMH. #1 tell him to show some professionalism. Talking to you is in violation of HIPPA.
Second, I usually spent 2-4 hours in the office waiting for my prenatal appointments. And I had insurance.So the fact you were a public aid patient is a non-issue. You could have paid out of your own pocket on a payment plan, as I had to do with my co-pay. So maybe you should quit pointing fingers and be glad you were not left with a $2500.00 total bill to come out of my family budget as I was because there were complications with me and my baby.
As other people have said, if there was any wrong-doing on anyone's part, it will eventually be exposed.
5/16/2005 09:21:25 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey, this is fun to read. Just like reading Newsweek or watching Dan Rather. You can write up whatevery you want, true or not, with no investigation and put a noose around anyone's neck. Let's at least hang someone who deserves it. I'll bet Jesse Jackson is in this up to his ears.
5/16/2005 10:42:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Another exDMH employee here. I was pretty sheltered in surgery. The only real problems I saw at that time were blatent sexual harrassment problems with some docs and surgeons with filthy mouths, as well as little temper tantrum throwing surgeons. I have found that some of my times I recorded on the surgery record were changed or improper documentation occured that made a situation look like it had occured in one fashion, when in fact it had not. Nevertheless, this isn't the issue. DMH has been practicing improper business methods for years. I would like to know why our insurance only covers health services at DMH? Hey, any SMH folks reading this, why can't you get a contract with CIGNA HMO? I would much rather have my health care administered by SMH than DMH & its covert subsidiaries.
5/16/2005 11:55:18 AM
Anonymous said...
FYI--this is the woman who was a medical card recipient durig my pregnancy, respnding to the woman who seemed to have a personal gripe with me for getting "free" healthcare, as you assumed. Not all "public aid" resipients, myself included, get free healthcare. It does go on a sliding scale, and I did not get free healthcare. What I got was a policy called "Kidcare Healthy Families IL" which allowed me to buy a healthcare plan at a reduced cost since my husband and I were putting ourselves through college and our then-employers did not offer us health insurance. We paid premiums and deductibles and co-pays just like someone with an employee-sponsored health plan, except we could only go to providers who accepted public aid.
PS--My husband never shared with me any patient' names, ever. He only told me about his day at work and what he was learning is his job, as I am sure your spouse does with you.
5/16/2005 12:51:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Smithmeir:a few years made the remark that county government did not belong at the grown up table for economic development in the city or county.
Looks like Smithmeir is real grown ups table.
5/16/2005 02:26:12 PM
Anonymous said...
About 6 months ago, my uncle checked into St. Mary's ER in severe pain. After about 4 hours, they diagnosed him with jock itch and terminal halitosis and sent him home with a can of Cruex and a bottle of Listerine. While he didn't itch anymore and he smelled better, his discomfort continued for several more days and this time he went to DMH. While he was there, they went into much deeper testing and found that he had 3 tumors on his brain and very high blood pressure. Thank Heaven he made the trip to DMH. Had he not, he might have died, or at the very least, exploded.
5/16/2005 04:36:49 PM
Anonymous said...
SMH actually had worked out arrangements with most local insurances to accept what they would reimburse for services performed at DMH. All area doctors recieved a letter to this effect "Your patients have a choice" but perhaps they "chose" not to inform their patients. All readers would be well advised to call their carriers and check with them. The arrangements did have to be arranged in advance, but the availability is there. Some carriers were still excluded, but I'm not sure which ones. The docs certainly would not know who had the agreements and who didn't. Apparently some take away their patients right to make a choice and a truly informed decision.
5/16/2005 05:55:40 PM
Anonymous said...
There have been several comments made that SMH blew the whistle on DMH. How can this be true if SMH is so inept at running a business? How could this organization possibly get their act together enough to try to bring down the "evil empire"? Why would an organization who's core values of Care, Joy, Respect and Competence even want to bother to bring down their competition? It is not a part of their mission, it is not why this marvelous organization of HSHS exists. Simply put it exists to serve and to care for people. That's something that it seems DMH has forgotten. It's the people, not the bottom-line. It's the people, not building an empire. It's the people, not big houses and big paychecks for the CEO. Do you get it now?
5/16/2005 07:12:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I want to know about how the doctors were paid under the table to order test's at DMH?
5/16/2005 08:53:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Possibilities for "under the table payments" include, but are not limited to: 1. cars, houses, stock options, property, vacations, etc as incentives to sign on and participate. 2. office rent that is below market value. 3. bonuses for # of patients referred or tests requested. 4. paid liability insurance without being on the payroll and without a contractual arrangement 5. bonuses for low referrals of private pay patients to SMH (medicaid patients excluded for obvious reasons). 6. end of year bonuses as DMH made a sh$% load of profit and it needs to go somewhere.
5/16/2005 11:16:20 PM
Doc said...
I know this is a long one but bear with me. Now folks I have been following the comments made in this site. There seem to be a lot of misconception or speculation as to what the *&$# is going on and who the &*$% is blowing the whistle. In my personal opinion, a charge for a violation has already been determined (I think that the person/s involved already know/s the charge or charges as the case maybe). The reason why I think so is this, DOJ will not and do not pursue any form of investigation without reasonable cause. Agree? Because DOJ has knock on DMH doorstep, it is, therefore, safe to conclude that there is/are reasonable cause/s for the investigation. Anybody disagree?
On the other hand, for us to conclude that DMH administration and its cohorts committed violation or violations, as interpreted by the law, is quite irresponsible (I know some of you think this is entertaining and I agree). Seriously folks, I think it is irresponsible for anybody to speculate, much more make people believe false information. I have heard statements made in the past that are increminating, but, verbal statements does not hold water. There may be written statements that are increminating. Now, is this why supoenas where serve? I don't know (finding this out is not in my job description). I casually spoke to one of the employees today who stated that they have had meetings and was told that SMH hospital is behind all these. You wanna bet? Come on guys. These are the Sisters of the Order of St. Francis you're blaming. Are you kidding me? You know you could get struck by lightning for falsely accusing the sisters. You sound like my little kids. Or maybe not.....my kids are better mannered than this.
I have outlined a brief synopsis of the Stark Law in earlier comments of mine. Of course to answer some questions in this blog site, if, and that is a big if, there is a violation of the Stark Law then Medicare and Medicaid fraud can be construed. We'll see.
Now, several of you discussed the issue of not-for-profit status. What does that really mean?
The term "not-for-profit organizations" (NFPO) is used as a broad-based term that encompasses all organizations that are known variously as charities, nonprofits, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private voluntary organizations (PVOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), etc. "Not-for-profit" is used in preference to "nonprofit" in order to emphasize that a defining criterion is the intention of the organization not to make profits for private gain. It is possible that such an organization will in fact make a profit from time to time, but that is not the principal purpose for which it is organized and operated. Nor is its purpose to distribute any portion of any profit for private gain. The major distinguishing characteristic between not-for-profit and for-profit organizations is that the former are governed by the principle of non-distribution.
So is the hospital in violation of these too? I don't know. Some of you readers may know the answer to this question. Then again, if the hospital is violation of this, let the investigators decide. From what I understand this is very hard to prove or determine unless blatant violation of the regulation are done. Some of our corporate lawyer friends maybe able to explain this much better than I do. I'm just a family doc (what do I know).
Next, comments have been made in this site about the building of a house on foundation land (donated land). I know that there are IRS regulations to be followed in selling a foundation land, such that for it to be sold a public notice has to be done and public be given a chance to bid on the property (to those knowlegeable about the regs on this please do not hessitate to correct me). It is also my understanding that the board members has to approve the sale thereof. Has IRS regs or foundation board protocol been followed? I don't know, do you? Someone may be able to enlighten us on this. On the other hand don't blame the guy for building a big house. If he can afford it, so let him. Oh, who said that doctors are rich. I know, yes, some docs are rich. But, we can also argue that these docs work hard for there money, right?
What I had seen and heard over the last 10 years is that the pawns are given the instrument of hate to fuel the fire of animosity toward an institution, their employees, and other physicians. I know many of you will agree with me on this. I hate to say this guys but this sounds like Bin Laden process to me, don't you think? Please excuse me, I am not trying to make person to person comparison, but rather a comparison of processes. On the other hand, I felt deep sorrow to the pawns who followed blindly and continue to follow blindly despite the obvious.
In the end the truth will be known (no cover-ups I hope, and hopefully H&R will try to show their unbiased report, when you ask? I don't know. Do you?). The violators (I think there will be violators, does anyone know?), as I've said before, will have to dance to DOJ's tunes, the whistle blower will be known (this may blow a lot of people's mind), and the righteous will move on. For those who said that there are people who wants DMH to go Belly up, I can honestly tell you, not gonna happen, there will always be 2 hospitals in Decatur. The medical community in this town wants both hospitals to thrive. Imagine this, one hospital, one gas station, one restaurant, one hardware store, one bank, etc., etc., and oh, one wal mart, scary isn't it.
Oh, and one more thing, if you want to make accusations or comments, show your face (I mean ID yourself). It helps the readers determine the credibility (or the lack of) on your comment/s. The very least, you could make some blogger friends.......or may be not. Again, thank you for your patience.
Marlon T. Muneses, M.D., FAAFP
Pres. Macon County Medical Society
5/17/2005 01:53:22 AM
Anonymous said...
the old saying still stands if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. if you can run the hospital any better, go to the human resorse building and put in an aplication.then come back to this site and read what people say about you.
5/17/2005 07:54:07 AM
Anonymous said...
Well Said.
5/17/2005 08:46:21 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
"human resorse"? You mean “Human Resources” , I think…lol-orin light of the subject…"Human Re-sores" Maybe?
5/17/2005 09:53:41 AM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, just try that. See how far you get. There are a lot of other highly qualified, ethical and moral people who could do that job just as well. This community need cooperation between the hospitals, not competition. The community would be better served by that sort of relationship. This whole DMH-center of the health universe mentality became apparent way back when the two hospitals agreed to share the MRI technology in the building on Eldorado. Anybody remember that? Then DMH went back on their 'word' and purchased their own MRI to be 'located on the campus of DMH'. I am not sure what the legal agreement was, if any, but you didn't see SMH trying to sue DMH over it (at least it wasn't in the media). Fast forward a few years to the heart stent saga.......actions always have spoke louder than words.
5/17/2005 10:04:40 AM
Suzi Morrow said...
5/17/2005 10:08:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Why haven't anyone figured this out! This whole thing is about the finger found in Wendy's chili! I went to the ER because of a kidney stone and the ER dr made a small mistake, cutting the tip of my finger off. I don't know how the finger tip got into the chili...but I have learned that the doctor works part time at Steak and Shake....
5/17/2005 10:11:23 AM
Anonymous said...
You sound really angry! Are you sleeping with someone in administration at DMH?
5/17/2005 11:20:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Angry? I thought she sounded quite reasonable. Of course, that's not allowed on here.
5/17/2005 12:01:25 PM
Anonymous said...
"We always check our facts."
The preceding has been a production of NEWSWEEK magazine and CBS News, Dan Rather, Executive Producer.
5/17/2005 12:12:03 PM
doc said...
Guys, its not very nice to say that about Ms. Morrow. I do want to clarify one thing that she said. Regarding the Neurosurgeons, its a collaborative effort between the 2 hospitals. In other words SMH is paying quite a large sum to keep them here in Decatur. You did not know that did you?
Blaming any person or any institution without merit, DMH, or SMH, is totally irresponsible and unbecoming of people, specially those who of stature in this community. This only create bad feelings, animosity between people that do not even know each other. If this is the objective, then, I say the plan was successful. As I have said in the past the truth will come soon. We all will know who blew the whistle(I tell you for those who believe it is SMH, the truth may just blow your mind).
Marlon T. Muneses, M.D., FAAFP
5/17/2005 01:51:00 PM
doc said...
People of high stature in our community.
Marlon T. Muneses, M.D., FAAFP
5/17/2005 01:54:49 PM
Anonymous said...
For someone who hates blogs , Susi sure took alot of time to post ...This whole thing is really getting silly now. One of these days we will find out the truth, but I will continue to read these posts,some are really interesting
5/17/2005 02:37:08 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Suzi, first, thanks for reading the 40+ pages of blog (short for "web log", by the way - or BTW)
My ears are still ringing from your shouting (all caps is an obnoxious way to post - it's the online version of yelling).
I agree with you, it'd be great if people would sign their names to their posts, but it's an open medium.
Most importantly, Suzi, keep in mind the original post - What's going on at DMH? That's all we're talking about. If you don't want to read people's speculation, this is not the place for you.
It's not like a tabloid at all - it's a conversation...
5/17/2005 03:13:42 PM
Anonymous said...
i go back to my saying about the glass house. i mispelled a word or two, and was told about it. now we are not picking on the hospital we are picking on each other. we as AMERICANS don't need a war to kill the americans off. we do a good job of killing ourselfs.if you don't like the hospital don't go to it. they probably don't want you there anyway. you should try using smaller rocks to throw, and take out insurance on your glass house that you live in. just look what happened the other day when someone said something that they did not mean or it came across the wrong way. HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE KILLED ? someone did not have the facts right and opened thier big mouth at the wrong time.
5/17/2005 04:08:33 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
You're right, and we're drifting off the topic here. FWIW - the grammer correction was meant in good fun - not a slam. Let's not get away from DMH on this thread - I *think* someone's doing a post on the Newsweek story at blogDecatur (right?). I have definate thoughts about that - bit this is not the thread to share them in...
5/17/2005 04:57:28 PM
Anonymous said...
I think it is wonderful that the neurosurgeons stayed with the help of the hospital, but let's not forget...it is in their best interest. There is a lot of $$$ to be made by the hospital from neurosurgery!
5/17/2005 07:17:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I heard the Prairie Group blew the wistle......sorry just a rumor.
5/17/2005 07:57:28 PM
Anonymous said...
I heard it was a parent from one the the Michael Jackson kids that spent the night 2 years ago.....
5/17/2005 08:03:06 PM
Anonymous said...
In referance to "If Stone knows that you are a St.Mary's employee you won't be moonlighting at DMH.
5/10/2005 08:58:59 PM"
This is a lie. I work at St. Mary's and have been approached by switching over to DHM. I was told by me taking the job, that it would hurt and criple the department that I was in at St. Mary's. I didn't take the job, cause I didn't like the sound's of that comment.
Long live the Sisters... ALL 13 Hospitals.
5/17/2005 08:11:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Let me tell you about the Prairie Group....Dr. P. sent my husband to Springfield after a major heart attack. After he got there, we were told that a second heart attack was immanent. He had a double bypass at MMC....all which could have been done at DMH....but the Prairie docs were more interested in the income that would be generated among their own Prairie Cardiovascular Group then my husband's own life!!! He was minutes away from DMH and Dr. Meng who could have done the SAME EXACT SURGERY....but Dr. P chose to ship him in AN AMBULANCE FOR 45 MINUTES in order to make a buck....and then told the family that A SECOND HEART ATTACK WAS IMMENANT!!! Does that make sense to you all???? All the while....Prarie Group rents space from DMH on their campus? Tell me now who is out for the almight dollar????
5/17/2005 08:17:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Prarie is from St. John's not Sprinfield Memorial......
5/17/2005 08:30:24 PM
Machavelli said...
I saw Ken Smithmier today. He appeared to be free, white and over twenty one years old. Even in 19th century America that entitled him to buy any house of his choosing, even without asking for for the communities' authorization. Now if I had found out that he also received a mule from the government- I'd have been upset!
5/17/2005 08:32:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Praire Group and their physicians have hospital privileges at BOTH Springfield hospitals. My husband ended up at MMC because that is where Prairie got the best reimbursement for my husband's surgery. My husband's employer's preferred provider was MMC over St. John's. Learn your facts.
5/17/2005 08:40:18 PM
Anonymous said...
FYI as a patient you can refuse to be transfered to a hospital that far away if it can be done at a facility closer. You have the right to a 2nd opinion. I find it very hard to believe if anyone was in that grave danger any PCC MD would transfer to Springfield if the patient and or family made a request to stay in Decatur. I know this because besides being at RN the same event happened to my grandfather and he was kept here. Most patients and family are not aware that you do have a choice. There are no surgeons in this town that I am aware of that do not have atleast courtesy privledges at SMH (which means they can do I think 45 cases a yr) So please if you want to go to another hospital check out yourself through the business office and see if they do have privledges. There are docs saying they don't and they really do. Why???? Well some say kick backs. I am not going to say that because I don't know and you know the old saying about when a person assumes. Please realize that patients do have rights and docs don't always tell people they have a choice. Part of the problem with health care today is the lack of patient education in areas like this.
5/17/2005 09:39:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Courtesy Privleges? Are you stoned? There is no such thing. You are either on staff or you are not on staff. It's sort of like being pregnant. A reach around is a courtesy, staff privleges are not.
5/17/2005 09:57:31 PM
Anonymous said...
All hospitals have "levels" of medical staff membership. The typical possibilities include: Active, Consulting, Courtesy, and Honorary. These may be define differently by each hospital's by laws, but they all exist by one name or another at all. It's not simple a matter of being pregnant or not. Courtesy staff members are generally not required to serve on hospital committees, but can still see patients and have limited admitting privileges.
5/17/2005 10:24:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Let me be a little more succinct. You are wrong and uninformed. The level of function may vary but there are no "courtesies" here. You either have privileges or you do not.
5/17/2005 10:33:31 PM
LincolnRepublican said...
I got reader's cramp.
Matt: I have posted a story on the Newsweek issue at DecaturConservative (readers, see link on Jacksonfile homepage) Just an FYI.
Obligatory thread statement: With regard to this whole thing, it sounds like we are all in a big waiting game. Unless someone within the "investigation zone" comes forward to confess, I think we are all in for a long, long wait until our DOJ friends announce something.
In the mean time, have a fun time reading all the postings!
5/17/2005 10:42:46 PM
Anonymous said...
I think this blog has gotten realy far away from its original purpose, and now everyone is swapping stories of "St. Mary's did this to me," or "I had a really bad nurse at DMH..." That's really not the point. Every employee has up days and down days, and each hospital has good employees and bad employees, just like every restaurant, school, grocery store or just about any place of business, and one bad experience will make somebody swear off that place forever.
I've had good and bad experiences at both hospitals. In my experience, the emergency room at DMH was much nicer than at St. Mary's, but I liked the surgery department at St. Mary's much better. But none of this is the point. The question is about DMH administrative practices involving billing, business policies, and recruiting and dealing with doctors. So really whether or not ANY of us had good or bad experiences at either hospital is not applicable, unless it has something to do with one of the afforementioned categories.
Also, I think it is really childish for anybody to imply that the St. Mary's nuns "blew the whistle" on DMH. How would they even know about DMH's private goings-on? And you all say that with such contempt; after all, if DMH isn't doing anything wrong, then there is no whistle to be blown and no one has anything to worry about. Besides, I thought it had already been established that this started through an IRS investigation due to possible tax-evasion? It is possible that I am wrong about it bing IRS exactly, but I had heard it was the government. It could have been due to susptision over Medicare pay-outs, I'm not positive. But either way, how would SMH have known about that? That just doesn't make sense.
Also, it is true that the neurosurgeons in town work at both hospitals. SMH pays them quite a bit, too, so don't go thanking DMH alone for them.
5/18/2005 01:07:52 AM
Anonymous said...
As a current DMH employee, I had just a few comments to add...
First and foremost, every time I walk into the hospital, I am there to help my patients recover from whatever illness they are suffering from, as are almost all of my coworkers. (There are bound to be a few bad apples anywhere you go...)
In response the the post on 5/10 @ 0131 regarding the bathing of patients only by family members... That is a completely untrue statement. I have personally witnessed my coworkers bathing patients up to 3 and 4 times a night due to a multitude of reasons if necessary. I am not in the nursing field, so I am not personally involved in giving the bath, however, believe you me, it is done. Also, every patient who is incapable of bathing themselves is offered a bath at a minimum of daily.
Whatever is going on in the ranks at the hospital, as far as I am concerned, if it is illegal practices, I as a "worker bee", am unaware of any of it. Also, if the "queen bees" are involved in illegal practices then I hope they are caught and it is stopped.
Providing the very best patient care is the priority of the establishment, and I feel that the majority of our patients receive it; regardless of race, religion, or financial and social standing.
5/18/2005 09:01:00 AM
Anonymous said...
A bit ago, anonymous said: "Let me be a little more succinct. You are wrong and uninformed. The level of function may vary but there are no "courtesies" here. You either have privileges or you do not.
Perhaps DMH is unique in more ways thanone. EVERY hospital where I have medical staff priviledges have a category for "courtesy staff". In FACT, a call to the medical staff office(876-2103) confirms that there are 4 categories of medical staff at DMH: Active, Consulting, Courtesy, and Senior Medical Staff. Now uninformed anonymous, YOU are informed. Feel free to verify.
5/18/2005 09:35:14 AM
Anonymous said...
It would be nice if everyone would just stick to the issue.
It's my understanding from the original post; we're discussing whether DMH is being investigated for:
1. Medicare Fraud
2. IRS Issues, Non Profit status
If so, this is a leadership issue and has nothing to do with the staff of either hospitals service or their dedication to provide good health care.
Knock off the BASHING of the Hospitals. Give me some facts regarding to the original issues, PLEASE:)
-I Care-
5/18/2005 11:41:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Anyone who takes the time to call the US Attorney's office will find that there is nothing being investigated which involves any questions of patient care. That's what makes much of the garbage written on here look like it came from NEWSWEEK or Dan Rather.
5/18/2005 12:39:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Now, now...
If it came from Newsweek, people would be dying by now...
5/18/2005 01:34:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Point taken. Thank You.
5/18/2005 02:59:14 PM
Anonymous said...
It's interesting to read some of these. There seems to be a lot of compairing apple hospitals to orange hospitals here....This is another interesting fact. Did you know that the Sister Hospitals, which, are 13 total throughout Illinois and Wisconsin, do drill in the head's of every employee the 4 core values. If those values are not met, it severly impacts each employees evaluations yearly. The employees take it sersiously. Another interesting fact is, the sisters are a non-profit organazation which don't make a lot of money, this is part of the mission. They have in reserves enough money that each employee is paid from the money in interest sitting in a bank somewhere, they don't need to worry about making money... what I'm getting with that point is, someone early made a comment that St. John own's St. Mary's.... NOT TRUE, their sister hospitals. Also a comment was made that DMH was in the process of shutting down St. Mary's. That my friends would be an impossible task to perform.
I myself, have been to both hospitals and seen excellent care on both ends. I'm a little more partial to St. Mary's since I've received more compassion from the staff, and they seem to have their act together.
Sorry for my opion, but I thought I would get involved an speak my mind.
5/18/2005 04:21:22 PM
Anonymous said...
My wife is a current DMH RN, many friends of ours are current DMH employees. My wife is a former SMH RN. She has seen no example of patients being taken advantage of, but quite the oposite. Her floor prides itselft on providing the best care they can. Family members (though with the best of intentions) seem to hinder that by making ridiculous demands and wastings the staff's time.
5/18/2005 04:51:38 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
Nothing against DMH docs and floor staff either here, I have recieved exemelary care and service from the staff at both hospitals. People lashing out at the docs and floor staff at either hospital need to take it elsewhere. The reason this thread was started was this, is there an investigation, if there is why? We have allowed it to devolve into blah didn't get the care I think Blah deserved. Instead let's focus on topic. Oh and thanks for the brilliant posts Doc, they are appreciated.
5/18/2005 05:16:31 PM
Anonymous said...
5/18/2005 05:37:37 PM
Anonymous said...
I am neither for or against either of the Decatur Hospitals. However, I disagree with those who state this has nothing to do with patient care. If DMH is precluding its "bought docs" to appropraitely send patients out of the system for a level of care that cannot be provided in the system....then, PATIENT CARE HAS BEEN JEOPARDIZED!
5/18/2005 10:45:49 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
Could patient care theoretically be an outcome of the allegations, yes, is it one of the allegations the DOJ would be looking at, almost assuredly not, then does it belong in the topic of this post? NO
5/18/2005 11:13:05 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with Decatur Democrat. The point of all of this is being missed. I agree that both hospitals give excellent care, and neither should be struck down on a blog site. While I have found some of this rather amusing, I still think the point is being missed by most.This isn't about care given at one place or the other. This about patients having the right to choose where they receive their care, and physicians and head honchos at DMH not allowing patients to have those rights. If something illegal is found at DMH, those responsible should pay but the hospital as a whole should not suffer as a result. I applaud physicians and nurses for what they do. I think sometimes we take for granted how dedicated most are to their profession and the long hours put in every day. Let the ones responsible for wrong doing pay, and allow the innocent to continue doing the outstanding work they do each and every day.
5/18/2005 11:33:46 PM
Anonymous said...
if the DOJ has not made patient care an allegation, then they should...
I agree that in general the nurses and physicians in both systems are dedicated to doing the right thing
however, if DMH either has "team players" as physicians or threatens the career/livlihood of an employed physician and he succombs to this....and patient's suffer because of this, then it should be a subject....YOU CAN'T PLACE A PRICE ON A LIFE!
If you ever saw the movie THE FIRM with Tom Cruise...translate that to DMH and its employed physicians!
5/19/2005 10:10:03 AM
Anonymous said...
HELLO........what happened to patient care here????????????? I trained and worked at DMH for a few years. At that time it was THE best patient care. Stop the gossip, doctors stop the greedy money mongers you are and you know who you are, DMH stop the GREED, with no patients you have NO buisisness. most of you are quacks now. what happened to your oath to the patient?????????????? PLEASE prove me wrong, otherwise my family memebers will go where there is good care!!!!!!!!!!!
5/19/2005 02:10:55 PM
Anonymous said...
I recently saw Ken Smithmier praying before he ate at a local restaurant. What a hypocrite...to act so saintly in public and screw everyone in our community in private. Makes me sick to my stomach. Of course he does attend the "Church of the Super Rich and Holy" (otherwise known as First Christian). By the way, he has made some of his fellow worshippers very, very wealthy. (compare the list of doctors previously posted to the list of members of this church - a ha! Not to mention contractors, builders, etc.) Maybe the FBI needs to check out First Christian as well...might be interesting what they find out. As for Dick Ammann, I think he was an upright guy who couldn't take the pressure of what he was being forced to do...maybe Smithmier and Stone need to be brought up on manslaughter charges as well. Makes me sad to live in Decatur.
5/19/2005 03:52:45 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with the last coment about Dick Ammann....he was a good guy
Furthermore, I agree that S&S were directly and/or indirectly involved in his passing...However, this was only the tip of the iceberg...
hopefully the subpoenas will garner cooperation and information that will change the guard and all the docs involved without hurting the truly good people at DMH
5/19/2005 07:45:48 PM
Anonymous said...
ok you bunch of cry babies all you want to do is cry. i work for dmh and we don't want your bussness, all you do is cry, and complain when you get work done. so here's what i think, we will close down both hospitals in decatur. that way no one will be doing what you call dirty dealing.now with the price os fuel going up each day,drive your sorry little sick body to another town that has only one hospital to go toand don't complain about fuel cost.the town of decatur has what a lot of towns don't have. two very nice hospitals, with good help in both of them. but you don't want that, so drive your sorry little sick butt somewhere else. you are just big cry babies
5/19/2005 09:38:30 PM
Anonymous said...
this last guy should not be allowed to use the Manager's Computer while getting drunk at the Elbow room....but I'm sure the drinks are on Smithmier and Stone!
5/19/2005 09:57:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Once again, anyone who takes the time to call the US Attorney's office will find that there is nothing being investigated which involves any questions of patient care. That's what makes much of the garbage written on here look like it came from NEWSWEEK or Dan Rather. What a nasty, hate filled group of individuals write here.
5/19/2005 10:17:26 PM
Anonymous said...
I am sure that when this investagation is over it will be proven that Stone and Smitheir were standing on the "grassy knoll" when JFK was shot. ( Are you people aware of what your saying? Because thats what some of you are sounding like.)
5/19/2005 10:22:47 PM
Anonymous said...
they may not be on the"grassy knoll"...but clearly they are guilty of wrongdoing...not by hearsay, but by directly witnessing their behavior...
on top of that they are arrogant...Stone at one time bragging, "you don't know who you are dealing with, I am the most powerful guy in town even more than Andreas!"
5/19/2005 10:45:21 PM
Anonymous said...
After reading these postings, I am amazed at the lack of facts, the blatant attempts at misinformation, and bold extrapolations being made by many. My business experience has allowed me to see the inner workings of not one, but ten different hospitals in Central Illinois.I worked in Danville and saw the hospitals consolidate there. I have worked with numerous physicians, both in private practice and in some form of academic or hospital-owned network. One reality I can state emphatically is that DMH has worked very hard in providing a quality healthcare system. It is a system that is based on positive values using only the best physicians. I personally have witnessed DMH administration telling physicians words they do not want to hear: "NO -- WE CAN'T DO THAT BECAUSE IT ISN'T LEGAL." I have observed the changes in the staff as a result of the millions spent on the Pacific Institute. The result is a staff of physicians who strive to keep patients in Decatur and highly motivated staff who want to provide the best care in Central Illinois.
The many postings concerning the surpluses in the financial statments at DMH are also indicative of the uninformed. If St. Mary's is really doing such a great job, then why is HSCS mandating that St. Mary's employ a new consultant bent on restructuring their operations toward a new and better St Mary's? (This factual tibit was in a letter circulated by Eric Tomlin at St. Mary's to all medical staff and St. Mary's personnel.) Does anyone recognize that the one posting about the cardiac patient transferred to a Springfield hospital spoke about the ability to be able to stay right in Decatur and receive the same care? DMH brought this Heart & Lung Center to town, resulting in a tremendous drop in admissions from both St. John's and Springfield Memorial Medical Center. Could it be that the foresight to design this service created some of the surpluses? The ability to recognize a market need and capitalize on it is something that such noteworthy individuals like Bill Gates, Sam Walton and Jack Walch have long been praised and hated over. Both hospitals are "not for profit". Both hospitals are centered on the patients they treat. To build a better healthcare system requires a constant and healthy bottom line for reinvestment in programs, equipment and staff. When the bottom doesn't look so good, you get what St. Mary's got -- someone coming in to look over your shoulder and tell you to do things differently.
I commend Dr. Muneses for his insightful comments on the many nuances of the Stark regulations. This is a law which is almost impossible to comply with, and without even willfully trying to, run afoul with. Paul Harvey once attempted to demonstrate the many healthcare regulations in a grocery store situation. The result is a store that would frighten many of you with the many requirements it would be mandated to observe. This store would have to track the number of cans of peas sold to people living east of the Mississippi or what people who didn't have the correct change at the checkout or even what time of day the individual came in to shop (especially if they weren't supposed to be there at that time). Imagine a supermarket telling you that you couldn't by a pound of ground beef because you can only have pork. Yet, hospitals and doctors are forced to do so every day because some governmental body has dictated such a ridiculous comparison using a diagnosis and procedure code. These healthcare laws are complex, and without a doubt, any institution would be found in violation of the law if the government chose to look hard enough. I wonder if ADM or Caterpillar could exist under such intense scrutiny. It would be easier for them to pack up and go south to Mexico. DMH, under Smithmeir's leadership, is committed to providing the best healthcare right here in Decatur's back yard.
Finally, I can state emphatically that these DOJ investigations do NOT create any winners or losers. They only create rich lawyers and unexpected results. In the past 5 years, healthcare institutions have spent millions and millions of dollars in legal services in DOJ investigations that resulted in ZERO indictments and ZERO convictions. In one periodical I recently read, a figure of $5 million dollars was spent by world renown clinic in Arizona in a recent DOJ investigation. This investigation lasted 5 years without a conviction or indictment or any finding of wrong doing. This clinic didn't receive an apology, nor any positive press during or after the investigation. Yet, its home community expected this clinic to continue on as if nothing ever happened. Cost of doing business? I don't know -- but this would have been considered "vindictive" or "unfair" in some business circles.
For Decatur's sake, I hope that the truth really does come out and Decatur residents accept the findings. I fear, however, that many will not.
5/19/2005 10:52:38 PM
Anonymous said...
The last comment was pretty good. Quite a Smithmier fan which is fine. I agree that DMH has done a great job bringing new services to Decatu. But Eric Tomlin left for Arizona almost a year ago.
5/20/2005 08:14:23 AM
Anonymous said...
To: "After reading these postings....."
Of course the following paragraphs constitute my personal opinions and beliefs, as I’m sure yours is too… I just disagree with yours.
You're amazed at the lack of facts, etc????? Don't be naive, the facts aren't necessarily here, you haven't done your homework.
Regarding Quality healthcare... Both organizations provide the best they can; it comes from the hearts of the staff.
Oh!!! If someone tells you not to do something, which is blatantly ILLEGAL, that someone must never do anything ILLEGAL, must be a good guy, always innocent. You can believe that if you want……
Regarding, restructuring and you're reference to Eric Tomlins letter. Gee.... DMH isn't being restructured now or never has been?? You mentioned your business experience, and some excellent business leaders. Do you have any idea how many times Bill Gates restructured MS??? I guess not. It's on going. St. Mary's is looking for a better way to provide healthcare to its community at a reasonable cost. I can't say the same for DMH. Of course this is JUST my opinion....
Regarding your comments of "They only create rich lawyers and unexpected results", you've must have had some bad lawyers representing you. Little angry????
I’ve witnessed Medicare Fraud at work at several healthcare facilities (I won’t reveal where, you can do your own research; it’s all there if you look for it). For those employees who did not cooperate with upper management, I’ve witnessed employees being threatened, discharged, careers ruined, and including the potential setup of employee being sent to jail for something they didn’t do. The list can go on. Normally the managers and staff are not aware that Medicare Fraud goes on, the upper level management are clever to slip in illegal policy. They build a loyal group of supporters, not only in their organization, but also in their community, they deceit them with misconceptions they justify their cause. It amazes me, the loyal followers, how blind they become. As the followers would probably say; “I know I’m not wrong about these guys, I couldn’t be.” I wouldn’t be surprised, in every DOJ conviction (related to healthcare), the followers continue to support those convicted and disbelieve the truth. I have to tell you, the indicators are certainly here.
I’ve seen CEO’s, Administrators heavily fined and or gone to jail, their careers ruined, never to live the lifestyles (their kingdom) they have created. We’ve seen a lot of this lately, not just in healthcare business. This is SERIOUS business folks, and dangerous to those who get in the way, there’s lots in stake for those guilty. Stay ANNYMOUS if you feel necessary!!!
As I’ve said before, this is not related to healthcare services that are provided by both hospitals, this is about how DMH does business. Does this effect our healthcare service? Most likely not, but it does effects the way we CHOOSE our healthcare service and the costs that are involved. Not only the cost to you as a patient, but to the insurance companies and our government.
The DOJ has a long way to go with their investigation. There are items being investigated that you and I will never see here, or on the news, and it SHOULD be that way. When it’s all done, for your bedtime reading, you’ll have plenty to read.
-I Care-
5/20/2005 09:12:04 AM
Anonymous said...
I wonder if the newspaper in Arizona received so much of its operating budget from the hospital in question? Did they report that there was an investigation or suddenly hide behide a veil of we can't report hearsay? What does convicted in the press imply? We should still insist that the H&R cover the news. It would be nice to see "There have been numerous reports that the DOJ is in town investigating DMH for yet unannounced violations. Our investigative team has not been able to substantiate these reports. No physician contacted has admitted to receiving a subpoena. We thought we should report the news and make a statement so as not to look like we are covering up and protecting our own financial interests." Something tells me that we will not see any statements from H&R. Incidentally, I hear from a co-worker that CNN made a brief report. Anyone else see or hear about that?
5/20/2005 10:03:54 AM
Anonymous said...
And, ladies and gentlemen, the very latest: The DMH CEO calls department heads to a meeting within the last week. He informed them that the DOJ investigation was CLEARLY initiated by St. Mary's Hospital!!! This is TOTALLY INCORRECT but many MDs and employees are being brainwashed that the "whistleblower" was St. Mary's. The whistleblower is known to have been a former DMH employee, possibly an MD, but possibly not. If revealed in the end, the identity of this person will be quite surprising. Does DMH administration in fact NOT know the basis of the investigation?? The CEO is grasping at straws now. It is only a matter of time before DMH administration is...gone with the wind.
5/20/2005 10:21:41 AM
Anonymous said...
As I will keep saying, desperate people will do desperate things. It will get interesting.
I too am familiar with the DMH CEO Spin. Majority of the DMH staff are not aware of the REAL reason why the DOJ is there. Would you believe, a lot of them are not even aware they are there.
Here is a bit of info to ponder about, and may be someone will come forward with the answer... Mr. Smithmeir wasn't always ANTI SMH, when did this change and why? And who was the influencer, that changed his posture toward SMH? The answer to your question is "YES" it is relevant to the investigation.
-I Care-
5/20/2005 11:11:04 AM
Anonymous said...
I would interested in some supporting evidence that Mr. Smithmier wasn't always "anti-SMH" That is an astonishing statment. He has been so open and transparent in his intentions to be the only hospital in Decatur and told the entire medical community at a General Staff meeting that his strategic plan was to "Crush St. Mary's." This was several years ago and he had already had a long history of public comments about being the only hospital in Decatur.
Here is one example of very aggressive, although I am pretty sure, not illegal business practices. DMH recruits staff, often from St. Mary's - often with nice sign on bonuses- something to bring them to DMH and then makes the new employee sign a do-no-compete contract. This is a tactic used by medical groups or legal groups to prevent someone they have recruited into the community from subsequently leaving the group and setting up their own shop. To the best of my knowledge, it is an almost unheard of practice for a hospital to do this at the staff level. This means if you live in Decatur and decide you do not like working at DMH- you must drive to another community to work. Incredible.
It takes a tremendous war chest to fund all the new services DMH has brought to the community. Cardiac services, the new ED, the state's finest helipad. All of those new buildings, the moats and fountains cost a great deal of money. Senior management at DMH were incredibly agressive at obtaining the war chest to do this. It is my strongly held opinion that they stepped over many lines to achieve goals and someone will probably have to pay for this. Their board of directors will have plenty to answer for as well.
However, its the Medical Community, ie the great numbers of physicians who have lost their way because of the smell of money who I am disappointed in. I hope at this moment they realize what they have done and I hope there are more than just a few squirming in their seats. Although I do NOT think any physician in Decatur would compromise care because of any financial arragnement. Rather if it be a Praire doc who recommends care in Springfield or an employed physician who insisted that care must be given at DMH. These things have not compromised carer. What they have done is Mr. Smithmier's doing.
This is a fact- Every day in this community patients are told they must recieve their care and TESTING (that's where the money is) at DMH. I know of patients who have been told that their Medicare would not pay if the patient did not go to DMH. I know of home care patients who were told that Medicare would not pay if they did not SWITCH their provider to DMH Home Care.
Patients have been told St. Mary's didn't have equipment- equipment that this very same surgeon insisted that St. Mary's purchase- to keep patients at DMH. Hre's one, "You know, I'd be glad to order this at St. Mary's, but I've had a couple of quality issues over there lately. I'd be just a little more comfortable if you went to DMH."
Any of you reading this blog know of anyone who has been told this by one of DMH's employed physicians? It takes a strong individual to argue with their physicians over a statement like that.
Does anyone out there want to debate with me that this is happening many times over ever day of the week?
And it has worked. This is why there is such a disparency between the incomes of two hospitals. Has nothing to do with quality and little to do with how the hospitals are managed. But over time, the employed Internal Medicine and Family Practice physicians have steered all their business to DMh. Then they have insisted that the specialists, who's liveihoods depend upon referrals do their procedures at DMH. Then in the meantime, DMH sweetens the pot for the specialists.
AT the same time, this builds the war chest so that DMH has the funds to provide quality service to the physicians. Please pay attention to the good as well as what you don't like.
Let me give you another example of how DMH has played the game. For years St. Mary's supported the walking program at the mall. St. Mary' provided the kiosk where you could stop and check your heart rate. One day they are told that they were no longer going to sponsor this that DMH was. The Mall took some sort of renumeration (say play ground for one) in return, St. Mary's can no longer sponsor anything at the mall. When there are health fairs at the mall, one of your local hospitals can no longer be invited. And your mall agreed to this.
Folks I could write pages upon pages of examples of this behavior. There are contractors who while bulding a new building on St. Mary's campus will do premployment physicals and send all injuries to Corporate Health at DMH. While taking St. Mary's $100,00's.
I hope that while the feds are snooping around, that they try to figure out why paramedics will sit in an ambulance and argue with sick people and their relatives about what hospital the patient goes to. Guess which one the paramedics are insisting on taking the patient to? This is after St. Mary's has been the provider of EMS education in Decatur for as long as I can remember.
I know of not-for-profit healthcare foundations that have asked both hospitals to help finance a public educational event. DMH's response- they will give all the money if St. Mary's not invited but if St. Mary's invited then they give nothing. Again, I have first hand experience with this and it has happened on numerous occasions.
See these are public displays of legal, but questionable behaviors. Just think what we are not seeing. It will come out. Be patient. Please stop throwing daggers at each hospital, the quality care provided by the physicians, or at each other for that matter.
5/20/2005 01:10:41 PM
Anonymous said...
I have seen with my own eyes one of DMH's cardiac nurses put away 12 beers and then get called in for a case! She was not sent home she actualy worked the case, How in the world could a dr not smell or notice that she had too much to drink, she works in another dept now but still! do they just cover everything up, are the doc's there afraid to say anything even to protect thier pts?
5/20/2005 02:01:01 PM
Anonymous said...
One has to wonder if it is time for Mr.Jackson to cut discussion due to the factor some folks are getting out of line about their personal comments about individuals or care they get.
5/20/2005 02:16:39 PM
DAS EMS 1 said...
Anonymous post 05/20/05 at 1:10:41 makes reference to paramedics "arguing" with patients and/or family and otherwise directing patients to DMH. It is the policy of Decatur Ambulance Service that patient choice is to be honored. If the patient cannot make a choice due to their condition, and no family is present, then the closest hospital prevails. This is only overidden by the individual paramedic when he or she feels the patient's condition is so unstable that transport further across town would be detrimental to the patient's well-being.
If you have a specific instance where this policy has been violated, call me with the patient name and date of service and I will investigate.
Decatur Ambulance has no financial relationship with either hospital.
As for EMS education, St. Mary's provides NO education for DAS paramedics and has not done so for several years. DAS provides all of our own paramedic continuing education as well as providing courses to surrounding fire department and ambulance personnel.
David Burkham, NREMT-P, MS
Decatur Ambulance Service CEO
5/20/2005 04:18:24 PM
Anonymous said...
"DOJ will not and do not pursue any form of investigation without reasonable cause. Agree? Because DOJ has knock on DMH doorstep, it is, therefore, safe to conclude that there is/are reasonable cause/s for the investigation. Anybody disagree?" - Dr. Muneses
Yes. I disagree. The Asst Attorney General's Office for the Central District of Illinois (DOJ) is incented to go after..
a) Headlines (which will come eventually), and
b) Fines (paid to guess who?)
Remember, Willie Sutton said he robbed banks because that’s where the money was. This isnt that much different. The Medicare System, the Stark law, and Medicare’s Fraud and Abuse regs are all so complex that it has been suggested that there aren’t ANY healthcare providers who haven’t made some mistakes. If they look long and hard enough they will find something on anyone they look at.
And, yes they do go on goose chases, then threaten physicians with lawsuits if the hospital doesn’t plead no contest and the hospital doesn’t pay a huge fine. It’s a nice tactic. The hospital could easily afford to take the time to defend itself against charges, but the physicians can not afford to take the time that it would require. .
Now, don’t go assume that I support Smithmire or DMH, if he did something wrong, the facts will eventually come out. When that happens y’all will have to go back to suspending black kids from your schools again for excitement.
5/20/2005 05:10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
The preceding post was brought to you by:
and by,
Nice try, but it won't work.
5/20/2005 06:20:45 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Thanks for your contribution, Mr Burkham.
- Matthew
5/20/2005 06:24:37 PM
Anonymous said...
To be more precise:
It is the whisteblower that gets the percentage of the fine, not the prosecutor.
Federal employees are just like all the other gov't employees--their salary stays the same whether they prosecute or not. As far as headlines go, most don't want the publicity. Makes it hard to have a normal life.
To quote Bugs Bunny: "Sheesh, what a maroon...."
5/20/2005 06:26:09 PM
DrDave said...
To get back to the original question: What is going on at DMH?
I can say one thing that is going on at DMH AND SMH is that both hospitals, as well as some doctor's offices, are attempting to draw attention to the medical liablity crisis. I was at Dr. Wall's office yesterday, and saw a two posters in his waiting room. One was from the Illinois State Medical Society, and the other was from the Illinois Hospital Association. Both were drawing attention to medical malpractice costs and the lack of access to healthcare that this issue can cause.
Sorry to get off the subject a little bit, but if anyone is interested in reading more about medical liability reform and the bills that are currently in the Illinois General Assembly House and Senate, go to www.realitymedicine.com. There's a blog dedicated to this and other topics at decaturpride.blogspot.com
Thanks for letting me put in my commercial, Matt.
And now back to your regularly scheduled postings, already in progress....
5/20/2005 06:35:25 PM
Machavelli said...
Sorry Dr. Gregory.
While the subject of medical malpractice premiuims and tort reform on high on physicians lists of agendas- the average person could care less about that crisis.
When a family making $40,000 a year has an unexpected $500 car repair, or any large unexpected bill, with two kids to feed. That is what they are worrying about. Unfortunately while it is a large issue to you and your peers, the average person, sees a person making $150,000 -800,000/year and just can't muster up much empathy for their plight of increased malpractice premiums.
Additionally, this may be a shock to you, but patients also want the right to sue if they are injured.
As far as "the neurosurgeon may leave town" argument goes. Noone cares about a service like that until they need it. If it comes down to feeding your kids, paying your mortgage and staying afloat versus having a neursurgeon in town- it's really a no brainer (Pardon the pun).
Frivilous lawsuits curtailed- yes. Right to sue or limit awards- hollow argument.
No need to respond because, I personally don't agree with any of what I wrote- you won't find an argument from me.
5/20/2005 07:31:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Are you saying, Dr. Dave, that you don't have those same posters hanging in your office?
BTW, Dr. Dave, you turned me in to collection for less than $10.00. Where do you stand in this mess of the doctor for the $$$?
5/20/2005 08:53:01 PM
Anonymous said...
If it was less than $10.00, why didn't you just pay Dr Dave???
Or do you expect your insurance to pay for everything and you shouldn't have to pay a dime?
Sorry, I know it is off topic......but things like this really bug me! If I had a dime for everytime I had a patient ask me to ask the Doctor "to write this off"........
5/20/2005 09:03:38 PM
Anonymous said...
I paid my co-pay at the time of office visit. The charges of less than $10.00 were for "above usual and customary" that Dr. Dave charged. His office staff never made an effort above U.S. mail to contact me and let me know that I owed less than $10.
5/20/2005 09:12:55 PM
Anonymous said...
One person mentioned the whistleblower receiving a percentage of the fines. Dr. Muneses, you apparently know the identity of the whistleblower. Do you know if a Qui Tam lawsuit has been filed or has the investigation been triggered by some other means?
5/20/2005 09:24:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Jeez, I'm think 'bout postin'
5/20/2005 11:01:26 PM
Anonymous said...
5/21/2005 09:47:45 AM
Anonymous said...
I think we struck a nerve, only you know which one.
By your writings, I don't believe you're getting the point or understand what's going on. that's too bad.
I think most of us here know what are rights are, and know we have choices. I believe that is one of the reasons of the investigation.
Are you telling me not to use DMH's services?????
-I Care-
5/21/2005 10:07:51 AM
DrDave said...
To "less than $10.00":
It is the policy of every physician's office to make every attempt to communicate to patients when there is a billing problem. Our office, as do many, notify patients by mail of any problems, and attempt to make reconciliation (usually three letters.) If for some reason a patient does not feel that this was handled correctly then the patient can call and request to speak about this with the office manager or business manager, depending on the office.
Sorry about getting off the subject, but I felt I should respond.
And to Machiavelli, I think you're right. Most people don't know or care about the facts of the situation until it begins to affect THEM.
Again, sorry to get off topic.
5/21/2005 02:07:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Pay us our $10.00 now!
5/22/2005 07:21:10 AM
Anonymous said...
"It is the whisteblower that gets the percentage of the fine, not the prosecutor... what a maroon...."
Yes, if its a whistelblower case they get a 10% (generally) of any recovery if its a false claim act, and who gets the rest of the money?
oh yea.. and watch who you are calling a moron, I thought the only ones we can call morons on this blog are the DMH leadership. (lmao)
5/22/2005 09:14:54 AM
Anonymous said...
TO: "It is the whisteblower that gets the percentage of the fine, not the prosecutor... what a maroon...."
That's called a REWARD.
Of course there are some people that support lawlesness..... particularly when it somehow benefits them. They may say "I don't care how they do it, as long as I've got a good paying job."
-I Care-
5/22/2005 09:51:25 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm pretty new to this blog thing (never even read one until the DMH issue came up). I just checked out the decaturblog site because I saw it on Matt's front page. It looked like it started out OK, but what the hell happened? The only thing different from the spam crap I get on my email is that I didn't see ads for home mortgages, hot stocks or viagra.
5/22/2005 11:40:38 AM
HUMERUS said...
Are you that blogger reading the Jacksonfile's "What's going on at DMH?" posts that has got overly tired and run down from all that reading? Have you felt that this fatigue has impacted the bedroom, too?
Ask your doctor about Viagra, for blog-induced ED, and see if it is right for you.
Viagra (sildenafil citrate) tablets
(Please see prescribing information for warnings and other important facts about this drug.)
5/22/2005 08:51:43 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Blog induced ED? Now that's off topic!
Hmmmm "Too much blogging will make you go blind..." Where have I heard this before?
BTW - What *is* going on at DMH?
5/23/2005 11:25:41 AM
Anonymous said...
I don't know, but I drove by there today and surprisingly, it's still open. With some of the postings on here, I was sure it would be closed and all the employees in prison, but I guess not. Wonder how many bodies they've hidden under all the expansion they've done?
5/23/2005 05:33:37 PM
Humerus said...
None. They were all fired a long time ago. So then they told the DOJ all they knew was going on. (FYI, always part on friendly terms, if possible!) So we sit and wait.
It's kind of like constipation. You know it's coming sooner or later, but when it does, you know it's going to stink!
5/23/2005 06:30:59 PM
Anonymous said...
If wrongdoing is uncovered, what kind of culpability does the board hold?
5/23/2005 08:43:59 PM
Anonymous said...
This is NOT about DMH vs SMH...not about competition...
The Board of Directors are culpable if they continue to turn their heads away from the obvious...and allow these actions to continue by their Administrators and bought Physicians
The community deserves two institutions, just get rid of those mentioned
5/23/2005 09:04:36 PM
Anonymous said...
What kind of actions? Has anyone been convicted? Anyone indicted? Is there anything other than accusations from a lot of people who don't have names?
5/23/2005 09:34:49 PM
Anonymous said...
If those who were subpoenaed, and those voluntarily stepping forward, are able to speak freely, without the threat of losing their jobs, having their careers black-balled, etc...there will be indictments and convictions
It also depends on whether Smithmier & Stone are able to buy enough of those to not pursue real evidence...afterall, they already own the local press
5/23/2005 09:51:21 PM
Anonymous said...
So you're saying the local press should print the nameless, ax-grinding garbage we see on here? Newsweek might but does that mean everyone should operate that way?
5/23/2005 09:59:11 PM
Anonymous said...
The Local Papaer should not print the nameless bashing seen on this blog. But it should state that the FBI/DOJ are conducting an investigation, etc....as did WAND TV...which would also onclude a statement from your hospital
5/23/2005 10:30:02 PM
Anonymous said...
The Herald and Review reports that Decatur has low hospital charges. I wonder how long that would last if there was only one hosp. in the city?
5/24/2005 08:24:23 AM
Anonymous said...
Not long if it was St. Mary's. They'd be trying to get back the millions and millions of $$$ they've lost in the last few years.
5/24/2005 12:10:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Speaking of papers (!), everyone should read the DMH HEADLINER, May 20, 2005. This front page needs to be sent to Leno and Lettermen! In the midst of a massive DOJ investigation, THE HEADLINER publishes an article headlined by: "Referrals Gain Getaway"!!!!! With due respect to the winners, a major part of the investigation is significant rewards to employed physicians and their referrals!! Rewards and dollars to the physicans; AIRFARE and HOTELS to the DMH employees who refer people to become employees! Amazing to exist but unbelievably published NOW!
"Refer-Your-Way-to-a-Getaway"? Good luck contestants!
5/24/2005 01:05:10 PM
humerus said...
No, it wasn't St. Mary's.
They plan on making their money, the old-fashioned way, they'll
*EARN* it. [John Houseman, my apologies.]
5/24/2005 01:07:01 PM
Anonymous said...
It's VERY upsetting to continue reading that most of you are only looking at this as a jealous shot at DMH from St. Mary's.
First of all, I am not affiliated to either, but have first-hand knowledge of the directives, philosophy and actions of DMH Administration and their bought physicians!
This should be about behavior that jeopardizes patients well-being and lives at the expense of Smithmier, Stone and the docs lust for greed and power.
DMH is great with spin and PR, getting unknowing victims to praise their care in there pamphlets, etc. Meanwhile, they instruct their docs to keep EVERYTHING in the system, even if the appropriate level of care/equpiment is not available!
This crap has to stop!!!
5/24/2005 01:09:35 PM
Anonymous said...
is giving rewards to people for attracting employees illegal?
5/24/2005 01:28:24 PM
Anonymous said...
No, absolutely not but AIRFARE and HOTELS???????? Just imagine what the employed physicians have received!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/24/2005 01:59:31 PM
Anonymous said...
5/24/2005 04:00:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow! The person that wrote in on 5/19 that is allegedly an employee at DMH,that was a pretty bold statement and your grammar leaves a great deal to be desired. If DMH teaches their employees to call people cry babies for voicing their opinions and suggests receiving health care elsewhere or driving their sorry sick butts to Springfield, perhaps they will do just that. After a comment like that, I don't want to go to DMH.
To the person that wrote a novel about how wonderful DMH is and how they tell doctors no because it's illegal,you are misinformed. St. Mary's is part of HSHS not HCHS, and what is wrong with revamping?It's past time. St. Mary's can use this as a perfect opportunity to make changes and become a better place to receive care. I have personally received care at both facilities. St. Mary's may not be as "advanced" as DMH but the staff sure are friendlier. There is a lot to be said for that when you're the one sick and in need of help.
5/24/2005 04:23:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Remember the spin. Follow the money. Always follow the money.
See the article in the Decatur Herald & Review about the wonderfully low healthcare costs. Isn't that great timing. What a coincidence!
It is described in the paper as a report "commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce of Decatur and Macon County", funded by the mining division of Caterpillar Inc.
DMH has tentacles that are far-reaching. Check and see who was the prior Chairman of the Chamber. Oh my! Isn't that a coincidence?
And, oh yeah, the Publisher of the paper that printed the article, isn't she affiliated with the hospital, too. I believe someone alleged she is (or was) on the Board at the hospital. And you'll also find she is one of the Directors on the Chamber of Commerce.
And yep, Caterpillar is on the Board of Directors at the Chamber, too. And they paid for the study. And they've got the exclusive contract with the hospital. But I'm sure it was an objective "report", Right?
Which hospital does Caterpillar have an exclusive, chummy-chummy relationship with in Decatur? Where is it that all the Caterpillar patients are referred? What a remarkable coincidence that Caterpillar funded the "report."
Notice all the talk in the article about "healthy competition." A skeptical person might argue the article was commissioned for the sole purpose of placing a spin on the situation to deflect heat off of you know who.
And isn't it great that one of the hospital's Physician staff rosters has increased above a "federal goal." They are great guys, them fellas. And isn't it great that 'ole you know who is being touted as benefiting the community, by bringing doctors to the community.
I'd like to know when this study was "commissioned" and who really commissioned the report. I'll betcha a million dollars I know who was behind the report. I'll betcha a bajillion dollars it was commissioned after word leaked out that the federal investigation was underway within the past one year. I'll bet the Chamber of Commerce minutes will show the study was started within the past 12 months. Betcha, betcha, betcha. Who wants to bet?
It insults the public's intelligence to suggest people would swallow such garbage. And which paper is it that has been so willing to write nothing about the real story in town? They couldn't leave well enough alone. They had to get something in the media to point to that says they are the good guys. They are so predictable that it is sickening.
These are your not-for-profit dollars hard at work. Follow the money. Always follow the money. Wait. Just wait. They will not be satisfied with just one article. More will come. More spin is imminent.
5/24/2005 06:48:37 PM
Anonymous said...
In 2000 I wrote Mr Smithmier a letter informing him of unethical practices of a DMH employed physician - who did not give my mother choice re the ESRD facility to receive outpatient dialysis. I suggested to him that this was a violation of STARK rules and the organization should be more concerned with informed concent and offering patients choice than lining their pockets with medicare dollars. His response letter in essesence told me to go fly a kite. I requested to be notified when the hospitals next JCAHO visit was scheduled as I wanted to participate in public comment. I do notlive in the Decatur area - and even though I called his office to inquire around the time I thought the visit would be made - I was rebuffed and did not recieve notification.
If you live in Decatur and you need something beyond a "bandaid", I suggest you run for you life - get to Springfield, Champaign, Peoria, or St Louis. Have surgery at DMH and you'll be lucky not to get an infection. Why would anyone even contimpate having open heart surgery in a facility that does less than a 100 cases per year - let alone neuro surgery.
5/24/2005 10:00:59 PM
Anonymous said...
As the wife of a physician, I wish I had never moved to this malodorous town.
5/25/2005 04:10:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Whats the matter--not enough physician's wive's club activities for you?
5/25/2005 07:18:53 AM
Anonymous said...
To "malodorous town"
I bet Decatur smells like money to Stone-Smithmeir...and your husband.
5/25/2005 09:34:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Main Entry: mal•odor•ous
Pronunciation: -'O-d&-r&s
Function: adjective
1 : having a bad odor
2 : highly improper (malodorous practices and chicanery in high financial places - as is DMH?)
- mal•odor•ous•ly adverb
- mal•odor•ous•ness noun
synonyms MALODOROUS, STINKING, FETID, NOISOME, PUTRID, RANK, FUSTY, MUSTY mean bad-smelling. MALODOROUS may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive (malodorous fertilizers). STINKING and FETID suggest the foul or disgusting (prisoners were held in stinking cells) (the fetid odor of skunk cabbage). NOISOME adds a suggestion of being harmful or unwholesome as well as offensive (a stagnant, noisome sewer). PUTRID implies particularly the sickening odor of decaying organic matter (the putrid smell of rotting fish). RANK suggests a strong unpleasant smell (rank cigar smoke). FUSTY and MUSTY suggest lack of fresh air and sunlight, FUSTY also implying prolonged uncleanliness, MUSTY stressing the effects of dampness, mildew, or age (a fusty attic) (the musty odor of a damp cellar).
5/25/2005 10:24:33 AM
Anonymous said...
I love this site--two new words for the day...fusty AND noisome...
and WHAT is going on at DMH????
5/25/2005 10:59:29 AM
Anonymous said...
How about the St. Mary's cheerleader up there who gives us "bajillion." What the hell is that? Sounds like something the Bundy family would file a law suit for.
5/25/2005 12:44:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Actually, I work full time as a registered nurse and do not have time for social clubs!
5/25/2005 05:23:57 PM
Anonymous said...
To the person who wrote Smithmier in 2000:
I agree with you 100% in regards to having heart surgery in this town. Not only are the number of surgeries low, but from what I understand, and I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong, there is only ONE heart surgeon here in Decatur. Talk about taking a risk!!
As to your comment about neuro surgery, there are many, many cases done at both hospitals. Yes, I know it will amaze some people that SMH has the equipment.....but they do! I wouldn't hesitate to have this type of surgery here. Drs. Long, Dold and Kraus are great!
5/25/2005 08:49:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, we only have ONE heart surgeon.
And the guy does do a great job, but he's only one man. His backup, BTW, is in Peoria, about a 2 1/2 hour drive.
Y'know, Springfield is only 40 minutes away...
5/25/2005 09:57:36 PM
Anonymous said...
have there been deaths with the lone DMH heart surgeon...
DMH aired a half-hour "Heart Program" about six months ago....and one week after Prairie/Memorial aired theirs!
In the "Heart Program" the lone cardiac surgeon and DMH cardiologist made claims that since inception the program has had 100% success and no deaths!
Well that's not my understanding of the facts statistics...
In order to dispell one claiming this is hearsay...one can get the true outcomes by Freedom of Information....contact the Illinois Department of Health. Although, I am certain the information DMH submitted is fudged, it does not paint the picture of "100% success and no deaths!"
5/26/2005 05:21:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Dr Meng's back-up surgeons (there are three) are from Bloomington and stay locally when they are on-call in Dr. Meng's abscence.
5/26/2005 08:17:11 AM
Anonymous said...
what does this last comment on Dr. Meng's backup from Bloomington have to do with the Heart Program's TRUE OUTCOMES vs ADVERTISED OUTCOMES!
Investigate this!
5/26/2005 08:34:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Well, the story finally broke in the Springfield Journal--http://www.sj-r.com/sections/news/stories/56694.asp#
5/26/2005 09:25:43 AM
Anonymous said...
But what happens when Dr. Meng gets sick unexpectedly?
Let's say he's on his way in to do emergency surgery and some pizza delivery guy cuts him off and he gets into a car accident. (God forbid.)
Now he's got a patient on the table, he's unable to do the surgery, then what?
It's still an hour from Bloomington, because his backup wasn't expecting to do anything. And what if they're busy?
5/26/2005 09:31:55 AM
Anonymous said...
a physician-friend stated that many were frustrated with the local heart surgeon who leaves early and is unresponsive to calls...so you don't have to worry about the pizza guy scenario
these concerns were apparently raised to administration...you can guess what happened after that
5/26/2005 12:17:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Okay, we've lost focus of the original statement again. But it is interesting how this has turned into a Ron Meng lynching. The statement has not been true in my day-to-day experience with reaching Dr. Meng when he is out of the hospital. He routine responds within a few minutes and we have access to his home, cell, and pager number, all of which I have used. Since Dr. Meng's arrival, there has been ...envy for lack of a better term, amongst the medical staff. That must be worked out between the powers-that-be.
5/26/2005 01:59:35 PM
Anonymous said...
How can the Springfield Journal Register do such a good job reporting on this story,,and our local media and print media cannot,or will not...typical Decatur Bull---t ...keep this blog going,,,,keep us informed.
5/26/2005 03:10:58 PM
Anonymous said...
As for the Herald and Review being unbiased - isn't it interesting that their "community representative" Karen Schneller, is the Clinical Manager at Decatur Memorial??
Since the day Tim Stone hit Decatur, he has made no bones about the fact that his goal was for there to be only one hospital in Decatur and it would be DMH ! The public has no idea as to the extent that this man will go to make his dreams come true.
5/26/2005 03:24:39 PM
Anonymous said...
All of this banter about how great or terrible local healthcare providers are simply reenforces the importance of preserving choice. Whether you love or hate DMH, love or hate St. Mary's, love or hate Dr. Meng, freedom of choice allows you to treat where you are most comfortable. That is why an investigation into alleged practices that hamper local choice is so important.
5/26/2005 03:25:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Perhaps someone should look into the fact that for over one year there was NO Neurosurgeon coverage for trauma patients who were taken to St. Mary's - they had to be transferred out of town - at great risk to the patient - when the neurosurgeons were able to cover at DMH. By law - these patient could not be transferred to a "same level facility" which DMH was considered, but the Neurosurgeons, who now belong to DMH, were unable to come to St. Mary's - because they were also "covering call for DMH" - so as stated above, St. Mary's patient's had to be transported out of town.
This also happened with the Orthopedic surgeons for a while. So if you broke your ankle, as one player during the softball tournaments found out, you had to be transferred to Champaign, or a Springfield hospital.
The other hospitals didn't like being "dumped" on by St. Mary's, as they viewed it, and they patients and their families certainly paid the price in this "turf war".
5/26/2005 04:05:43 PM
Anonymous said...
From the article in the Springfield paper....
"Nobody has ever told me to take anyone to DMH."
Timmy,Timmy.......your nose is getting longer!
5/26/2005 08:43:36 PM
Anonymous said...
I know Dr. Bailey personally, and he isn't a lackey of Smithmier or Stone.
Most of the "employed" general surgeons have a loose employment arrangement to help take care of malpractice insurance.
5/26/2005 09:22:40 PM
Anonymous said...
5/26/2005 10:00:50 PM
Anonymous said...
has anyone called to obtain the public records on DMH Heart Institute outcomes....not 100% success rate
I was told by one of the Heart Center Staff that the "Heart Team" physicians are bought by DMH and told they cannot hold privileges at St Mary's...I imagine the same restrictions were made when Smithmier and Stone bought the neurosurgical program as far as covering call
5/26/2005 10:11:49 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with the comment that we should not be lynching Dr. Meng for poor response to pages, availability, work ethic...
instead, hang the Heart Team for what has happened to patients under their care!
the public records speak for themselves
5/26/2005 10:24:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's hope they don't dink around too much with DMH since St. Mary's will probably be closed in a year or so. How can they continue to lose the kind of money they do and stay open? Lake Shore and 16th would be a good place for an Olive Garden.
5/26/2005 11:30:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Mr Stone, you are a married man aren't you....or were?
according to a DMH nurse who knew the person below very well:
what did the Board of Directors say when they learned that you pressured a Radiology Student into having a relationship, threatening her with her position and scholarship...then using DMH money to set her up in a local apartment...OR MAYBE THEY DID NOT KNOW!....is that legal...moral..oops!
if the Board of Directors were a functional body, they would have you, Smithmier and the bought docs applying for jobs in the Olive Garden proposed in the last comment!
5/27/2005 12:05:25 AM
Anonymous said...
"I should have had a V8" after reading some of this, um.... poo.
I guffaw at the posting about Smithmeier praying. I think he needs to do much more of that, repentance that is for hiring Stone.
Stone is corrupt and I hope he is cast out of our town. If a petition to excommunicate Tim Stone from Decatur is ever passed around, I'll gladly sign it.
Ronald Meng, has a high post-op infection rate. DMH nursing staff are slow to see post op complications.
Our town will suffer if we allow Smithmeier and Stone to run Prairie out.
I can answer the real question of this blog "What is going on at DMH"
1. Decatur is receiving substandard healthcare at DMH, at a over-inflated price.
2. Tim Stone has "little-man syndrome" and must prove his manhood by strongarm tactics which are unethical, and maybe illegal. He is a miracle, it isn't every day you see a talking donkey.
3. DMH is preparing to pay their way out of this investigation. Nothing will happen, just like in the Fletcher case. Stone and Betty Hughes should do community service for that. Anyone have trashed filled ditches to send them to? They should feel right at home.
4. Stone and Smithmeier will continue filling their pockets with Decatur money, and we'll continue to complain about it. Unless we make those two leave.
5. We will continue to be annoyed by Dr. Dave, yet impressed by Dr. Muneses.
That is what is going on at DMH.
5/27/2005 12:45:31 AM
Anonymous said...
Oh oh...looks like we have a spurned lover posting now. Added to the disgruntled employees and disgruntled former employees, things should get juicier and juicier on here. Boy those ex-girlfriends can get you in really deep do-do. Ask Barry Bonds.
5/27/2005 07:40:28 AM
Anonymous said...
for the public record of the dmh heart team, see healthgrades.com's ratings of hospitals for coronary bypass. they have given the dmh heart program the only 5 star rating in central and southern illinois.
5/27/2005 09:53:03 AM
Anonymous said...
as for the previous comment on the DMH Heart Team and Health Grades Rating a few things can be said...
1. Mr. Smithmier wrote a commentary in the Herald & Review two years ago bashing Health Grades and their equivalent agencies...stating that you pay a fee and get a rating, in response to a review of his competition. Now when they pay the fee themselves they hail the report!
2. These agencies base their evaluations on information provided to them, phone interviews, etc. So, garbage in=garbage out!
3. If you look at the Health Grades site, you'll find that they did give the Bypass Surgery 5 stars, based on mortality (deaths)AND 3 stars for there stenting program. This would support Drs Meng & Waters claim in their commercial of 100% success rate. In fact, I had been told that there have been deaths in the 30-day window.... or the team kept them alive past the 30 day reporting window, then they were allowed to expire in the hospital.
Statistics are one thing guys, but I think the public wants to know what the true outcomes are. If their father or mother are treated by one of your physicians, what are there chnaces for getting out of DMH?
Report how many patients that walked into your Heart Program since its inception, were alive at three months!
Finally, I am certain that this not unique for their Heart Program and is occurring in their other programs as well.
5/27/2005 11:05:57 AM
Decatur I like it here said...
What's going on at DMH is a start of a great new FOX reality show or at least material for another great hospital show with all sort of problems and now sex being thrown in to get the viewership up.
"Decatur I like it here" could be the title of this TV program. Just think of all the side economic benefits of the show.
Now folks lets pick the actors to play the main roles in this new drama.
5/27/2005 11:18:37 AM
Anonymous said...
The reality show comment is funny Mr. Stone...you guys will do anything to divert attention
come clean on your Radiology Departmet girlfriend and the apartment you set up for her on DMH money!
5/27/2005 11:27:01 AM
VPCheney said...
Mr. Jackson,
This is the worst depiction of Decatur since the Reverend Jesse fiasco, and you have fed the beast and nurtured the growth of negative public opinion by allowing and encouraging the most negative, axe grinding people in the town to spew much of the bile being "reported."
Mr. Jackson, you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing this to continue without some serious editorial input. By not countering the obviously false, the libelous, and misdirections, you tacitly support these off base "comments."
Show some journalistic pride and edit. Do some fact checking of your own, and show some of these deranged accusers the door. You ignore your own reputation as well as other good people by your inaction.
5/27/2005 01:38:29 PM
Anonymous said...
stupid question, why would the VP of our Country read this blog and write a message?
5/27/2005 02:19:15 PM
Decatur I like it here said...
Mr. Vice President
You who hosted closed private meeting on energy costs. Your former company has raked in billions off of the war. Not counting the billions dollars missing and uncounted for while more is spent and more die.
You would approve misconduct by a business. I am surprised that your Justice Department goes after any business interest.
Go back to your safe hole in the wall and let the truth be known.
5/27/2005 02:20:38 PM
Anonymous said...
This might explain it.
5/27/2005 02:26:15 PM
Anonymous said...
It is quite striking at the DMH heart program that cardiac surgery is being done regularly on 85-90 year old patients! Both bypass and heart valve replacements have been regularly carried out on very elderly patients. WHY???????? To increase and maintain NUMBERS to keep the program afloat!
5/27/2005 02:28:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Probably has more to do with the fact that the patients want to live, dumbass.
5/27/2005 02:33:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's do one of those "While you were out" things for St. Mary's and see how many restaurants we can get in the building after the hospital closes. Looks like Olive Garden already has dibs on the first floor, but that is a pretty big building. Chilli's is next (I'm looking for ones we don't have). One entire floor dedicated to White Castle. Lots and lots of sliders. A chicken floor? The return of Church's and Popeye's. An all steak floor? Outback and Ruth's Chris? The possibilities are endless. Can you imagine? The huge parking lots and just go inside, and pick your restaurant. This would also provide jobs for all the unemployed St. Mary's people.
5/27/2005 02:36:06 PM
Anonymous said...
For the comment above. Who has got unemployed at St. Mary's? You have no clue what your talking about......
Watch the news tonight....
Something is breaking. Let's all act like were shocked!
5/27/2005 02:53:40 PM
Anonymous said...
5/27/2005 03:49:34 PM
FBI said...
We have enough evidence at this time to file several indictments, but we need to obtain all the data from the subpoened physicians first.
Thank you all for commenting; your comments have been helpful in tracking down certain pieces of information that have been critical in our investigation.
Please contact our office directly if you have detailed information that you think may be helpful.
(217) 522-9675
5/27/2005 04:13:22 PM
Anonymous said...
if this was the FBI, I have a question for you...
I have evidence against DMH, but am afraid of them for my family, me and my job. How can you protect someone and allow them to come forward with direct testimony, written evidence and tapes?
5/27/2005 04:38:48 PM
Anonymous said...
No problem. Come on in if you have anything. Jimmy Hoffa was in the witness protection program and look what we did for him. After all, it's DMH. Who better to know where all the bodies are buried.
5/27/2005 06:10:51 PM
Anonymous said...
I suggest that if this last commentator, if associated with DMH, along with Smithmier, Stone and the corrupt docs go and watch Longest Yard with Adam Sandler...get some ideas of activities in your new home if the government does its job...
nothing is beyond what they'll do...they threatened to not support a J1 visa and deport a physician if he did not join DMH, instead of the group he had signed a contract with....now he does what they tell him or they'll ship him to India!
tease me about Jimmy Hoffa now, I'll have the last laugh...when I do testify, look me up and I'll reimburse you for the movie tickets....you'll need to money to pay your lawyers!
5/27/2005 07:14:18 PM
Anonymous said...
i dont know about the fbi-claimer-to-be, and i am not the fbi, but i strongly recommend that anyone who knows FACTS about dmh physician or administration wrongdoing should take his/her evidence to the department of justice, for consideration before THE PEOPLE, instead of, or at least in addition to, blogging it uselessly, in my opinion, to a small audience of unknowledgable and irresponsible blowhards with no power at all to change anything.
derogatory comments without foundation used to be treated with duels or libel suits, but with the advent of anonymous, instant publication, it seems to me, accusations can be made irresponsibly, with impunity, no matter how unevidenced or biased. it is reminiscent of the salem witch trials. i believe irresponsible publication of harmful, unfounded information should not be legal, since it has great potential to harm people that are innocent until proven guilty under our legal system.
it is our system of justice that dictates that EVIDENCED illegalities and improprieties are dealt with seriously and remedied. however, unless i am mistaken, hearsay, innuendo, and unfounded accusations are inadmissable as evidence, and remain cheap, worthless and disgusting.
some of us still value integrity, something sorely lacking in these writings.
5/27/2005 07:31:39 PM
Anonymous said...
wow- a comment that makes sense!!
That and the individual who referred to the Springfield newspaper article. 3 out of 390 isn't bad. Keep up the strong work Decatur.
The Springfield newspaper article pretty well answered the point of this blog. The hospital is being investigated and neither the investigated nor the investigators are talking at this point. End of blog. Now let's go anonymously destroy someone else.
5/27/2005 08:37:52 PM
Anonymous said...
thanks for your input Mr Smithmier or Stone
5/27/2005 09:00:15 PM
Anonymous said...
"I, (name), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of (rank) do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God"
Those are the words that every officer in the United States Army embrace. Many of these good men and women have given their lives for what these words represent. "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States"
Interesting...on this weekend of remembrance these people are defending and have defended the rights of people on this blog to say anything they want, fact or fiction, proven or unproven, true or false. All the while, any comment of malice is protected by free speech and anonimity on this site, those same people have mortgaged the principle of innocent until proven guilty that should be granted to others.
So maybe, just maybe, this weekend when your neighbor is worried about their son or daughter protecting your rights, you could unanonymously thank them for what they or there children have done. Then you can return to any site you want, preach puritanical virtues and make all the accusations you want- anonymously.
You'd probably be a better person if you just did the former however.
Have a nice MEMORIAL DAY!
5/27/2005 09:30:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with your quest for peace, but to denounce the free speech on this blog or others is wrong...
I agree that there has been some bashing, but if there was no wrongdoing, there would not have been all these hits and comments
so DMH Board of Directors step up to the plate and clean house
5/27/2005 10:08:17 PM
Anonymous said...
My point wasn't to denounce free speech. It was to comment on malicious staements (true or false) while not giving the accused the decency of knowing where the accusations are coming from and to note that while everyone wants to say what they want, they do not necessarily agree with the tenet of innocent until proven guilty. It has become an issue of guilty until proven innocent. That's backwards
5/27/2005 10:17:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey...that's the beauty of this thing. Read all 400 plus comments and you'll see that you can post whatever kind of nasty, inane garbage you want. Pick someone and cut them wide and deep and you don't even have to put your name here and own up to it. Is that great or what? When we get done with the DMH guys we can go to work on Santa Clause...The Philadelphia sports fans ain't got nothin' on us.
5/27/2005 10:30:45 PM
Anonymous said...
the writing was "if there was no wrongdoing, there would not have been all these hits and comments".
i think that's naive. in this milieu, hits and comments DO NOT indicate wrongdoing. they only show personal dissatisfaction, and they are facilitated by anonymity.
5/27/2005 11:36:26 PM
Drea Martin said...
Are you using a logger of times your site has been viewed or one that shows the actual ISP?
I am just curious.....
if these anonymous would run for it if they thought they would be uncovered!?
5/28/2005 12:13:26 AM
Anonymous said...
is it true that a computer technician can ID a computer by its isp, affiliated with each email?
i think a writer should be responsible, legally, for what he/she publicizes.
in my opinion, responsible writers should send any evidence of wrongdoing to the fbi, at springfield@fbi.gov. if you want to send a copy to the blog, thats your perogative, of course. before you write, however, you may want to review springfield.fbi.gov/contact.htm, for tips on what information they want and what responsibility they expect. the fbi in macon county is at 217-428-0832, and the health care fraud number is 888-557-9503. all this info is available at springfield.fbi.gov/contact.htm.
5/28/2005 01:06:56 AM
Anonymous said...
I agree with the recent comments...
what I have stated before I have every belief to be factual and my purpose for doing so was to learn if any others had shared experiences, as I was reluctant to be the only person to come forward after I learned of the investigation and saw the news break on TV a few weeks ago...as I feel that they will find ways to harm those coming forward to the authorities with useful information
Having said that, I think it only fair that I, or anyone else, posting information from this point forward identify themselves or contact the investigative authorities and provide them with the information
5/28/2005 04:24:27 AM
Anonymous said...
How secure is this blog site in learning identities of anonymous contributors?
5/28/2005 04:28:11 AM
Anonymous said...
Now you have to remember, MJ is donning his blog a "conversation" and he allows all to express their opinion.
Should he edit? Maybe. Should he direct people back to the subject? Yes, and he has done that. So have many of the writers to the blog as well.
In a "special situation" such as the DMH investigation, it would be difficult to investigate all the facts, given that most of the people stating them are anonymous, and with good reason.
Similar to the "Arkansas Flu," "dissentors" with DMH have mysteriously been fired or resigned in the past. Doctors have been threatened with having their privileges revoked if they "did not comply." People are afraid to come forward with information because of a fear that they may suffer some "retribution" if they were to come forward publicly.
So, what to do? Perhaps a statement by MJ to keep on subject every now and then? I don't know. To quote the X-Files, the truth is out there. However, we won't know it until the investigation is concluded. Until then, people talk.
5/28/2005 08:41:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Same anonymous as previous...
Another thing I neglected to mention, there are also some people who like to post whatever they like, regardless of it's veracity.
We all sit back, however, and take each post as it comes. Those of us with some background knowledge weigh these posts, and decide what we think might be true, and what we know to be utter nonsense.
MJ, you might want to establish some "rules" that folks should follow with regard to this thread, and tell them that "violators" will have their posts deleted. That way, the extraneous threads/arguments/name-calling sessions would be eliminated, and there would be less stuff to go paw through when readers arrive.
Then again, maybe the free-for-all format is more conducive to bringing out the information of "What's going on at DMH?"
You are the DungeonMaster here, so you make the call.
5/28/2005 12:03:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying reading this site and have told everyone I know that is interested in the status of all that is going on at DMH...If you want to talk about Smithmier hiding under a Stone by all means..this is good reading. But seriously..lets not be so quick to bash the care patients recieve at DMH..The doctors are VERY attentive and do get called at ALL hours of the days and nights. The reason the doctors get called at all hours of the day and night is because the NURSES do care and are attentive to patients and their families needs. I think the reason certain people have chosen to come on this site to complain about patients dying, infection rates, ect are those (either) the patients themselves or their family members who left the hospital and were completely noncomplient to ALL OF THE EDUCATION they recieved in the hospital..lets get back to why this site was started..What is going on at DMH!?! Why is DMH being investigated? I can certainly say with confidence it is not because people die..Come on people..IT IS A HOSPITAL!!!!
5/28/2005 12:33:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Come on folks, ignore those who try to distract you from the real issues. Don't fall for it!!!!
Let's stick to the investigation.
And now there's a threat? You may be monitored and you're IP may be given to the FBI or to whoever. Well, let's just shake in our boots with fear. Whatever......
-I Care-
5/28/2005 02:08:51 PM
Anonymous said...
ok,It's pretty obvious that DMH has a problem. But bantering the Dr's is not the solution. The lady who was pregnant put Dr. Tsuda down, and although not the best with bedside manners, he does do a good job. And although they prefer NOT to use St. Mary's they will. My friend delivered at St. Mary's and he went to deliver her. SO get your facts straight.
5/28/2005 04:25:46 PM
Anonymous said...
After weeks of this blog, two TV stations' reports, and the story in the State Journal Register, Decatur's Herald & Review *finally* puts out a story.
It's on the front page of the print edition.
5/28/2005 05:08:00 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Sorry I've been off on a little adventure of my own today...
I think there is a general domain log, but not a specific IP log. So I may know your ISP is insight, but I can't tell anything beyond that. lol - if I could, I'd find the IP address that's sending all the spam messages and whack 'em!
5/28/2005 06:28:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Are they contacting former DMH employees? A lot of staff left for a variety of reasons - bet there is some insight to be gained from them!
5/28/2005 11:17:04 PM
Anonymous said...
They're contacting former St. Mary's employees and trying to find out who's been leaving there with all the money. They're trying to find out if someone is stealing or if it's just really poor management.
5/29/2005 06:52:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken.
You won't give up will you?
You know what folks are calling you now?
5/29/2005 09:28:13 PM
Decatur Democrat said...
I always love to see people say the magic phrase "Whatever happened to the idea of innocent until proven guilty?" Guess what it still does exist, in a court of law, and this is most certainly not a court of law. So feel free to think that the head honchos at DMH are saints on Earth or the Devil incarnate, there is no idea of innocent until proven guilty outside of a court room.
In response to the IPs, yes it is possible to figure out who each and every anonymous poster is, with the exception of anyone one who might be using a proxy. However, the only time blogger would go to that trouble was if they were issued a (word the Herald & Review is terrified to use) subpoena for a libel case, or if they were to be contacted by law enforcement about someone making credible threats endangering other people. And then there is some more on libel, basically whether this site is a publication and malice would have to be proven or not, but really I don't think anything untrue has been written here, and the truth is the absolute defense against a libel claim.
5/30/2005 08:31:30 AM
Anonymous said...
That's the beauty of these things. You can get on here and butcher anyone you want, never show your name or face, and there's not a thing they can do about it. Read the above.
5/30/2005 04:51:09 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
This type interaction is covered as a two way open forum and is covered by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, 47 USC 230. It's also been supported by plenty of case law. So you're safe to be as speculative as you like without fear. - It's your opinion!
Which brings me to an interesting, but unrelated fact. I've been off on a legal adventure of my own since Thursday... I received communication from an expensive lawyer in St. Louis threatening me with litigation. Apparently Ameren/IP is concerned that I am using software I developed while on contract with IP in work that I have done since leaving. It's clear, they're making hollow threats: I haven't done any work in the power industry for over a year and a half. (I've been teaching!) So - Congratulations, Mr. Brockland, you've been sent on a fishing trip that leads to nowhere – Shall I send my next Ameren/IP bill directly to you, or shall I send it to the regular address?
For the record, I consider the relationship between client and consultant like that of a doctor and patient (or lawyer and client!). Work completed for a client belongs to that client. Code, reports, time. It's that simple. Unless the client decides to make my involvement public (which IP did), it's all theirs.
Frankly, I see this as a heavy handed attempt to scare me into (or out of) something – what, I don't know - yet – I should hear back from the lawyer tomorrow...
I have to wonder - is there a DMH-Ameren/IP connection? The “concern” expressed by the Ameren legal folks was never an issue until this DMH thread started – and I've certainly not been conducting any business in secret. Interestingly, the technology in question was the centerpiece of an industry conference in 1999 (at which I was a presenter/demonstrator), and was the subject of a H & R story and IP press release in 2000 - my picture's in the paper – it's in the public record!. lol - Maybe I should start another thread - "What's up with Ameren?" I'm sure I'd get plenty of replies *and* sued (for no particular reason) then! How many jobs did that buyout cost? An awful lot of my old workmates have moved to St. Louis...
But that's another subject...
In the mean time, let's stick with the question at hand - what's up with DMH? ;)
5/30/2005 05:38:38 PM
Decaturite said...
Science of Lying
Mouth breathing examples in this pic?
5/30/2005 05:51:45 PM
Anonymous said...
thats it, matt, you figured it out. dmh is spending big bucks and has enlisted the aid of ameren if the attempt to create trouble for you. sounds like your ego is pretty big. maybe we should start another thread "whats up with matt?"
5/30/2005 06:12:30 PM
Decaturite said...
Matthew, I am positive you can handle Ameren IP.
May I volunteer to try handling VPCheney's attempted excoriation of you?
Oooppps, I already tried without your permission. Sorry about not asking before now.
Semper fidelis.
5/30/2005 06:27:32 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Well, annie, that's an easy one - there's nothing up with me (and that was the point of my comment!!!)! I don't know what you do for a living, but I've never been threatened with litigation before - so it *has* kind of sprung to the top of my list of things to do. I'm funny that way, I guess.
And no, I don't think there's any vast conspiracy or anything - but it's pretty clear to me that someone's trying to sling a little mud my way.
All part of the game, I suppose.
Thanks for the posts decaturite - I don't think VP understands this is an open forum - a conversation. Not a controlled publication.
lol - now what *is* going on at DMH?
5/30/2005 06:59:39 PM
Decaturite said...
Anytime I can hopefully add something to help (semper fi), I am at your service.
I do not think VPCheney suffers the understanding of much.
5/30/2005 07:10:16 PM
Anonymous said...
You forgot the biggest "mouth-breathing" example of lying:
Click Here
5/30/2005 10:46:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Speaking of a conspiracy. Hmmmm...I'm wondering about the name Jackson. And that guy on trial out in California. Just a coincidence? I think not.
5/30/2005 11:04:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Is the Decaurite upset that he/she does get hardly any hits on their blog ? Jealous are we.
Freedom of speech is good. It is a little different watching people go after business types rather politicans, the regular target.
Some of the attacks are a little if not a lot over board.
Like Eron and other messes it takes time. Unless you are Martha Stewart.
I still like the idea of the DMH Reality Show.
5/31/2005 10:39:05 AM
Anonymous said...
Is the Decaurite upset that he/she does get hardly any hits on their blog ? Jealous are we.
Freedom of speech is good. It is a little different watching people go after business types rather politicans, the regular target.
Some of the attacks are a little if not a lot over board.
Like Eron and other messes it takes time. Unless you are Martha Stewart.
I still like the idea of the DMH Reality Show.
5/31/2005 10:39:10 AM
Anonymous said...
Sumpreme Court overturns the Arthur Andersen decision. How does that help a company destroy by Eron? How does Arthur Andersen get its good name back? What about all the good people who lost their jobs?
Think about this when writnig aboutDMH.
5/31/2005 10:45:53 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
lol - decaturite is throwing in his opinion - what's wrong with that? It's *not* a competition! It's about sharing ideas.
How does Aurther Anderson get it's good name back? Well, they change their name to Accenture, of course! What planet have you been living on?
Anyone want to hazard a guess on how soon indictments will come? I'll say 1st quarter of next year.
5/31/2005 12:55:09 PM
Anonymous said...
and who will be indicted? and what will the indictments be for? since you're predicting the time, why not the person and the reason and, as long as you are speculating to this degree, why not predict the outcome, too?
5/31/2005 01:43:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Maybe you will be willing to tell us when the Feds will come down with indictments concerning the trucking scandal with Mayor Daley or the Governor's campaign selling jobs? Both would have a great effect on us than a hospital's little troubles.
5/31/2005 01:57:00 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree. If you're going to cut people up, cut them up good. Who cares if there's any truth to it or not. Go after the ones first who have children and really do a number on them. Their kids deserve it.
5/31/2005 01:59:29 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
OK - I don't know all the player's - but here's my wild speculation (and I freely admit that's all it is!)
I'll say 1 or 2 administrators will get hit, resign, shoulder any "blame" that is found...I think now is *not* the time to be in the second-from-the-top layer of management.
Zero docs get hit - they'll all cooperate, and at most a few will get stern looks and a "you should have known better" speeches from the feds.
I'd guess the BOD will be almost entirely replaced (quietly, sometime in late 2006-early 2007) and DMH will undergo yearly, painstaiking, supervised audits for, say 5-7 years - or face loosing their not-for-profit status.
In the end - Decatur keeps 2 hospitals - DMH gets to proove to everyone it plays fair, and to the average Joe, nothing changes.
That's my guess - not a lot of drama. If DMH is not playing fair, they'll loose their NFP status - if they are playing fair, they won't have anything to worry about.
5/31/2005 02:20:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Way off. If anything, a few small fines for some kind of "paperwork" crap. DMH continues to make money. St. Mary's continues in the red and nothing changes until someone gets tired of making up for the losses.
5/31/2005 02:24:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Who really cares just as long as the people of Decatur get the best health possible. So a few get rich it's sports teams . We want health care like a winning team and not the Cubs.
5/31/2005 02:43:07 PM
Anonymous said...
5/31/2005 05:12:07 PM
Anonymous said...
and what exactly do the 1 or 2 administrators get hit for?
5/31/2005 05:16:54 PM
Anonymous said...
what if dmh isnt found to be cheating? what does that mean for st marys? cant compete? shouldnt have to compete? stay open to give decaturites an option no matter what cost? what if dmh is really doing better for people and making money to sink back into the hospital to do even better in the future?
5/31/2005 05:19:45 PM
Anonymous said...
To the person who wrote: What if DMH isn't found to be cheating?.....
Once again.....this isn't about St Mary's Hospital. It is about possible wrong doings at DMH. St Mary's will be fine.
That is part of the problem at DMH. Everything has to be a competition with them! It just needs to be about good healthcare! Not who has the bigger pot!
Maybe one day, DMH will see that! And maybe then both hospitals can work together for the community's greater good. Believe it or not, it is done that way in some communities with more than one hospital.
5/31/2005 09:08:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Maybe Mr. Smithmeir should change professions and become a decorator or developer (or whatever). He obviously has very good taste. His new house is beautiful and it's in a really nice location.
6/01/2005 03:36:39 AM
Anonymous said...
"and what exactly do the 1 or 2 administrators get hit for?"
Oh, I don't know, maybe, Stark Law violations, uh..., Medicare Fraud, ummmm, Medicaid fraud....I'm graspin' at straws here...LOL!!
6/01/2005 07:06:10 AM
Anonymous said...
For those of you, especially the local physicians out there, who think nothing will happen, consider the case of United states of America vs. SAMUEL R. GOSS, D.P.M. Dr. Goss was briefly involved in a plan to make referrals to a lab in exchange for the lab paying Goss monthly rent of $400.00. A single rent payment was made and 1-2 patients were referred before Goss ended the deal. Sounds like a good slap on the writst case, right? Goss was sent to FEDERAL PRISON for 6 months and spent another 4 under house arrest. If you are a local physician who is involved in even a questionable deal where you have agreed to make referrals to an entity in exchange for anything of even modest value, there may be dark days ahead. Consult an attorney today and broker an immunity deal before the good ones are all gone. Details on the Goss case are available on the web site of the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, or better yet, ask your attorney for the details.
6/01/2005 08:39:59 AM
Anonymous said...
And one more point on penalties. It is not loss of not for profit status that is at stake here. That is for the IRS and the local taxing authorities to deal with. The penalty for a Stark violation or similar statutes, in addition to fines and prison time, is loss of Medicare eligibility. If a hospital or physician can not participate in Medicare, they are done. Its the kiss of death.
6/01/2005 08:47:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Since they're here anyway, it sure would be nice if they'd check the crybabies books too. After all, if a hospital is losing as much money every year as St. Mary's is, how could the obviously incompetent people at the helm be expected to follow any government rules? That would give us a lot more people to slice up on here, maybe some more folks would lose their jobs, and this whole thing would be a lot more fun.
6/01/2005 09:10:20 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
You're right about the Stark law and loss of Medicare eligibility. However, *if* charges are pressed, I'd like to think the hospital and feds could work something out less drastic than that...That's why I say - a few fairly senior management sacrifices, stripping NFP status, and a quiet turnover of the BOD.
In the end:
Two hospitals remain.
The community gets additional tax revenue.
The allegedly (but possibly improvable) predatory business practitioners go somewhere else.
- And -
What's with the anti-St. Mary's goo? It's not an "hospital x vs. hospital y" investigation. It's an "are you playing fair" investigation as far as I can see!
And finally (for those few who care) -
I had a chat with the Ameren lawyer yesterday – nice guy...You know, when you have nothing to hide; you really have nothing to worry about! I don't know who sent him my way, but thanks - If I ever need a corporate lawyer, he'll be at the top of *my* list! (lol – If I can ever afford him!) :)
6/01/2005 12:17:56 PM
Smithmeir for Governor said...
Smithmeir for Governor. You see what he has done for DMH. Just think what he could do for the State of Iiiinois. Oh, wait I think the Governor and the majority are operating the State like DMH already.
So you see DMH is not the only one with strange accounting practices.
6/01/2005 03:37:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Matt-"whats with the anti-st.mary's goo"
Instead of people (involved with DMH) being bothered by possible wrong-doing, all of their anger is being directed towards any place-SMH-or anyone that can possibly be blamed for "telling". You don't have to be around the physicians very long to hear it verbalized.
Ex. MDs asking some SMH nurses "why did you guys turn us in"? A certain surgeon calling SMH "the dark side" and on and on.
Like many wrong-doers, the problem isn't the wrong-doing, its getting caught.
6/01/2005 05:00:54 PM
Anonymous said...
SMH the dark side? That's cute. Don't forget, if DMH is found guilty of ANYTHING, besides the penalties and fines and jail time, what will happen to their bond rating? Then, there will be the civil suit by SMD for "loss of revenue" due to whatever they are found guilty of for the past 10 years (at least). THAT staggers the mind.
6/01/2005 10:54:10 PM
Anonymous said...
The docs know that it was not a SMD nurse. They were told by the DOJ that it was one of their own.
6/01/2005 10:55:49 PM
Anonymous said...
When the docs say that to a particular employee, they're not accusing that one employee but asking as a collective "you guys" meaning the hospital.
6/02/2005 05:39:13 AM
Anonymous said...
Rest assured that DOJ will, under no circumstances, tell the truth about the source of their information or complaints. Not only is that straight from Law Enforcement 101, it's plain common sense.
6/02/2005 12:56:12 PM
Anonymous said...
It's interesting to debate the source of the complaint and to consider his/her motives, but, at the end of the day, the identity of the source has no bearing on "What's going on at DMH". Knowing that a 92 year old FBI man was deep throat doesn't change the guilt or innocence of those he was talking about in that garage.
6/02/2005 02:56:39 PM
Anonymous said...
It also makes one wonder how many laws and FBI policies he violated along the way. The guilt or innocence of those he was talking about does not render him any more or less guilty either.
6/02/2005 06:12:54 PM
Anonymous said...
First let me say that I do not work at either hospital but am quite tied in to the medical community of Decatur.
Many people (primary in the pro-DMh camp) continue to discuss the fact that St. Mary's is working with a deficit while DMH continues to be quite profitable. These two things are factual. The question is why?
DMH has employed a great many of the primary care physicians. They actively steer patients away from St Mary's and some have even gone on record by dropping their privledges at St. Mary's. Then they insist that the specialists they refer to use only DMH for their procedures. Physicans will openly and elequently speak to the importance of two strong hospitals in this community but actions speak louder than words.
By accepting whatever short-term renumeration that DMh provider, these doctors actions have put St. Mary's at a major disadvantage. And it has nothing to do with quality of care or availability of equipment of surgical start times. Its money.
I believe what is going to be discovered is that DMH billed for physicians' services (instead of the doctor or group doing their own billing) and reimbursed the doctor much more than what was collected from Medicare or the Insurance companies.
And let's face it- that is a deal almost too good to be true! or pass up. And if you a doctor, not doing your own billing, not seeing what is actually being collected, but making more bucks than you every made in your career??? And since you don't actually see the numbers, its easy to tell yourself you are not doing anything wrong.
I continue to feel that if there are eventual findings of criminality, DMH will pay the price. But it is those physicians- who let money get in the way of their ethics- who should be ashamed.
Here is, in my opinion, an incredible piece of information. I have heard reports this week, that the DMH physicans continue this practice oflying to patients to make them go to DMH!. With investigators on the campus.
I encourage anyone who is has this happen to them or a family member to report it- especially if it has happened recently or if it happens in the future.
I'm sorry but I remain anonymous.
6/03/2005 10:42:19 AM
Anonymous said...
I appreciate this last article regarding physician incomes, ethics and privileges....as I witnessed the same when affiliated with DMH. I do not agree that all these docs are naive and are unaware of these unethical tactics geared towards greed and power. In fact, I know that this is the case, and patients well-being suffered....and continue to suffer!
ALSO, Dick Amman was the VP at DMH, a loyal, dedicated employee and well-liked man. However, at his unexpected passing, why didn't DMH do an article about him in their newsletter?
what's up with that?
6/03/2005 01:57:48 PM
Anonymous said...
In Response to: "I'm sorry but I remain anonymous"
Your right and it is a fact. The practice of telling patients, what ever procedure it may be, can not be done at St. Marys and must be done at DMH, CONTINUES, under the noses of the DOJ. Comes right out of the Docs offices from the staff to the patient.
I don't believe it will go unnoticed by the DOJ. It WILL eventually be caught.
Here's a bit of interesting information that I've heard. Perhaps someone can verify this.
DMH management refuses, or discourages the Docs to send Medicare and Medicaid patients to DMH.
e.g. St. Marys does all the Medicare, Medicaid deliveries.
It's my understanding, this is one of the reasons why DMH makes all the money and St. Marys loses.
I certainly would like to hear from someone who knows this as a fact.
-I Care-
6/03/2005 03:02:16 PM
Anonymous said...
i am a physician with privileges at dmh, and i seldom know what insurance a patient has or hasnt. it does not matter to me and it has never mattered to me during my entire career. any patient always gets my best ability. on a few occasions i have been told (sometimes by the patient, sometimes by the referring doc, sometimes by my office personnel) that a patient who requires hospital admission has no insurance at all, and i have asked for permission from dmh administration to admit and treat the patient(because that is the way i did it at my previous institution) and i have been uniformly told to procced with the best care for the patient. after a few of these cases i was told i dont need to ask.
6/03/2005 05:14:03 PM
Anonymous said...
It is a fact that, within the last 2 years, new primary practices with naive employed DMH physicians refused Medicare patients. In this situation, DMH uses new primary care physicians as "loss leaders". A similar example is buying a can of vegetables from Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc. for their cost or less than their cost. The store gets you there by this offer and advertisement. The physician is the "can" and the hospital is the "store"
Without a substantial number of Medicare patients, the new practice could not even approach revenue close to the physician's lofty first year salary.
Building a practice without accepting Medicare patients is wrong and unethical.
In addition, DMH employs and seeks NO pediatricians because they are no large money makers, specifically doing very few procedures, ordering less blood tests and X-rays than adult physicians.
They have recently been ignored.
Finally, read the billboards: everything at DMH is now an "institute". Real medical institutes exist in large cities such as Chicago and St. Louis. These billboards which decorate a city of 85,000 are extreme boasting ads by the DMH blowfish!
6/03/2005 06:10:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Quick call Rochester Minnesota (population 85000) and Temple Texas (population 55000) and inform these two communities that the Mayo Clinic and Scott & White Clinic should be closed immediately. Someone forgot to tell the people in these towns that only real medical institutes exist in St Louis and Chicago.
I wonder how long these clowns think they can get away providing quality care in a smal rural setting!!!
C'mon on Decatur after we rid ourselves of DMH, perhaps we can lock on to ADM, Tate &Lyle or CAT and trash them. Because anyone knows that success is too good for Decatur. Tractors should be made in Peoria or Moline or Danville and agribusiness should all be done in Iowa. Decatur's probably not good enough. Act small be small.
Decatur- Pride of the Prarie? or No Pride?
6/03/2005 07:17:25 PM
Anonymous said...
For DMH to become a significantly recognized center of excellance it must have quality trained physicians and patient volume. Quality trained physicians are in demand and can practice anywhere in the USA....... so give me a break, do you really think the medical atmosphere in Decatur is so wonderful that all the good docs are passing up the east and west coast to settle in the arm pit of America? DMH has to have patient volume and they can only get it by taking volume away from some other health care providers ie St Marys, Springfield, Champaign etc. DMH "owned" physicians help drive that volume so the hospital can achieve its goals. Neither Decatur hospital will ever compete with established specialities in the surrounding area - but both hospitals can be a wonderful asset by providing basic healthcare for population and making appropriate referrals to established programs for at risk patients. The key is - do you have a physician that is smart enough to appropriately refer or are they more concerned about losing revenue to another physician/hospital. Think about it!
6/03/2005 09:46:44 PM
Anonymous said...
"Arm pit of America?" My...If we'd all only known how bad we really had it, this would also be the suicide capital of the country. That writer should catch the next bus out and head one way or the other.
6/03/2005 10:27:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Sure Decatur physicians can compete with surrounding areas. Don't you think that a town of 85000 people should have the resources to take care of their medical needs and refer for only the extreme cases. The hospitals of this town have put a big effort into recruiting specialists to come to this town. Bith hospitals that is. Competition aside, either hospital would rather keep a patient in town rather than referring them out of the community for their medical needs. (of course refer when appropriate) But that requirement is not as needed as it used to be because the efforts of both hospitals to bring specialists to town.
Part of what brings these physicians to town is the facilites and the technology that both hospitals supply. Do you think guys who train at Northwestern, Barnes etc. are willing to come to Decatur for the culture or is it the restaurants? No. They come because of the efforts of the hospitals and the community to provide top rate health care. Both Hospitals. And these are docs that aren't "owned" by anyone that are in part driving this.
They are well trained, know when Decatur isn't the right place for their patients and by and large do an excellent job. They happen to make a decent living too. That's allowed in America you know.
I still fail to see why a community is content with mediocrity, like you appear to be.
Twenty years ago the balance of patients was different in this town. So what happened. Illegal competitive practices? We'll see. Poor management? Maybe One hosptial wanted to be a primary health center and the other was content being a feeder hosptial? I don't know.
I do know that it is not absurd for a community to desire to provide healthcare to its own residents.
Think about that.
Have a good weekend.
I Might Care
6/03/2005 11:00:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you know what they call a medical student that graduates last in their class? You got it "Doctor". If you haven't seen or experienced better, I guess it's natural to assume what you've got - hospital or doctor - is good to great. Think about it!
6/03/2005 11:18:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Is that why DMH has to "buy" their physicians - force the volume through instead of the volume naturally gravitating to their facility because of their quality outcomes? think about it!
6/03/2005 11:19:41 PM
Anonymous said...
I am happy to see others coming forward with their DMH experiences and knowledge of what had transpired with physician practices and others catching on!
I am one of those ex-DMH physicians who refused to be bought, refused to be told what to do with my patients, refused to succomb to the Administrative and other "team-player" physicians pressure to keep EVERYTHING AT DMH!
And yes, they made docs withdraw privileges from ST. Mary's or withdraw them if they already had them!
And yes, they would call you to their office and berate you if you did not keep the patients at DMH.
If you don't play by their rules, they threaten your position and to ruin your career. If after these threats you still remain a "NON TEAM-PLAYER" then they will kick you out and attempt to black-ball your career!
6/04/2005 09:16:23 AM
Anonymous said...
amen to the comment above
6/04/2005 12:35:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Matt...I have not heard you on WSOY lately. Am I just missing your segment or has WSOY terminated your program because of the DMH blog, etc?
6/04/2005 04:14:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Make a decent living in the armpit of America? How did that happen? If you read far enough above you'll see that you're not even allowed to build a house.
6/04/2005 05:00:12 PM
Anonymous said...
I always heard that E. St. Louis was the armpit of America. When did we pass them up?
6/04/2005 05:27:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you for this web site.
6/04/2005 08:52:46 PM
Anonymous said...
I hope and pray that as a result of this investigation of DMH, the number of deaths from staff infections acquired while in the hospital will decrease significantly.
6/04/2005 08:55:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Talk about brainwashed community!!! Comparing the DMH "institutes" to MAYO CLINIC and Temple, Texas clinics??????
Wake up people!!! The nurses spend more time with the hundreds of computers in the halls at DMH than the patients! (no offense to the nurses-they don't have the time to approach the patients).
6/04/2005 09:09:13 PM
Anonymous said...
It's staph. infection, not staff infection, I'm sure the staff is not infected too greatly.
The nosocomial infection rate at DMH is about half the national average.
I hope and pray you don't have to be literate or have any idea of facts beofre you respond on this site. This is great let's dispense some more uninformed information.
Armpit of America? I think Gary, Indiana may have Decatur beat out on that. I also think they have more staff infections.
6/04/2005 09:10:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Re: anonymous and the nosocomial infection rate of DMH
Nosocomial infection refers to a "hospital-acquired" infection. While you are a patient in a hospital you may pick up another infection from somewhere in the hospital. It not all that uncommon - just part of the environment.
Would the nosocomial anonymous person care to share with us how they know the nosocomial infection rate at DMH is "half the national average". What is the source of your information? Is this a matter of public record? Please site your source.
6/04/2005 09:32:51 PM
Anonymous said...
as I had mentioned earlier, I am an ex-DMH employee that left for the philosophy I did not share...and for the very reasons they are being investigated
I applaud those who mentioned that there exists "brainwashing" of the public that DMH has brought state of the art "Institutes" to Decatur
don't believe these obvious spin-meisters for DMH attempting to confuse, go to the department of public health and request the information under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act...you will learn the true successes of their Heart Institute, etc
why not ask the physicians of their Institutes, for example Heart, why they do not hold privileges at both Decatur Hospitals....or why they withdrew them from St. Mary's
6/04/2005 10:07:13 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
I think I'll be on this Thursday from 7-8. The radio station had other events going on week before last (with the Lakeside Music and Arts Festival).
Last week, I think some wires got crossed, and Thursday's schedule just didn't have me in it.
lol - as far as I know, I'm still on - thanks for asking & listening!
6/04/2005 10:07:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Mmmmmmm, if the "reported" infection rate at DMH is less than half the national average it is probably another example of creatively working the numbers - imagine that - creative with finance and clinical outcome numbers. Think about it!
6/04/2005 10:27:09 PM
Anonymous said...
All I will say is that we lost a very dear friend last year. She contacted MRSA atDMH in the ICU. We have another friend who has had open heart surgery and has MRSA. This is frightening to allot of people. I wonder how many death certificates a month show an infection as the cause of death.
6/05/2005 12:15:14 AM
Anonymous said...
this last comment about open heart surgery and infections...
go to the public records and the public in general.....learn how many had a procedure and how many are still around, or walked out without complications
you'll see that what is advertised on the one-half hour DMH Heart Institute special that they have a 100% success rate is bunk...
6/05/2005 06:09:36 AM
Anonymous said...
maybe the 100% success rate of the Heart Institute referred to collections
6/05/2005 06:10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
has this blog been shut down?
I have not seen any new postings for 2 days
6/07/2005 09:29:39 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
Nope - we're still here!
I think people must be out enjoying the weather for a day or so - I'm sure we'll get more comments.
Any new deveopments? Anyone?
6/07/2005 02:25:46 PM
Anonymous said...
Could be that a lot of the people who had been posting on here had cross burnings or something on that order to attend to.
6/07/2005 07:17:57 PM
Anonymous said...
The comment earlier about "they're still doing it right under the DOJ's noses" is true.
A friend, who works for a medical care clinic not affiliated with either hospital, has witnessed DMH-employed doctors telling patients they "have to go to DMH" for their services, even though St. Mary's is only two blocks from their door! These Medicare-age people found out they did indeed have a choice, and have gone back to the facility that is closer!
Matt was hoping there won't be docs that have to leave because of all of this, but if these guys keep this up, I don't think the DOJ will give them a choice.
6/07/2005 08:03:28 PM
Anonymous said...
The reason the docs continue to do so is because they are assured by Smithmier, Stone & Co that they are performing within the law...I know, I was there, but walked
Also, I am certain that they are attempting to pay-off the "right people" to make this go away...as they feel that they can buy anyone off...as they claim they did with state officials
6/07/2005 10:33:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Looks like the cross burnings are over. Welcome back.
6/07/2005 10:54:49 PM
Anonymous said...
This Week in Corporate Compliance
Social Worker Charged with Medicaid Fraud ... contracts and other documents in
an ongoing probe of Decatur Memorial Hospital 's financial practices. ...
6/08/2005 12:20:49 AM
Anonymous said...
My...a nonexistent website. Imagine that.
6/08/2005 09:29:42 AM
Anonymous said...
Dear "Imagine That"
Why don't you GOOGLE the following..."Corporate compliance and Decatur Memorial Hospital" and see what you get
6/08/2005 01:37:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Did the google search and nothing..........
6/08/2005 02:31:46 PM
Decaturite said...
Please sign up for a blogger.com (anonymous) identity here
6/08/2005 02:47:56 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
I think you meant:
But I don't see a DMH reference
6/08/2005 03:18:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Different Anonmous here:
I used www.dogpile.com , Decaturite, and I found what you were talking about, just as Matthew has said.
When you look through dogpile, there is a reference to a Decatur Memorial investigation, but when you go that link, it's virtually impossible to find.
Thanks for the info!!
Everyone research this link, and if you find the exact URL for the story, put it here!
6/08/2005 04:42:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's cut up someone else for a while. There's got to be someone else in the county who we don't like and is building a new house.
6/08/2005 06:38:39 PM
Anonymous said...
No, Mr. Smithmier, you deserve all the attention...and to go to jail, with your buddy Mr. Stone and the corrupt docs....so we'll cut YOU up for a while
6/08/2005 07:30:51 PM
Anonymous said...
I am employed by St. Mary's and have been for many years. I appreciate all the chances I have been given to be able to support myself and raise my family. Having said that, I am also curious to whats going on "the other side of town." I have never had the impression that SMH wants DMH to fold, as we welcome the competition. But we also like to play fair. I have heard recently of many many patients (Medicare) being told that they have to go to DMH because of their supplemental insurance is thru their old employer. All i can tell you is that Medicare patients can go anywhere. Our insurance lets SMH employees go to DMH for procedures if we want. True, our insurance pays a bit less, but then on the other hand, Consociate, who insures DMH employees does not pay a dime if they come to our institution. No wonder DMH utilizes a local company from Decatur.......easier to put them under their thumb also.
6/08/2005 08:16:04 PM
Anonymous said...
I believe your commentto be inaccurate, as are so many things on this site. Facts, be damned-
6/08/2005 08:36:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Which comment are you referring to? I made several
6/08/2005 08:40:32 PM
Anonymous said...
6/08/2005 08:49:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read: "You think education is expensive?...Try ignorance!"
6/08/2005 09:21:12 PM
Anonymous said...
because that ONE HOUSE was built on DMH Foundation Property!
I do not believe that the homes north of the mall are
again, just these DMH spinmeisters attmpting to shift the focus off Smithmier, Stone and the bought docs
6/08/2005 09:27:08 PM
Carol said...
I do not understand the Consociate Insurance comment. I have Consociate and I may go to SMH. My insurance is through the city, not the hospital.
6/09/2005 08:40:41 AM
Anonymous said...
Consociate is just like other insurance compnaies; they different versions of coverage depending on the "plan" you sign up with. Different employers may get a different plan package, and the city got the more lenient package. DMH employees, on the other hand, MUST go to DMH or no coverage.
6/09/2005 11:31:15 AM
Anonymous said...
There are some people building new houses in Long Creek and DMH has some land on 36 East. Can't we twist that a little and find someone to hack up over it? I'll be disappointed if we can't do a little blood letting over some good information like that.
6/09/2005 12:59:56 PM
Anonymous said...
6/09/2005 01:01:14 PM
Anonymous said...
It's not about being DMH FOUNDATION property that is in question, but HOW MUCH Mr. Smithmeir PAID for his piece of the Foundation property.... need I say more?
AND, where did you say all the FOUNDATION property came from???? Are you sure about that????
- I Care-
6/09/2005 02:10:29 PM
Anonymous said...
6/09/2005 02:48:43 PM
Anonymous said...
To the DMH Administrator & Advocate...if you push the "caps lock" once more, you won't have to write entirely in capital letters....but, your are a smart guy and probably knew that
6/09/2005 02:57:43 PM
Anonymous said...
ok just to make you happy here is small letters. now i did my part, now come up with the price or shut up. you still do not know JACK S---
6/09/2005 03:39:44 PM
Anonymous said...
see, proof that this writer was DMH Administration....he changed from caps lock!...
hey, just admit what you've been doing to the DOJ and take the penalty like a man
6/09/2005 03:54:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know if the Doctor's whose practices DMH own; do they have hospital privileges at St. Mary's?
6/09/2005 03:54:47 PM
Anonymous said...
6/09/2005 04:07:38 PM
Anonymous said...
that person with the caps lock on has gotten quite violent with the DOJ breathing down his neck....are you getting back spasms like Michael Jackson?....you are both going to JAIL!!!!!!!!!!
6/09/2005 04:11:08 PM
Anonymous said...
I was one of the DMH docs that walked instead of playing ball with Administration and the corrupt docs....no, they would not allow me to obtain privileges at St. Mary's Hospital
6/09/2005 04:12:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Ken, Ken, calm down! You'll pop a vein or something!
Freedom of Information Act.
There's got to be a record of the sale.
Fair-market-value for farmland, or for high-end mansion property? That is the question.
Let the investigation begin...I mean, continue!!!
6/09/2005 04:18:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Nice try CAPS....
If I let you know what I know, you'd know who I am....
You know the answers. You're just trying to find out who's pushing the buttons here.
You've got to be one of the ones caught with it's hand in the Cookie jar.
The investigation is "on going" regardless of what you may believe, there is a GOOD reason.
- I Care -
6/09/2005 04:29:31 PM
Anonymous said...
I am going in to the DOJ to testify....I will mention the threats by the "caps lock" person who stated...
that's pretty threatening!....underscores what you tried to do to me....I am certain that the DOJ can confirm that this was YOU...
6/09/2005 04:35:22 PM
Anonymous said...
A threat? Either someone has never been threatened before or they're smoking way too many of those funny little bent up cigarettes. I don't see anything there that even remotely resembles a threat. Grow up and get a life.
6/09/2005 07:52:56 PM
Anonymous said...
i have learned a great deal from this web site. i would not have believed that people would publish such unfounded information, maliciously but enthusiastically, but i have now seen it with my own eyes. it is no longer incredible to me that malcontents are able to say whatever they want, without evidence, without responsibility, on a web site. it is quite clear that there are people who relish making accusations of others without knowledge of facts, probably, in my opinion, due to their own inadequacies. like people, for example, who think they are better and smarter than they are, like physicians who can't pass their boards or hold jobs. like physicians who think that their employer will protect them against their own inadequacies. however, hopefully, the people will be allowed to make decisions regarding the truth based on true facts, based on evidence, none of which i have seen on this site.
6/09/2005 08:03:06 PM
Anonymous said...
I understand 10 acres at $4500 per acre.
6/09/2005 08:09:01 PM
Anonymous said...
"NAME A PLACE TO MEET AND I COULD INFORM YOU WELL" sounds like a threat to me too!
DMH has physicians that can't pass their boards?
6/09/2005 08:32:00 PM
Anonymous said...
If you consider that a threat you've lead a very, very sheltered life. How fortunate you are.
6/09/2005 09:11:48 PM
Anonymous said...
what other reason would this person want to meet and inform me well?
you get a life Smithmier, Stone or
6/09/2005 09:27:54 PM
Anonymous said...
can we please stop the threats, innuendos, lies, exaggerations, sarcasms and disingenuous comments and honestly address what is wrong with dmh? please. let's just address the facts, please. let us address how dmh has been associated with laws broken, how dmh has been associated with community malservice, and how dmh has hurt people, compared with any other secondary care center.
6/09/2005 11:32:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Maybe the person just wants to tell you how ignorant or misinformed you are. From reading the garbage on here it appears that most of the posters have already been beaten senseless so a fight wouldn't be in order.
6/09/2005 11:52:18 PM
Anonymous said...
no, it sounds to me that those being investigated are feeling the heat...they have tried to pay off, threaten, the only thing they have left is violence
6/10/2005 12:02:22 AM
Anonymous said...
someone threatened should notify the police, someone violated should call 911, someone approached with a payoff should call the police or fbi. these are illegal acts. i havent heard of any actions like this from the authorities. if you know of any impending violence please notify the police or fbi to prevent it. if you dont know what you are talking about, stop crying wolf, because no one will believe you when you do see something true.
6/10/2005 12:13:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Of course you haven't "heard anything from the authorities"!!!
It's still under investigation!
I doubt if anything is going to come out in detail for a while.
But when it does....all you naysayers out there will have to eat your words!
As to the "threats", someone's yankin' your chain. Ignore it.
The DOJ *HAS* the evidence, they are sorting it all out right now, and there's plenty already to put several away, if the government so chooses. It's not a question of IF, it's a question of WHEN.
6/10/2005 09:34:48 AM
Anonymous said...
I agree that the DOJ has the evidence....hopefully its not just on the administrators (Smithmier,Stone) who clearly got to go, but also some of the physicians who conspired with them and implemented their plans....and are equally to be blamed/charged
this is not hearsay, I was there and witnessed it first-hand...I am not there anymore, as I did not agree with them, was tagged a "non-team player", was threatened then and being black-balled now for standing up against them
6/10/2005 10:12:44 AM
Anonymous said...
For those accusing us of ignorance and being enticing, speak for yourself.
I agree with the above, the DOJ is hard at work, and in the end of all this, WE THE PEOPLE will speak!
Just don't be surprised.
It's still fascinates me that there is a continued ENTICEMENT for some of us give them MORE facts. Let's see.... more facts, narrow down who is giving out info. OH!!!! I get it.
- I Care -
6/10/2005 11:00:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Getting back to a post from a few days ago from Decaturite...
The link to http://www.hcca-info.org/eseries/StaticContent/email.htm
reached a dead end for many because the story they alluded to was from the May 31 edition.
The following appeared in the May 31 issue of This Week in Corporate
Hospital Probed – 85 Doctors sent Subpoenas
On May 26, the "Springfield State Journal Register" reported that
“Federal investigators have ordered dozens of Macon County doctors to
hand over tax forms, contracts and other documents in an ongoing probe
of Decatur Memorial Hospital's financial practices.
“No charges or other formal allegations have been filed in the
investigation, in which at least 85 doctors have received subpoenas.”
For more:
The story must have been removed from this link - so here's another
on this item:
6/10/2005 11:28:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Mr. Smithmier & Mr. Stone:
We know you are reading this blog....and probably contributed many times...
a few questions for you...
1. Why did you preclude your employed physicians from obtaining privileges at St. Mary's?....I was there!
2. Why did you distribute memos to the employed physicians and individually meet with them instructing them to refer all consultations and testing to only physicians within the "system"...I was there!
3. Dick Amman was the VP of DMH, why did you not have a tribute to him when he passed away?
6/10/2005 12:46:22 PM
Anonymous said...
If you were there why don't you answer it you dope? What an ignorant posting. Another one who's been slapped senseless.
Are they doing this same investigation at St. Mary's or is this like a lot of other government jobs where they only look into those who are successful? Then again, why would you want to know what's going on at St. Mary's since it's obviously not working and they're diving deeper and deeper into the red. Nice location for a drive-up bank but the building is too big.
6/10/2005 02:16:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Ken, I think he wants *YOU* to answer the questions for the public, not provide his opinion.
And why do you keep shifting the focus back over to St. Mary's? The focus is now on DMH and the pickle it's in since you guys didn't follow the law.
This town needs two hospitals, so let's play by the rules. If you don't play by the rules and get caught, then you have to pay. Just hope you don't have to pay too much, Ken. Big Bubba hasn't had a decent cellmate in almost a year.
6/10/2005 03:02:38 PM
Anonymous said...
I feel that the public has been tough on the DMH CEO...
of course, who would expect him to answer these questions...
I would imagine the reason he built such a large house is that he is quite an accomodating guy....his old house could not house the administrators and corrupt docs he has sleeping with him on this one
6/10/2005 03:32:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Come on let's name some suspected whistle blowers. I want names people, come on-
6/10/2005 05:45:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Ken,why do you want their names, so you can threaten them, their careers, their livlihoods as you, Stone and gang did to me!
6/10/2005 06:15:23 PM
Anonymous said...
How sad to see purely hateful things written on here. If you were maligned, use the court system to be vindicated. If there was wrongdoing, then the investigators will find it. But to malign Mr. Stone and Mr. Smithmeir just ecause you can is pretty low.
6/10/2005 06:55:20 PM
Anonymous said...
you are correct, as long as the DOJ, FBI and Investigators are allowed to do their work....and report their findings accurately, these guys will be prosecuted.
but to go against them in the local Court, where they claim to be the most powerful men other than Mr. Andreas...who have the best local & state law firms retained and deep-pockets of DMH....you have no chance
6/10/2005 07:27:06 PM
Anonymous said...
C'mon folks. It's so much fun to get on here and hack up people. Let's see some names besides the muckety mucks at DMH. The ones throwing all the rocks don't have the balls to show their names. Tell you anything?
6/10/2005 07:51:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Ken, it means that we don't want to get further screwed by you and your organization
the Investigators know who we are and that's all that matters
I tell you what, answer what was posted earlier FIRST...
1. Why did you preclude your employed physicians from obtaining privileges at St. Mary's?....I was there!
2. Why did you distribute memos to the employed physicians and individually meet with them instructing them to refer all consultations and testing to only physicians within the "system"...I was there!
3. Dick Amman was the VP of DMH, why did you not have a tribute to him when he passed away?
6/10/2005 08:02:16 PM
Anonymous said...
I heard that the whistle blower was Dr. Seuss, but another person disagreed and said it was Dr Doolittle. Which is true? I wasn't there- I just want to stir the pot.
- I Don't Care, or Do I?
I am so confused.
My hampster died and noone had a memorial for him- he was VP of Hamsters of America you know.
6/10/2005 08:19:04 PM
Anonymous said...
My son's goldfish died and DMH didn't do one thing for him. If you looked up loyal in the dictionary you'd see that fish there and no one did squat for him. I was so upset I damn near didn't flush him. I think I'll call the DOJ or the DEA or DOD or the mosquito abatement office, or someone. I'm really pissed.
6/10/2005 08:46:01 PM
Anonymous said...
how dare you ridicule a dead mn....what did Dick Amman do to you!
I'd skip the hamster and goldfish as potential pets when you go to jail....but I heard gerbils are popular
6/10/2005 11:55:18 PM
Anonymous said...
To the best of my knowledge, I don't even know good ole Dick. I don't think he ever did anything to me, but who knows. He didn't do anything about the dead fish either, so he's on my s**t list.
6/11/2005 12:08:15 AM
Anonymous said...
Of course, once again, we're off track of DMH and onto dead pets. please.
6/11/2005 12:20:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey...that fish was always there when my son needed him. He was full of good advice. He was so smart that after being kicked out of Chicago, Corky Sosa called and talked to the fish for an hour. Helped him make the transition to Baltimore.
6/11/2005 10:19:50 AM
Anonymous said...
can you screen these messages and only allow those directed at the topic of your blog
these guys are attempting to make this a mockery....as I would imagine they are the subject of the investigation...Smithmier, Stone, corrupt docs
instead of wasting their time doing that...call Mesereau, I think he's free after Jackson gets convicted to help you out!
6/11/2005 10:41:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Make this a mockery? What a joke. Look at some of the crap up above. The mockery showed up long ago.
6/11/2005 11:19:20 AM
Anonymous said...
you are correct...the mockery arrived some time ago....when did Smithmier & Stone arrive?
6/11/2005 11:31:11 AM
Anonymous said...
Well well well.
It seems that the "off-topic crowd" are fighting hard, but...
I've heard rumors about DMH's cardiology program and difficulties ahead. Will the heart program survive? Will the self-referral system for Illinois Heart be kept intact?
As well, an administrator caught with his pants down?
With problems in the self-referral system and one administrator probably leaving, how will Smithmier and Stone deal with the DOJ and all the other pressures of a crumbling empire?
Find out tomorrow, same time, same channel!
6/11/2005 02:25:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Went by St. Mary's a while ago. There weren't very many cars there. Are they still open?
6/11/2005 02:29:12 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
DMH is applying sticky lables to Bud Light? Is that what's going on there?
Somehow I don't think so.
Please, either stick to the topic - or go post on VP Cheney's blog.
6/11/2005 05:04:19 PM
Anonymous said...
thanks for intervening....just another sorry attempt by the DMH boys to divert the focus away from them
6/11/2005 05:31:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Who's VP and does he work for DMH or Bud?
6/11/2005 06:06:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh come on. Lighten up a little. Anyone can get on here and type up anything they want about anyone they want and you're taking this seriously? Just try to read this from the beginning without laughing your butt off. Reading, believing, and worrying about something like this could cause one to have bleeding ulcers and bring about one's untimely demise in one of the incompetently run hospitals.
6/11/2005 07:30:07 PM
Anonymous said...
I heard that DMH's only cardiac surgeon recently resigned. Any truth to that rumor?
6/11/2005 08:01:26 PM
Anonymous said...
He's sick and won't be back (a major illness unfortunately)...the boys in Bloomington will cover, but for how long? They can't cover two towns an hour apart!
So with no surgery coverage, there won't be as many, OR ANY? high-risk cardiac procedures. My GOD! Smithmier and Stone may have to send patients to... I can't say it...SPRINGFIELD?!!? Drive Time Is Lifetime?!?
Recruiting to Decatur with this DOJ investigation is going to be tough. Just don't hire any surgeons from Australia named Jayant Patel, okay?
6/11/2005 08:25:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Correct Link, sorry!
6/11/2005 08:27:20 PM
Anonymous said...
6/11/2005 08:28:17 PM
Anonymous said...
I wish & pray that Dr Meng overcomes his illness for the sake of his wife and family.
Having said that, having worked at DMH as a physician, the DRIVE TIME TO SPRINGFIELD IS WORTH IT FOR YOUR LIFE!
6/11/2005 08:35:06 PM
Anonymous said...
In regards to:
Went by St. Mary's a while ago. There weren't very many cars there. Are they still open?
6/11/2005 02:29:12 PM
It's a saturday you idiot. When I go by DMH on a saturday there doesn't seem to be many cars there either.
I can honestly tell you "Yes" they are open, and this town is in for one big turn-around. So be very careful what your writting. Dude!
6/12/2005 02:59:15 PM
Anonymous said...
I've been reviewing some posts, and made an observation with this one:
The writer was chastising someone else for not being able to come up with the price Mr. Smithmier paid for the property around Maroa. The writer then offered to meet this person where he could "inform [him] well" of what that price was.
Does this mean that the writer was Ken Smithmier, or perhaps the real estate agent or bank loan officer? Who else would know the exact price and be able to inform others "well?" I doubt if the real estate agent or loan officer would get that worked up.
Getting that angry is going to get your blood pressure up, Ken, and will make it hard for you to think clearly. You've got a heart surgeon to recruit and a bunch of bills to pay. Not to mention worrying about what the DOJ is going to do. Save your strength. Get your blood pressure checked.
6/12/2005 04:11:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Go to St. Mary's and this could happen to you.
Updated: 07:11 PM EDT
$8 Million Awarded in Misdiagnosed Cancer Case
Victim Died After Unnecessary Chemotherapy
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (June 10) - A jury awarded $8 million to the husband of a woman who died after chemotherapy that wasn't necessary because she didn't have cancer, lawyers said.
The jury ruled Wednesday against Coral Springs Medical Center, University Hospital in Tamarac and two doctors. Pending expected appeals, they will each have to pay Charles Pandrea a portion of the award, Pandrea's attorney, Michael Ryan, said Thursday.
"Mr. Pandrea had no idea why [his wife] died. What he found was that she never had cancer."
-Michael Ryan, attorney for victim's husband
A private autopsy showed Janet Pandrea had a benign tumor in one lung that could have been operated on, but did not have cancer, Ryan said. He said she developed side effects from her chemotherapy that ultimately led to her death.
6/12/2005 05:01:43 PM
Anonymous said...
To "go to St. Mary's and this could happen to you" This blog spot has nothing to do with St. Mary's Hospital. The article about the hospital in Fort Lauderdale has nothing to do with St. Mary's Hospital. Is this just another smoke screen to divert attention from the purpose of this blogspot?
6/12/2005 05:54:45 PM
To the person that wanted to know if ST.MARY'S was still open, and also the person that wanted to know only the true facts. Here goes i work for DMH as far as the true fact's DMH is going to put in a new parking garage for it's employee's and visitors. i have seen the blue prints, and the starting date. As far as the other hospital ( hope you sitting down for this one ) DMH is in the process of buying ST. MARY'S, DMH is going to turn it into a nursing home. I have also seen these papers. DMH is going to buy up all the land around the hospital also, if they don't want to sell, the land will be condemed and bought at a low price. remmnber how ROCK SPRINGS was done. In case you are wondering i am a janitor and i read all this on a bathroom wall.
6/12/2005 09:07:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Now there's the best idea yet. A giant nursing home and they could do the Olive Garden and the drive-up bank on the first floor.
6/12/2005 09:39:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Trying to go off topic again, eh?
Feeling the heat of the DOJ breathing down your necks?
Nervous as hell because the heart program is in the toilet?
Wondering how you're going to recruit with all this bad publicity going on?
Having trouble coming up with unique or clever distractions to get people off topic on a blog site dedicated to your DOJ investigation?
It's sad. So sad.
There is one way for this blog to stop writing about you and for all this to be a distant memory.
Go to the DOJ now and offer to come to terms. Get it all out in the open and get it over with. In no time at all this blog will go on to a new topic and no more having to try to get people off topic everyday.
6/12/2005 10:19:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Lots of building permits in the paper today. Someone building a new house who we can hack up real good?
6/13/2005 01:13:39 AM
Anonymous said...
You people are pathetic. All of you. Get a life.
6/13/2005 05:57:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Has anyone checked with DMH HR? They have info about the docs as well as administration. I'm sure administration's paper file is much more detailed, but someone has to pay them.
6/13/2005 01:59:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I hope there are departments in addition to administration that are being investigated (like any department Debbie Acciavatti works in). Misappropriation of funds is a way of life at DMH whether you choose to believe it or not. I've witnessed it first hand and documented it.
Administration and the departments that work closely with administration(like HR especially) have the mentality to do as we say not as we do. But the employees are not supposed to be smart enough to figure that out or bring that to anyone's attention, believe me, I know from first hand experience(s). Whistle blowers don't have a very long life expectency at DMH even if it's for self preservation. I tried to bring some really heinous wrong doing to administrations attention (because if I didn't it would have looked like I initiated it) and they chose to turn a deaf ear.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no such thing as job security anymore. Not at DMH or anywhere else, I'm not jaded just realistic.
I don't want innocent employees to lose their jobs, because I really feel they're just living in fear, trying to stay employed. But wouldn't it be nice if we all played by the same rules in real life and good employees were appreciated. Administration should have nothing to worry about if all their "debts" are paid, otherwise they better open their wallets (morally).
Now that I'm away from DMH, I don't feel like a whipped pup and I enjoy being appreciated. The hope I have for my friends at DMH that have been abused for all these years is that when this is all said and done that they get the appreciation they deserve and find the self confidence that has been robbed from them
6/14/2005 11:18:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Sounds like something Michael Jackson would write. Can't we all just get along?
6/14/2005 12:34:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Have you noticed lately that every time someone writes something negative about DMH the very next entry is a smart-a__ed comment about the entry. No debate. Nothing productive in the defense of DMH. Just pure rudness. To whoever has this job at DMH to make these way cool comments-it isn't helping your cause. Many of us are thoughtful readers who know enough about the situation to recognize those entries that have the ring of truth in them.
Please you "Sheer Men of Genius" Step up to the plate. Let's read some genuine denial of the various allegations that local citizens have made. Nothing legal here, but DMH is being tried in the court of public opinion and you appear to be losing. Come on Mr. DMH-Defender-Guy. Say something intelligent to convince us that DMh's tremendous success is due completely to legal business practices. Do a good enough job and maybe you'll get your own beer commercial.
6/14/2005 03:16:53 PM
Anonymous said...
"The court of public opinion" is not the place to try anyone. Show me one thing right about a bunch of nameless and faceless peons hiding behind their computer monitor to make nasty derogatory remarks about people. Granted, it may not be illegal and some of the things stated on here could even be true, but don't make it appear that the gutless cowards posting them should be up for sainthood. One does not have to be a DMH employee to see how the "ring of truth" can be turned into something very wrong when accusations are made by anyone with a keyboard and an Internet connection.
6/14/2005 04:26:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I actually agree with everything you just said.
6/14/2005 05:06:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Gutless cowards?
I think NOT!!
Many people who write here have no other venue to put out what they want people to hear. If they were identified, as the previous writer said, DMH has ways of getting rid of "trouble makers." Dissentors at DMH are not tolerated; from the people in the kitchen to docs who don't tow the line with administration. Those of us working in healthcare realize that even though we don't agree with what is going on at DMH, we don't dare identify ourselves lest we be hastily gotten rid of.
*SOME* have written because it seems like fun; some have written because this is the only place to vent; some have written because they can.
Regardless of what is written, most of us take it with a grain of salt, and keep our eyes/ears open. When we see stuff in this blog that is substantiated/proven, then we might call it true. Otherwise, it's a conversation. Who knows what's what. When the USDOJ makes their announcement, we all get to see what has transpired.
Gutless? No, pragmatic!
6/14/2005 05:15:37 PM
Anonymous said...
I noticed the person who made the remarks on 6/14/05 about nameless and faceless peons also remained nameless and faceless - Does that make them a peon? I thought the topic was DMH - not the status of my character. I wrote (on6/14/2005 11:18:57 AM )what I know to be true, what I witnessed, not from rumor or innuendo.
I tried to make the higher ups see what was going on (out of self preservation, because if I didn't it would've looked like I made some very poor decisions that I had no authority to make)and they didn't chose to do anything about it. Instead they just got rid of me.
I'm not making accusations, just stating fact. Interpret it how you like - the fact remains that DMH may or may not be embarassed by what is found, it makes no difference to me anymore, but I still have friends that work there and need a paycheck, that's the only thing I worry about.
In my opinion DMH is being run like a political machine. It has policies in place that are being observed by the everyday Joe, the "in" crowd can pick and choose what rules they want to follow until they're caught or they make the wrong person mad, then watch out - you violated a policy and must go.
Pot - let me introduce you to the kettle, it's name is "black".
6/15/2005 09:56:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Those who are not happy working at DMH should take control of their life and find another job. Life is much too short to spend it doing something you don't enjoy.
6/15/2005 12:53:30 PM
Anonymous said...
It's not a question of not enjoying the job. The hospital itself is just fine. It's the anuses that run it that make life hell...you know, the one's that are going to prison soon...why don't they leave and allow DMH to become a nice place for several hundred workers to remain employed.
That is just common sense.
6/15/2005 02:06:31 PM
Anonymous said...
$4,000 to $6,000 an acre for FARM ground is fair. I know for a fact that in order to build a home on what was Prime Farm ground you have to purchase 10 acres or more. Sounds like it was a fair price to me. Think about the good you people could do for yourselves or the community as a whole if you were to put half the effort spent here on drivel on a community project that was worthwhile. And no, I am not Ken, nor Tim or anyone who even knows them. Have a good day.
6/15/2005 04:25:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Why wasn't the transaction for the purchase of land from DMH foundation listed in the H & R? Aren't all of those supposed to be listed?
6/15/2005 06:42:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Why doesn't somebody start listing the accusations named off in this blog and we'll see if these are close to the truth.
This investigation will take two years at least. All documents asked for have been handed over. DMH is in waiting period now.
Here's what I see:
1. Folks want DMH to lose not for profit status. O.K. if it happens, what do you think will happen to your healthcare costs? Maybe you'll start another blog then when you have to pay too much.
2. St. Mary's is not closing and DMH is not buying them. Nasty rumor. Remember, they are part of HSHS with 13 hospitals. The headquarters are in Springfield. Do you think they would let St. Mary's slip away?
3. Ask about the Pacific Institue intitiative. Find out what that is about.
4. Farmland deal is legit and Ken did not get a deal. He can afford it, trust me. Ken's not doing to bad for someone who never graduated High School.
Lots of people with a beef that has nothing to do with investigation. If someone was fired for being a whistle-blower, then sue. After all, this is America.
I reserve the right to reamin anonymous and nothing said here is in conflict with reality. Continue on it you must, but only time will tell. See you in two years.
6/15/2005 07:02:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Not all transfers of land titles are posted in the H&R (for the person above who asked this). I know because I recently purchased 20 (+) acres at a price (*gasp*) lower than what was quoted Mr. Smithmier bought his at. So I stand by my earlier comments. And the transfer was NOT in the paper. This is FARM ground people not lakefront property. I am also familiar with Lou and the PI way. It is a lecture designed to empower oneself in order to make self improvements! It gives employees the tools and know how to improve the way they feel about themselves, their lives and there for improves their job satisfaction which directly affects patient care/job performance. What a wonderful thing to offer your employees (and spouses) and because it directly relates... the community. Learn your facts people before you condemn, that is the Christian way.
6/15/2005 09:29:33 PM
Anonymous said...
in case all you idiots forgot, we live in a capitalist society. the goal of any business is to make money.our economy and hertiage were built by men like ken and tim. any good business man is agressive and cunning. if you want to know what a criminal practice looks like..look west. you can go west for a broken toe and end up with open heart surgery...but only if you have good insurance
6/16/2005 12:36:22 AM
Roel said...
Dear Mr Jackson or whom ever is responsible for this abomination of a web comment/gossip page,
I believe that instead of looking at all the gossip/rumors/and hearsay comments you need to see all the facts that are in front of all of us:
Fact: DMH brought the Open Heart program for this area so that patients that have a cardiac emergency do not have to travel to Springfield for care. If a patient needs open heart surg, time is important, and does not need to be occupied by travel.
Fact: DMH is providing state of the art care for the surrounding area, continually staying on top of all new technologies and procedures.
Fact: DMH restructured the Emergency Room so that it can operate more efficiently.
Fact: DMH radiology is almost all digital which means Extreme resolution on studies as well as quicker turn-over time for reports. Some doctors have our digital work stations right in their offices so that they can SEE the studies as well as access the reports.
Fact: In some way, everyone that has made a comment (positive or negative) on this "site" has been affected by DMH in a positive way. (themself, family, or friend)
These are FACTS, not fiction, which it seems that most comments on this site are.
6/16/2005 11:28:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Those who are not happy working at DMH should take control of their life and find another job. Life is much too short to spend it doing something you don't enjoy. And don't give me that crap about the "anuses who run the place." There are anuses everywhere you go and many of them are in charge. Some are anuses because they're in charge and some are in charge because they're anuses. Deal with it. Life is rough and not always fair.
6/16/2005 12:46:46 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, you're cat was saying blah blah blah. Then it was told it had to go to DMH to get care because they have the best equipment and St. Mary's doesn't.
Last I heard it was still waiting 6 hours in the ER to be seen.
6/16/2005 04:16:06 PM
Anonymous said...
TO: PLIURA (PRONOUNCED - s_and_cr_ab)
if you have been "intimate" AND an "er physician" in 15-18 DIFFERENT COMMUNITY HOSPITALS "during the past 20 years" I wonder exactly what you consider "intimate". Hmmm, let's see, 18 hospitals in the past 20 years. Yeah, that's a track record I'd be proud of!!
Yo Doc? To refer to your "short winded letter", generally, in life, you are never on a level playing field. If that's what you expect in life then I guess I have my answer why you've been at 18 different hospitals in the past 20 years!! In addition, oh, my apologies for this being so long, if one "entity" were NOT trying to beat the other then IT WOULDN'T BE CALLED A COMPETITION!! I.E: ALL PEOPLE THAT WERE IN "COMPETITION" WITH EACHOTHER WOULD JUST CUDDLE UP UNDER A WARM BLANKIE, DRINK WARM MILK, AND NUZZLE NOSES IN FRONT OF A WARM FIRE (WITH MIKE TYSON LEADING US IN A CHORUS OF "LEAN ON ME"). When you refered to "competition in healthcare" being the same as a gas station business or grocery stores, I agree with you on that point. I was at a Hucks gas station the other day and the gas pumps were "state of the art" and all the food at the counter was imported!!! I bought 20 gal of gas, 2 packs of gum. The guy at the counter (dressed in a tux) said, "Your Highness, that will be $13,000 for the petrol and $250 for the gum." I said are you crazy? He said," we are just like a hospital in a friendly competition, only the competition is with the AMOCO station. Yeah, I agree with you "Doc"!!!!!
You said that you were "apparently mentioned as a potential culprit, by those "in the know" as someone who might have secretly pointed the finger at DMH". Wow, the fact that you would be someone "IN-THE-KNOW" scares me. If anything, readers please remember this abouth "Dr." Pliura..18 hospitals in 20 years.......... You come up with your own opinion about this before you start believing him.
6/16/2005 09:49:37 PM
Anonymous said...
You know, it was about 20 or so years ago that St Mary's Hospital was the one to go to. It was the dominant institution in Decatur. I was told by some elderly people that they could remember entering St Mary's and it was so shiny and everyone was so friendly. More importantly, the health care was "the best in the area." I asked this couple why they thought St Mary's was "the place to be" (as his wife put it). She told me,"the top brass was leading the way so that they could take care of us all."
So, here it is, 20 years later, and Decatur Memorial Hospital is leading the way, today. I asked the couple why they chose DMH this time. The husband said that (and this is a direct quote): "Life is too short, too precious to be taken lightly. You have to enjoy every moment, make the most of your days, and be sure to be in-charge of your future. Decatur Memorial Hospital has done that for me and my wife for the past 10 years. We changed hospitals because we saw what was happening. DMH woke up and realized that providing the best care for us was the most important thing." His wife spoke up and said, "Once again, I believe the top brass should be thanked for my last 10 years and my next 10+ years."
This whole "blog" is foolish. This was my first and will be my last day looking at this because if you think about it and TRULY have all the facts about health care in this city, which one has stepped up to the plate and is batting for the community, St Mary's? I think not......
Much Gratitude to ALL the people at DMH who put us first in their lives......
Thanks Ken and Tim and all the others!!
6/16/2005 10:40:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey numb-nuts......have you ever heard of traveling docs? It is very common in the health care industry for a hospital to contract with a "physician agency" ie KPMG who employee emergency room physicians and "rent" the doc to a hospital to work in their Emerg Dept. So, easily this physician could have worked in 18 different hospitals over the past 20 years. At least he has a job - what about you?
6/16/2005 10:43:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Evidently the information given on this blog is hitting to close to home for some people. They seem to have the need to write very stupid messages, possibly to discourage anyone from reading it....and, if that doesn't work, perhaps they believe that attacking Jackson will persuade him to shut it down. It's a blog, people!! Read it, take it with a grain of salt, believe what you what and discard the rest. Do not become so defensive. If you don't enjoy it, don't read it. Why be so asinine about it?
6/16/2005 11:33:59 PM
Anonymous said...
To "numb-nuts"
Hmmm. Did we strike a sensitive area? You don't even know me. So, are you "intimate" with the good doctor? As far as KPMG, I really wouldn't know what quality docs go through there. Do you? Also, do you personally know Dr Pliura, treated by him. If he's provided good care to you then I think it's fantastic. However, yes, I am employed, in the health care field, Masters in Physics. You?
A doc that's worked in that many hospitals in such a short amount of time doesn't really rank high in ANY area. Just ask anyone that works in ANY hospital. I know many ER Doctors and they are all top notch. In addition, they've been at their hospitals for many years, I repeat, years. Even the "traveling docs" don't move that often.
I'm just stating my opinion mixed in with some facts. What are you doing? (or is this the good doc?)
"Numb nuts"... now that shows a lot of education. Don't try to state otherwise.. You already showed your cards by using "numb nuts".
6/16/2005 11:48:16 PM
6/17/2005 12:15:29 AM
Anonymous said...
6/17/2005 12:17:36 AM
Friends of DMH Management said...
The last sixty some messages were endorsed by the Friends of DMH Management. You wonder how they make so much money. Then you read their remarks and you know why the feds are looking at them.
6/17/2005 08:56:11 AM
Anonymous said...
6/17/2005 12:43:41 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Hey Kids, I'm home from work, and it looks like we've been spammed!
So - Prepare for a little administrative action here -
The posts that are about to dissapear have nothing to do whith "What's going on at DMH"
6/17/2005 06:27:26 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
Ok Kids, there we go -
Here are a couple of Cicero quotes:
"He only employs his passion who can make no use of his reason"
"In men of the highest character and noblest genius there is to be found an insatiable desire for honour, command, power, and glory."
Consider these quotes before you post, stay on topic, and your comments won't be in danger of being removed.
6/17/2005 08:08:34 PM
Watcher2300 said...
For the person who said we have to "go west to go in for a broken toe and come out with open heart surgery."
It happens at DMH all the time.
People who have no business getting a heart catheterization are taken to the cath lab by the DMH group faster than lightning, all in an effort to generate numbers and to get more business.
If this is "good business practice" then I want no part of it.
6/17/2005 10:28:00 PM
Watcher2300 said...
So, has anyone heard, have they sent any heart patients to Springfield or Bloomington yet?
Have any of the DMH cardiologists taken vacation time yet to put in applications at other hospitals?
6/18/2005 09:53:18 PM
smbean said...
Please perserve free speechand not stupid spam; open up your blog site to annies again.
The little people need a voice.
6/20/2005 03:28:18 PM
Watcher2300 said...
Hey all you "anonymous" people, sign up for a blogger account and keep posting!
Several doctors recently got letters from the DOJ asking them specifics about their pay. I wonder if DMH is also being accused of overpaying their doctors (maybe to keep their mouths shut?) Anyone know anything more about this?
6/22/2005 05:11:30 PM
Anonymous said...
we can't post anon anymore?
6/23/2005 01:27:25 PM
Anonymous said...
of course DMH has bought its silence among the physicians...the only reliable source the DOJ will find are those physicians previously employed/affiliated with DMH...
those physicians still employed/affiliated will have their livlihoods and careers threatened by Smithmier & gang...
I know, I was there and will be arranging through my lawyer to meet with the DOJ for an interview and provide them all the information, email communications, etc....regarding patient care, St Mary's, etc
6/23/2005 02:21:05 PM
Anonymous said...
If true, its unfortunate of the health news regarding Dr. Meng.
Having said that, I hope all you out there are aware that unless a Certified Cardiovascular Surgeon in present IN TOWN, IN HOUSE, AT DMH, the Certificate of Need requirement for cardiac procedures is violated and patients should not have their procedures done here.
This portion may be hearsay, but I was told that even when Dr. Meng was healthy, took vacation and was "covered" by the Bloomington Surgeons, they never remained in town, which if true is a violation. Most important, it places the patients at unnecessary RISK!
Can someone check that out?
6/23/2005 03:17:52 PM
Watcher2300 said...
Dr. Meng is, unfortunately, very ill, and will likely not be back.
As to whether coverage was in-house or not, I don't know. Bloomington docs were rounding for Meng during his vacations according to nurses on the units; that much I do know.
6/23/2005 08:25:15 PM
Anonymous said...
When and how did this blog become a "let's criticize the Heart Program?" Ugh, why do I even read this dribble?
6/23/2005 09:24:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Because perhaps Illinois Heart Specialists were involved!
6/23/2005 09:58:41 PM
Anonymous said...
The Bloomington Physcians were rounding for Dr Meng while he was on vacation. This probably is true, but is not what's at question.
Of course, they drove to Decatur, rounded on patients, but did they remain 24/7 in town? No, they got back in their cars and drove back to Bloomington!
So, where was the State required surgical coverage when the DMH cardiologists were performing their procedures....what, NO IN-HOUSE SURGICAL BACKUP?
The Dept of Public Health should be notified about this!
6/23/2005 10:03:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Does this anon. work?
6/24/2005 09:34:02 AM
Anonymous said...
All of this and the odor makes Decatur have a reputation as a less than desirable place to live
6/24/2005 01:38:36 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL It is sad for me to see how many Decaturites (or whatever y'all call yourselves) feel so poorly about your LOCALLY owned, LOCALLY controlled health system.
Hospitals are one of the major requirements to fuel a local economic engine. Without a local hospital the community's economy suffers or blows away.
Are they perfect? I doubt it. Is all this dumping helping to make them a better organaization? Nope.
6/24/2005 02:34:35 PM
Anonymous said...
I have trained and worked in many hospitals and I agree that they have an economic impact for a community...
However, their PRIMARY PURPOSE IS TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE HEALTH CARE TO THE COMMUNITY! Not the other way around as you proposed.
OK, Mr Smithmier, Mr Stone, corrupt docs! Why don't you all move on to another town and allow the good people and good docs at DMH to remain, before you take down the whole place!
6/24/2005 03:36:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Mr. Smithmier, Stone and involved DMH Heart Physicians, why don't you respond to this concern regarding having 24/7 Open Heart Surgery coverage?
Since Dr. Meng has left and during his vacations, has there been a surgeon IN TOWN, IN HOUSE prior to performing your procedures?
6/25/2005 07:02:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Is there a heart surgeon present and available for backup for stents on the days when Dr. Meng is unavailable/on vacation?
It all depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.
6/25/2005 09:47:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Here is the bottom line:
Surgical coverage DOES NOT mean a Bloomington physician driving in to round on Dr. Meng's patients, hang-around to do a few cases and DRIVE BACK TO BLOOMINGTON!
What happens when they are not in town or an emergency heart attack presents to DMH off hours and they are in Bloomington?
If the surgeon is not IN TOWN (off hours) and technically IN HOUSE (regular hours) while the cardiologists are performing their procedures, they are violating State Law and placing the care of their patients at risk.
But when you have corrupt Administrators exerting their influence over their corrupt and PAID FOR docs, who knows what can happen!
6/26/2005 02:35:26 PM
Anonymous said...
As above, why don't you administrators and money & power hungry docs leave town and allow DMH to thrive
6/26/2005 09:13:41 PM
Anonymous said...
has this blog shut down....I don't see anything new
6/27/2005 06:33:15 PM
Anonymous said...
No, nothing's shut down, just not a lot of news lately. To get the spammers to leave, anonymous posting was turned off for a while, and that seems to have worked. It also drove off some others, too. Still, the whole blog is still a good source of information.
Too bad we couldn't fast forward two years to see how bad this will get for Smithmier and company. It will get ---VERY BAAAAD--- before it's all over.
6/27/2005 07:40:43 PM
Anonymous said...
its really bad now...and upsetting that there was really never anything in the press...
many people in town that I have run into did not even know that anything was wrong
that scares me into thinking that perhaps they have enough people bought in the right places to make this go away without notice
6/27/2005 09:08:46 PM
Anonymous said...
as seen in the Talahassee Democrat newspaper....
Posted on Sun, Jun. 19, 2005
Money makes the difference in error rates at hospitals
By John Dorschner
If you want a better chance of avoiding medical errors, go to a highly profitable hospital for surgery. And if you don't know a facility's bottom line, choose one in an affluent neighborhood.
This is the conclusion of researchers of the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), who examined more than 1 million patient records in Florida over a five-year period, 1996 to 2000. Their results were published in the medical journal Inquiry.
The researchers found that 8.8 percent - or 92,770 - of the cases examined had preventable medical errors. Struggling hospitals were 12 percent more likely to commit errors than were the most profitable institutions.
Among the survey's other findings: Female surgical patients are 36 percent more likely than men to suffer from an error caused by a nurse; blacks are 10.5 percent more likely to be victims of an error than are whites; and Hispanics are 9.5 percent less likely.
But the main focus of researchers William E. Encinosa and Didem M. Bernard was Hospital Finances and Patient Safety Outcomes, which was the title of their article in the spring issue of Inquiry.
"This is an important verification of what we have suspected," said David Birnbach, interim director of the Center for Patient Safety at the University of Miami. "Patient safety is not easy, and it's not cheap, and this study showed that."
Using financial and clinical data from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, the researchers looked at 1,054,281 surgery patients over the age of 17 at 176 hospitals.
Their primary conclusion: Any of 24 preventable events was 12 percent more likely to occur in the bottom quarter of hospitals in terms of profitability compared with those in the top quarter.
Hospitals in the top quarter averaged profit margins of 15 percent for the five-year period, compared with 10-percent losses for the bottom quarter.
Encinosa, the lead researcher, said the difference in errors could be explained by struggling hospitals' tendency toward cost-cutting procedures, including nursing staffing.
"Many things could be affected" by poor financial results, said Linda Quick, president of the South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association. "Keeping up training, calibrating equipment, etcetera."
Data on the profitability of Florida hospitals is publicly available through AHCA, but it is not easy to access. Requests must be submitted to AHCA in writing, along with a check for $25 to $60, depending on the form in which the data are sent.
In place of seeing financial statements, Encinosa said, patients can assume that hospitals in affluent areas, where there is a higher percentage of people with private insurance, have a better profit picture than hospitals in poorer areas, where there would be a higher percentage of uninsured and low-reimbursement Medicaid patients.
But AHRQ Director Carolyn Clancy warned that one cannot assume that every highly profitable hospital "is free from error. ... The key is you need to be engaged in your care."
Any wonder why more people are chosing DMH over St. Mary's?
6/28/2005 01:23:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Perhaps this just means the profitable hospitals can afford "better press".
6/28/2005 06:54:18 PM
Anonymous said...
as an ex-DMH doc, I can say there were plenty of mistakes....Smithmier has the machine/money to cover them up or fudge the data
6/28/2005 07:21:01 PM
Anonymous said...
6/29/2005 11:59:06 PM
Matthew Jackson said...
I try to stay out of the hospital - it's full of sick people!
As a side note - it looks like we've discovered a new phenomena in the 21st century - drunk posing. I've temporarily disabled annie posts until our he/she sobers up...Last time it took about a day so maybe he/she's taking a little more than just alcohol...
6/30/2005 06:40:41 AM
Watcher2300 said...
Perhaps the stress of dealing with the US Department of Justice has caused certain persons within the DMH administration to hit the bottle just a little too much.
"A hundred DOJ subpoenas on the wall, a hundred DOJ subpoenas...(hic)"
6/30/2005 06:53:37 AM
casual observer said...
Folks seem to be falling into the trap of thinking that if DMH provides high quality care (or as some have alleged, the best care around) then nothing else matters. Well, if I were sick and needed inpatient care, I would certainly want to get the best care possible, but at the same time, I expect...no I demand that area providers do what they do within the bounds of the law. It is not a choice between quality care and legal business practices. Competent administrators can do both. Frankly, with what little fight the local competition has put up over the years, it didn't take much of a corporate superstar to allow DMH to prosper but to operate with the bounds of the law. It would seem that administration did not have the faith in the clinical staff that they could rise to the top in honest head to head competition. If I were a DMH care provider or DMH-affiliated physician (which I am not), I would be very offended that admin thought they had to cheat for us to be No. 1 in the local or regional market.
6/30/2005 12:21:48 PM
Watcher2300 said...
Do the ends justify the means? The DOJ will let us know. I don't think there will be many left from DMH administration to comment much on the subject when the dust settles.
7/02/2005 01:19:13 PM
Watcher2300 said...
...Well, they do allow a certain number of phone calls per month from the federal pen.
7/03/2005 05:21:48 PM
Anonymous said...
DMH #1? They sure have the public fooled. Remember the devils play ground is very glamorous.
7/08/2005 07:48:53 AM
Rush Limbaugh said...
As Americans, I would hope we all could play fair, especially in the business of delivering healthcare.
When peoples pocketbooks, their lives and their jobs are affected by unfair competition, then it requires, as much as I hate to say it, the government to step in.
As one who has seen the wheels of justice turn slowly, be patient...but then again you've got more lawyers involved with this case!
7/08/2005 09:28:32 AM
Anonymous said...
Glad to see that you can post again,maybe we can get some new scoops. This seems to be the only place you can get info regarding the situation at DMH, or other things going on in and around Decatursville
7/08/2005 06:12:04 PM
Watcher2300 said...
Decisions, decisions...
Profits. Sanctity of Human Life.
Profits. Sanctity of Human Life.
Profits. Sanctity of Human Life.
Go on to the next post. This may take a while...
7/08/2005 10:46:59 PM
Anonymous said...
It seems that Smithmier, Stone and the bought docs have succeeded in the media war...in that theu quashed any local coverage and coverage on this blog.
Does anyone know the update on their heart surgeon issue...did they find a replacement for the one that resigned? Are they still performing cardiology procedures without one in town 24/7?
If one wants to examine the influence of DMH over their "corrupt docs", one should compare medical staff privileges between both hospital. While there, I witnessed Administration either ordereing withdrwal of application for initial staff privileges or downgrade/withdrawal of existing ones.....especially in the high-profile programs.
Does anyone really believe that these docs who were subpoenaed will really come forward with the truth, when DMH hangs the threat of harming their incomes/careeers if they do?
7/09/2005 08:52:29 AM
Anonymous said...
To answer some of the questions and to shed light on some previous statements I would like to share some information. It's interesting that one of the charge nurses from ER, Karen Schneller, who shows important visitors around the hospital is also on the editorial board for Herald & Review. And how many affairs does administration need to have going on at one time?...First we have Stone and the radiology tech, when he started dating her she was with an anesthesiologist student who also worked part time on nursing units. When Stone stole her away he also demoted the status of her boyfriend. When word got out that it was he who was behind that he decided to return this student back to his original status. Now, we have Mr. Peacock,Chief Financial Officer, who after being married for 37 years, decided to have an affair with his secretary or shall i say former secretary who has now been relocated so that they can continue this affair while he goes through his divorce. Where does she live and who's money is paying for that? For people who spent so much money sending us to Image 21, you would think they would have better morals than this. If we can question the character of the President of the United States then we should also question the character of the leaders in our healthcare. Bloomingtin docs are still coming over to perform open heart surgeries. However, rumor has it that a surgein from Tennessee has been interviewed. I wonder if he is aware of whats happening and what freebies he will get. Comments have been overheard from doctors stating that it would be easy for DMH to cover up their gifts. There is also no way that there is a 100% success rate with open heart surgeries when u have these patients dying from MRSA. Companies that state these figures are often paid to say that. From the words of Smithmeier at one of his famous meetings.
7/09/2005 07:35:43 PM
Anonymous said...
7/11/2005 02:00:35 PM
Anonymous said...
One person's side?
A lot of us know it's true but don't want to be black-balled out of a job either, Mr. ALLCAPS.
This is a conversation among MANY people who wish to discuss what is going on at DMH. It's not all fiction, just as it's not all truth. Take it as you may and draw your own conclusions.
Have a nice day!
7/12/2005 04:00:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you!
I love it when someone writes in complaining about the anonymous entries and remains anonymous themself. Chill out - are you uptight because you work in administration? Are you worried about your job?
7/12/2005 08:26:34 PM
Anonymous said...
7/13/2005 04:50:24 PM
Anonymous said...
(API) DECATUR - A local developer, in an effort in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services, will be seeking to take possession of farm land just north of Forsyth, in what is thought to be Illinois' first "Eminent Domain" case ever attempted.
The stretch of farm land is currently owned by the DMH foundation, a tax-exempt organization. Under the new plan, this stretch of land would be re-zoned, and developed to include "Shady Acres," a rest home for retired health-care workers, tennis courts, a swimming pool, a golf course, and other amenities. "Already on the property," says one of the developers, "is one structure that is near completion that could serve as the welcoming center."
"Once completed, Shady Acres and it's surrounding facilities could generate much-needed tax-income for Macon County," says one of the developers. "With this land just laying there idle, and these plans here just waiting to bring in money for the county and state, we're very confident we'll get the county's approval for this proposal."
Macon County Board Members may hear this petition as early as August 15th. In accordance with Gov. Blagojevich's "New Business Campaign2005" enacted in April, Shady Acres would also qualify for a free power-washing upon completion.
7/13/2005 08:19:40 PM
Anonymous said...
These pro Smithmier-Stone people can be very funny
we'll see who has the last laugh
7/14/2005 07:45:01 PM
Anonymous said...
by the way, the DMH Administrator that always writes in CAPS still has not responded about the Heart Program.
Probably because it is as I stated: Bloomington Surgeon comes to town, rounds on patients, does some cases, then goes home. I know for ceratin that they did not in the past stay in town 24/7 and confident that the practice continues to occur.
Mr. Smithmier, why are your cardiologists performing procedures under these circumstances? ANSWER THIS!
7/14/2005 11:50:27 PM
Anonymous said...
They don't even have a Cardiovascular Surgeon on staff!
Go to the DMH Website, www.dmhhs.org and you'll find that Dr. meng is no longer listed and they have NO CARDIOVASCULAR SURGEON!
Mr. Smithmier, is this consistent with State Law and National Society Guidelines?
7/16/2005 10:58:53 AM
Anonymous said...
I recently was in Peoria and ran into a physician who knows of Smithmier's US born heart doctor. According to him, this guy had trouble in Texas and Oklahoma before coming to town. If true, aren't we the lucky ones.
Has anyone heard of this one?
7/17/2005 12:18:25 AM
Anonymous said...
you are right, no surgeon listed at the website:
But which Heart Doctor with the out of State issues?
7/17/2005 09:20:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Well i think if you look at who the cardiology docs for DMH are, which is the group called Illinois Heart Specialists, then this question can be answered since only one of them is from the States. But, what I would like to know is what kind of trouble did he have?
7/18/2005 04:11:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Dr.Dave? Where are you? Have you started to post anonymously? Come out , come out where ever you are.
7/18/2005 07:59:21 PM
Anonymous said...
If you are talking about Dr. Waters, he has a clean record with the Illinois state dept. of professional regulation. As for other states, who knows.
7/19/2005 02:58:03 PM
Former DMH Emp said...
Dr. Waters appears to have a clean record in both Oklahoma and Texas. No disciplinary action listed with either state.
7/19/2005 07:10:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Read the comments above, curious as to who and why someone wrote about the Heart Physicians.
But since it was brought up, why did this Dr Waters that was mentioned leave Texas? Oklahoma? Is he from one of those states or did he practice in other ones as well?
Just curious.
7/19/2005 07:40:34 PM
Anonymous said...
I heard he moved here because of the high level of intellect in this town. After all, Dr Dave practices here.
7/19/2005 09:00:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Who is this Dr. Dave everyone is referring to?
Dr Waters an intellect? Or any of the DMH Heart Doctors? Give me a break!
When is Prairie going to set up a complete program in town and take care of patients the way they should be cared for? They are one of the BEST HEART PROGARMS IN THE COUNTRY FOR A REASON!
7/19/2005 10:23:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Matt lets just say for one second that you are sick which hospital would you go to?
7/20/2005 04:00:38 PM
Anonymous said...
1995 TR 023386 D 001
just looking things up in the macon county circuit clerks web page and found this. is this you. you bad little boy.
7/20/2005 04:05:56 PM
Anonymous said...
great web site, PUBLIC INFORMATION!
let's look at the DMH Administration:
DRIVING 15-20 MPH ABOVE LIMIT Withhold Judgment/Supervision Supervision In force
DRIVING 11-14 MPH ABOVE LIMIT Guilty Fine In force
DRIVING 15-20 MPH ABOVE LIMIT Withhold Judgment/Supervision Supervision In force
DRIVING 15-20 MPH ABOVE LIMIT Withhold Judgment/Supervision Driver Education In force
7/20/2005 04:46:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Ken Smithmier is still ticked that this site is still up and running. This can be easily seen by the personal attacks made on jacksonfile's webmaster, Matthew Jackson. Mr. Smithmier would not return any phonecalls despite several messages left at his office and...apartment.
In other news, Tim Stone's hair color today is gray. It is not known what tomorrow's will be.
And finally tonight, despite hundreds of thousands spent in physician salaries, and reduced reimbursement from Medicare/Medicaid, DMH continues to boldly spend where no one has spent before. Look for more doctors and more services; maybe even more buildings! How do they do it? No one knows...except the DOJ of course.
Enjoy your supper.
7/20/2005 05:02:10 PM
Anonymous said...
There have been numerous messages posted since this blog began. As time goes on, the messages are increasingly off topic. In an attempt to get back on topic and understand what may have gone on, or is currently going on, I have some questions I hope someone can answer:
Referring to a message posted by Anonymous: 5/02/2005 06:44:04 PM
“1) Medicare fraud. Don't know where, how or who, but that's what was said.”
Would this include billing for physician services that were actually done by a nurse?
“3) Improper use of funds, specifically, docs being recruited to town, and on top of sign-on bonuses, being given money toward down payment of homes or other incentives. This, again, another no-no.”
Sign-on bonuses and moving expenses are frequently offered by hospitals around the country to recruit nurses, nuclear technologist, etc. Are the same incentives illegal for physicians?
Are there any new developments?
7/20/2005 05:16:31 PM
Anonymous said...
oh did i touch a sore subject matt
7/21/2005 11:52:05 AM
Matthew Jackson said...
Lol – sorry, I’ve been off doing work this week. You’re right, you’ve really pushed a button. Here’s the scoop: for about 3 weeks I had a ticket for “driving too fast for conditions” in 1995. Not that anyone cares, but it was an icy, snowstormy-night, (in February, if I recall) on route 105, right in the area where the lady was killed earlier this year…A car coming into town spun across the center-line and hit me square on while I was heading out of town. I’m convinced I’m here today because I had my seat belt on, and my airbag worked, I don’t think the driver of the other car did. After the accident, I called 911, and the driver of the other car was taken to the hospital. The deputy on the scene gave me a ticket, and at the time, I was just glad to be alive to take it. I went to court since the other person was the “spinner”, and I didn’t think I was at fault. The ticket was dismissed, and my $75 refunded. I’m a little surprised the record is still out there, but I guess it’s still part of the public record, even if I did get my fine back.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my story – this experience convinced me that safety belts and airbags are *very* good things.
So, getting back to the topic, what’s going on at DMH? Have any of our contributors been contacted by the feds?
7/21/2005 03:17:01 PM
Anonymous said...
I received a letter from them and am an ex-doc who left because of DMH Administration and a few really BAD docs
I have a box full of communications with administration, copied emails, communication via counsel that I will give them. All demonstrating that they are doing EXACTLY what they have beeb accused of, and then some.
I just do not want the good docs, the good staff, the honest working people to get hurt in the process. And yes, I do beleive the town deserves and needs two viable hospitals. Smithmier, Stone, Peacock, their assistants (ie Betty Hughes) and about ten docs have to go. They are not good people. They threaten the docs, their careers, to hurt their family, etc if they don't play ball. Bad outcomes, poor delivery of care, they don't care!
Working out with my attorney to go in about a month. He feels that I'll be one of the star witnesses. I'd like to remain anonymous, as I have moved on.
7/21/2005 03:20:13 PM
Anonymous said...
This is the city.
A city full of sick people who need a hospital to go to when they need it. Not a city full of greedy administrators trying to gobble up all the business for themselves by illegally structuring a system to make themselves money, and to inconvenience patients.
Someone needs to step in and right this wrong.
My name is FBI.
I carry a badge.
7/21/2005 04:17:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Dr. Dave- that was a good one!!!
7/21/2005 10:21:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Mr. Smithmier, Mr. Stone, Mr. Peacock and the DMH Heart Doctors:
You still have not responded to an earlier post regarding performing cardiac procedures WITHOUT 24/7 surgical back up!
Besides being untoward for patients, its illegal to do so, is it not?
Now one of those docs is unethical and a "team player" of yours, as he has no where else to go. Another, you threatened to not support his J1. What are you holding over the others Mr. Smithmier and Mr. Stone?
7/22/2005 07:50:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok, I give up trying to figure this one out.....
Who is Mr Peacock?
Is this a real person?? Or is someone trying to play "Clue"?
My computer has been down and I don't have time to read ALL of the posts I've missed!
Also, what is a J1?
7/22/2005 09:03:43 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm confused too about this surgical back up for the cardiologists. Don't they do the same procedures at St Mary's that they do at DMH and St Mary's doesn't have a surgery program. Please explain the difference.
7/22/2005 10:01:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Mr. Peacock is a DMH Administrator, I beleive that his official title is Chief Financial Officer.
A J1 is a VISA given to a foreign born, foreign-trained physician, that allows he/she to obtain training in the US. They are suppose to return after that, but can be sponsored by a hospital in an underserved area and remain. With hope to recive a green card a remain permanently.
Smithmier and gang has held deportation threats over one of the physicians if he did not join his group and be a "team player"
7/22/2005 10:01:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Smithmier & Stone:
Come out, come out where ever you are!
Come clean for everyone and answer these questions above. YOU CAN'T CAN YOU!
YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH, CAN YOU! Nor can your "team player" docs that you have on the hook for one thing or another. All you are about is DECEIT to the public and using them for your personal gain!
Why don't you rent a bus, collect your things, including Stone, Hughes, bad docs and drive to another town. Leave ours and the good at DMH to thrive
7/23/2005 11:11:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Cardiac catheterizations are done at both hospitals.
Stents are done only at DMH because they require a cardiac surgeon to back them up in case the patient needs an emergency bypass operation.
Illinois Heart Associates are the only cardiologists that DMH has given privileges to who can do stents at DMH; Prairie docs have the ability to do stents (they do them all the time in Springfield) but since there is no heart surgeon available at SMH, stents are not done there.
7/23/2005 09:04:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Can this person who posted the account of the DMH Cardiologists with stenting privileges inform us who is the Cardiac surgeon in Decatur 24/7, not just during the weekdays, but is IN TOWN ALL THE TIME, to "back-up" these cardiologists not only when they are performing these procedures, but also after they are performed, as they can complicate after they leave the procedure.
According to a neighbor-physician, this is also a State requirement
Since DR. Meng has left, there is no surgeon listed on the DMH web site
Finally, why have you given privileges only to your DMH physicians to perform these procedures? Are not the Prairie phycians qualified? It is my beleif that they have been doing them longer, have had better training and better outcomes than any of your docs.
7/23/2005 09:37:15 PM
Anonymous said...
7/24/2005 01:54:07 PM
Anonymous said...
7/24/2005 08:00:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Its heart attacks and elective heart cases, having covererage ALL THE TIME!
Why you jerks with the Viagra comments stay off of this site.
But then again, Mr. Smithmier, Stone, etc, what will you have to do?
7/24/2005 08:56:05 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm still confused about this cardiac catheterization thing.
Both places do cardiac catheterizations. True?
Stents only DMH. True?
Why would you have a cardiac catheterization done if you cannot get stented where you had it done?
What happens if I get my cardiac catheterization done at St Mary's and they find I need a stent?
If they don't do stents and they don't do surgery why would I go there for this test?
I'm still confused. Please clarify this without saying DMH admin is power hungry or St Marys sucks.
7/24/2005 11:53:12 PM
Anonymous said...
You are correct, both institutions offer cardiac catheterization. The reason that one can have stenting performed at DMH is that they have OPEN HEART SURGERY, a a back-up, if something goes wrong. This is a requirement by the State and recommendations of all the national heart societies. Namely the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.
My point was that without an in-house, in-town, 24/7 cardiac surgeon, DMH is violating these standards at the expense of patient well-being; and violating State Law.
So, at this juncture, DMH should do no more that what is/can be done at St. Mary's.
My other point was that if Mr. Smithmier was all for the well-being of the community" as he purports, then why not allow Prairie Physicians with equal or better training/experience than the DMH Heart docs perform stenting at DMH on their own patients?
I hope I clarified this for you!
7/25/2005 09:42:50 AM
Anonymous said...
excuse me, but who are you to clarify anything for anybody, you are nameless, without credentials, why should anybody trust you?
7/27/2005 07:39:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Just because someone posts anonymously doesn't mean their information should be discredited.
As previously stated, DMH is the second largest employer in Decatur. A lot of people with important, and potentially incriminating, knowledge about DMH practices have much to lose if they identify themselves. Tim Stone is a mean little bastard. He wouldn't hesitate to do whatever was necessary to save his own ass, or Smithmeier's.
As long as the anonymous blogger is reasonable, and stays relatively "on topic", I welcome their clarification and information.
Is there anything new going on at DMH?
7/27/2005 08:23:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks for responding, I got a better picture and have asked some folks in the medical community(not Decatur) to expand on these issues. I appreciated your answer but would have appreciated the non biased reponse.
I did not that cardiac cath, angioplasty and stenting were about the same but different levels of risk to the patient. I thought that they were all the same so now my issue is this:
I got to St Mary's they do a cardiac catheterization on me and I need a stent. What happens to me?
I have heard that I am sent to Springfield most often. So if that is true (I don't know if it is), is that any different than what is being brought up about DMH. It sounds to me like St Mary's wants to send me to the sister hospital in Springfield, thus keeping the money in the system. And DMH wants their "owned" doctors to keep the patients within DMH. What's the difference?
As far as Prarie docs being better trained, I didn't see many cardiologists, DMH or Prairie that were American educated. So that is probably personal opinion/bias.
Is the answer, 1> let Prairie docs do stents at DMH and therefore DMH would have the better heartcare facility without question or 2> both institutions are equally greedy and really only care about getting the cash? One monopolizes you in their building and the other monopolizes you within their system.
I'm starting to think that there are no saints here( Pardon the pun).
7/27/2005 09:18:31 PM
Anonymous said...
First of all, I have NO ties to either institution.
The reason that St Mary's does not have the ability to perform stents is simple. Currently, for a town the size of Decatur, the volume is not suffiecient to justify two competing open heart programs with two heart surgeons.
My sense with the local Prairie docs is that they do not believe that the quality of the local DMH physicians that can "stent" are the same caliber as those practicing in Springfield. In fact, they actually train other physicians to do these procedures and are nationally recognized. As far as the foreign vs american-born and trained issues. I can say from what my phycician-neighbor has told me about the "american-born" stenting doctor in town. My dog would be treated elsewhere.
Bottom line, the two systems should cooperate with each other for the good of the community they serve. St. Mary's has no problem having their patients "cathed" in their institution and then the "stenting" or open-heart surgery performed at DMH. The only issue is that they may want their Prairie colleagues coming to DMH to perform them. They are better qualified, trained, etc and patients should have a choice. But with Smithmier and gangs dislike of Prairie, they won't allow it, even if it is beneficial to the community!
7/28/2005 11:00:57 AM