Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Rape of Decatur Continues

As you can see from the following excerpts from the 2007-2008 fiscal year tax returns, Ken, Tim & Co., are still raking it in, while DMH employees continue to languish in higher insurance premiums, decreased benefits, and having to work harder with much fewer people (in other words, the fast decline of the quality of care at DMH continues, too.)

Now, it seems that Wal Mart management has made their bed with DMH. I wonder what the higher ups within the corporation will think of our local management once they learn they signed a contract with a firm STILL UNDERINVESTIGATION BY THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FOR MEDICARE FRAUD, MEDICAID FRAUD and STARK LAW VIOLATIONS!!! I hope those managers have their resumes in order. When Ken and Tim are led away in handcuffs, those managers are going to look awfully foolish.

If you know or work with any of the board members mentioned above, and you do not agree with the way Ken and Tim are running DMH into the ground while they line their own pockets, then call them and let them know. Maybe if the board says no to Ken and Tim, maybe they'll get the message. The overpaid docs are paid to keep their mouth shut; don't expect them to have the guts to do what's right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know the investigation continues. These arrogant b*******
truly do believe they are untouchable.
What the heck were the people at Walmart thinking? They'll have to come up with a new slogan to replace "Always low prices. Always." Now DMH owns the mall AND Walmart. God help the people of the area. Smithmier truly does seem to be lining up as many allies as possible. I wonder what's in it for Walmart?

I do have a question about the investigation. I personally know 2 people who were fired by Smithmier for having the nerve to stand up to him and tell him you can't treat your employees this way. One was a vice president and the other the director of a very large profitable department that brought a lot of revenue in for the hospital. Both are honest ethical people. They were both trying to do the right thing and were repaid by DMH, Smithmier and Stone with the loss of their jobs. In stepped the late Mr. Aman who WAS willing to do anything to please Smithmier. The large department was on life support for several years because of the mass exodus of dozens and dozens of talented RN's who were replaced by nurses who did not have a clue about delivering quality patient care. Doctors - both in town and out of town refused to refer their patients to this department because of poor care, and St. John's came out way ahead in that fiasco.

When they were fired, they were both forced to sign nondisclosure forms (or whatever you call them) that essentially said we (DMH) know that you know a lot about billing and financial dealings here at DMH and you can never ever tell ANYONE anything about these matters or we will sue you and take everything you own. They were forced to sign these nondisclosure forms in order to get their severance packages.

Both have been interviewed by the investigators, but of course neither will tell me what they told investigators (good for them - they shouldn't tell me stuff like that).

My question - if the feds finally do come up with enough evidence for an iron clad case against DMH will these 2 honest former employees be able to tell investigators what they know without worrying about losing their homes and everything they have managed to save through the years? Neither has the massive team of lawyers DMH has and neither could afford to fight DMH for years.

They both know a lot about the intimate details of DMH billing practices, etc. but I would not blame either of them for not telling the feds all they know because of the nondisclosure clauses they were forced to sign in order to get their severance packages.

Is there any protection for honest employees - usually department heads - who were fired by DMH? They need some sort of protection to protect their homes and families.

If they don't have protection from DMH seizing their homes and all of their assets, this investigation will go nowhere.

No individual has the money or power to tell what they know about DMH. Smithmier and Stone both know this.

12/01/2009 01:17:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

According to information from the US DOJ and from the Whistle-blowers laws, the whistle-blower is protected by the feds and, if an attempt at retribution is made against that employee, the feds would come down with even more charges, fines, and public embarrassment for Smithmier and Stone to deal with. Ask anyone who remembers the ADM scandal; the Feds take no prisoners, nor are they swayed by frantic calls to Illinois' US Senators!

The good news is, as far as money goes, the whistle-blower would also be entitled to a percentage (I think 5%) of the total fines levied by the government for each of the potentially THOUSANDS of counts of Medicare fraud or Medicaid fraud that were discovered. Each fine, from what I've heard, is $20,000 PER OCCURRENCE. Multiply that by only 1000 counts (it would be much more than that!) and that's about $20,000,000 (TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS) in total fines. 5% of that is $1,000,000 in TAX-FREE CASH for the whistle-blower who has the fortitude to stand up to these people.

If you need more details on whistle blower protection, and what EXACTLY the US DOJ/FBI will do to protect people in this position, call the Springfield office of the US DOJ via the link above.

12/01/2009 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do these protections extend to people who have signed non disclosure forms with DMH?
These would be the people with the most knowledge of crimes.
Gary Peacock comes to mind here.

12/09/2009 06:41:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

I think that the DOJ would do whatever it took to protect those who want to end the reign of Ken & Tim.

Call the DOJ in Springfield for more info!

12/09/2009 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken, Tim, and everyone else at DMH with any power at all are not afraid of the DOJ or anyone else for that matter.
The title of this thread is absolutely on the mark -"The Rape of Decatur Continues".
Until the DOJ, FBI, or any other investigators come out and say publicly - preferably before a federal judge - that anyone who has signed a nondisclosure contract with DMH has absolutely no need to fear that they will lose a dime if they testify about the criminal acts commited by the powers that be at DMH, the investigation is over and these crooks will get away with their crimes.
All the people of Decatur can do is go to St. Mary's for care in order to hurt Smithmier, Stone, the DMH owned doctors, etc., where it hurts - in the wallet.
Otherwise it is all over and the fat lady is already singing.
So sad for Decatur.

12/18/2009 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Ken & Tim & all the big kahunas at DMH had a very merry Christmas, unlike their overworked, understaffed employees, and patients who are forced to go there.

We all know Smithmier, Stone, Zia, Fahey,Peacock, & all the very well paid doctors they own will get off scott free.

So sad for the people of the area who have so little. So sad for the reputation of Decatur.

Apparently the folks at DMH don't care that DMH is a real joke in this state. Too bad that so many talented young doctors refuse to even consider working in Decatur & especially FOR DMH because of all the ugly politics involved.

So many talented people have left DMH either because they could not stomach the corruption or because they were fired for knowing too much or making too much money.

Much cheaper to hire new employees with little or no experience than to keep the people on staff who really know what they are doing, isn't it, Ken?

Hey, Ken, haven't you & Tim got enough money stashed away now that you, too, can retire & give DMH a chance to provide quality care to the people of the Decatur area good care again?

I have no faith in the justice system anymore to make these crooks pay for all the crimes they have committed, money they have diverted, laws they have broken, and general lack of morals and ethics.
We can just pray that they leave Decatur.

12/28/2009 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken Smithmier, Tim Stone, and any other bigwigs at DMH aren't going anywhere but the bank.

Sad but true it seems.

1/07/2010 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, is Peacock gone from DMH? I remember hearing he was supposed to leave by the end of the year. If he is gone I hope fed investigators followed him out the door and drilled him about what he knew and knows about DMH finances and he spilled his guts.

Not holding my breath hoping this happened or will happen, but sometimes miracles do occur and people do the right thing.

1/07/2010 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sad to hear about the tragic death of Dr. White.

While he was a "St. Mary's doctor" he saw a member of my family at DMH and literally saved her life.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if DMH docs would see patients and deliver babies at St. Mary's?

Oh that's right, Smithmier, Stone, Zia and company won't allow that. DMH cares more about the bottom line than patients.

Absolutely right with the title of this thread - the rape of Decatur continues and DMH is the rapist.

Pray that all doctors in Decatur put patients first like Dr. White did.

1/20/2010 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that this is a blog about the DMH scandal and Smithmier, Stone, hired for MONEY overpaid doctors at DMH and and the crimes they have all committed, but cannot help but comment on previous bloggers comments about Dr. Rocky White.

I am an RN, working at DMH (understaffed and dangerous as usual) until my new job is confirmed. Yes, finally got smart, especially after thinking of the tragic events of the past week and decided I no longer want to work for a hospital that has patients at the bottom of priorities and photo ops, publicity, personal gain and of course bank accounts of the big guys at the top of their priority list.

DMH is trying to pass itself off as a worldclass medical center but all their propaganda is definitely falling on deaf ears these days. They can't even take care of their own employees let alone the needs of a large area wide patient base.

I had a patient yesterday evening who needed a surgical consult FAST. Family asked me to help them choose a surgeon (officially not supposed to do this but nurses do it all the time because they know the surgeons and who is good and who is not and nurses as a rule put patients first) and the first surgeon who came to my mind was Dr. White. Then I remembered I could no longer call him in an emergency and that he would not be calling me back in 2 minutes or less, no matter what time of day or night.

Ended up giving the family a list a 3 adeguate surgeons to choose from. Couldn't think of anymore. Took the surgeon they chose 42 minutes to call me back (I actually timed him) and after giving me some crap about whether or not the "emergency" couldn't wait until morning, finally agreed to see the patient. Over 2 hours after I first called this 2nd choice surgeon he finally showed up and indeed agree it was an emergency. DUH! Why would I risk incurring your sarcasm and rudeness if I didn't think the patient needed a surgeon? Surgical consult by the way was requested by the patients primary MD - who told to me to have the family choose the surgeon of their choice.

That's the problem with DMH and its hired and owned doctors. Patients do not come first.

Dr. White never cared which of the 2 hospitals patients were in. He saw patients at both hospitals whenever he was needed. He cared more about patients than whether or not he would be punished by Smithmier, Stone, Zia and company.

God bless Dr White and may he rest in peace. I cannot think of any DMH doctors, medical or surgical, who are so kind to patients, their families, and treat nurses and co workers with the respect and dignity he did. DMH needs to rethink its polices about recruiting and retaining doctors. DMH might also want to include some basic personal skill and interaction skills for its doctors when they hire them. Patients always come out ahead when doctors and nurses can have open honest dialogue with each other, instead of having nurses be subjected to verbal abuse and humiliation in front of patients, families, and coworkers.

Let God guide those at DMH in rethinking about what is really important to the community and the patients they claim to care so much about.

Rethinking their policies is the only way Decatur will be able to recruit more QUALIFIED doctors to the area. It is so sad that so many young QUALIFIED doctors avoid Decatur because of the politics (Smithmiers's rules) and establish their practices in surrounding communities instead.

Let everyone who drives by St. Mary's remember and pray for Rocky White and the magnificent legacy he has left Decatur. We are all better off because of the 20 years we were blessed with him. Look at that star on St. Mary's (that Dr White donated) and try to think of one DMH owned doctor who would make such a beautiful donation to the community and expect nothing in return. Very short list.

1/28/2010 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walmart and DMH getting in bed together. No surprise there.
Smithmier is out to prove that he is in the same league with other big competent medical centers in the area.
Walmart has made no secret of its desire to get into the healthcare business, first by underbiddering other companies and private pharmacies for providing prescriptions (but you're on your own if Walmart doesn't carry a drug you have been taking for years, and can't or won't tell you if they can get the drug for you before you run out of it).
Walmart is also looking into getting into the insurance business - yes - that means your medical insurance. Just look up Walmart on any financial site and you will see that this is their plan.
I cannot imagine a worse scenario -DMH and Walmart combining to provide medical care to us poor saps in the area.
2 companies that have only the bottom line as thrie primary concern being responsible for the care we receive.
What a nightmare!

1/28/2010 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who exactly approves these outrageous salaries when so many families in the area are going bankrupt in large part because of enormous medical bills they cannot pay now and will never be able to pay due to job loss?
Does the board of directors approve these salaries? If they do are they not aware of the bad reputation DMH has and don't they care that their own reputations will be forever tarnished by their association with DMH?
If the board does approve these salaries why are they doing it? Census is down, patient complaints are way up, the place is still filthy, infection rates soar, hospital obtained bedsores continue to climb, ordered care and dressing changes are not done because the nurses simply can't do everything (you can chart anything on a computer even if a procedure wasn't done) they are expected to do with the staff cuts, experienced employees are either having their jobs eliminated or just quitting or retiring in plain disgust only to be replaced (if they are replaced at all) by inexperienced workers. What a nighmare.
Want marginal care provided by inexperienced people - by all means go to DMH. You definitely won't get what you pay for, but you will get exactly what Ken and Tim want you to get - minimal care provided by understaffed departments and no one at DMH seems to care that DMH (Smithmier)is almost soley responsible for Decatur's inability to attract new talented doctors because these new doctors know all about the political games Smithmier and Stone play (their way or the highway) and want no part of it. Champaign and Springfield are benefitting because of the games DMH has been playing (with our lives) for so many years.
I had a dream a couple of nights ago. If it is the board of directors who approves these salaries, the board finally had the B-lls to stand up to Smithmier and Stone and say NO MORE! If it is the board who does approve these salaries, they have much to answer for.
If the board does approve these salaries, is someone like Ken or Tim holding a gun to their heads to make them continue this practice?
A dream I am waiting to have - Ken Smithmier, Tim Stone and the top 30- 50 or so paid employees all agree to work for $1 a year for the next couple of years to help pay back a small portion of the money they have stolen from the area over the years. They all will still have plenty of money stashed away to continue living their lavish lifestyles while trying to really help improve the health of area citizens.
That will never happen. Who recruited Smithmier th DMH in the first place?
To the board of directors - do your job and make sure DMH is run the way it should be. If you don't you will have to share the blame for more and more patients choosing St. Mary's Champaign or Springfield and quality care and the continued decline of DMH.

3/03/2010 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walmart and DMH are actually a perfect fit for each other.
Both have proven over and over again they care only about the bottom line and have little regard for their employees.

3/11/2010 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Smithmier needs to go on the TV show "Undercover Boss". Let him empty out a few bedpans, "clean up" a 400 lb. patient, use the computer system when mysteriously "locks up" and deal with co-workers who are there just for a paycheck. He, his staff and the board of directors have NO idea what really goes on in the trenches and sadly, probably never will.

3/15/2010 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to see Smithmier, Stone, Zia, Fahey, and yes even Dr. Steve Sobol, on UNDERCOVER BOSS, doing the work that they expect their employees to do every day in the time they expect their workers to get it done while exposing themselves to all the contagious diseases and dealing with all the morbidly patients & doing the dressing changes these patients need. Would love to see them deal with the rude arrogant doctors they employ and not tell these doctors that they are way out of line in the way they treat the professionals trying desperately to provide the care their patients need.
Would love to see them deal with PO'd patients and family members because it takes over an hour to get pain medicine because "it's not in the computer yet" or hasn't been delivered by pharmacy yet, dressing changes aren't done because there simply isn't enough staff to lift those huge legs or turn that 400 pound patient.
Would love to see them go without a meal break (which is against the law, by the way) or else stand in the break room for 3-5 minutes and eat a piece of cheese or a bite of something they brought from home because there isn't enough time to take the 1/2 hour meal break they are entitled to by law AND give the patients the care they deserve.
It will never happen because Smithmier has made sure that he is on TV or in the newspaper every chance he gets. Same with Sobol.

That's why these guys hide behind the wood and glass walls and layers of "administrative assistants". So they don't have to deal with real live patients, their needs, and their families.

Easier to look at spreadsheets and go to fancy catered luncheons than deal with real live patients.

3/22/2010 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an "UNDERCOVER BOSS" idea that just might work at DMH
Put Linda Fahey to work as a new hire on 4100 (the worst floor in the hospital) - assumed name of course. It would work since she is all but invisible to her nursing staff & most nurses wouldn't know her if she sat in their laps.
Let Linda take A FULL CASELOAD, be responsible for all the medicines, dressing changes, monitoring lab and xray reports, calling the results of those reports to doctors, taking new orders, getting them started within 1 hour, admitting new patients, do a head to toe assessment, call doctors to clarify orders, and getting orders started within 1 hour of admission & all the information put into the computer (if she can find one), do all the discharge paperwork & clarify discharge orders, do discharge teaching, make sure all discharged patients know when and where their followup appointments are, what their new prescriptions are, which drugs not to take anymore and so on.
Linda would have to do this while she is checking on all of her other assigned patients, assessing those patients, checking all IV sites, changing all IV sites that are over 3 days old and keeping up with all the new orders that keep coming in all shift long. Oh, yeah, restart all those IV's that are red puffy, or simply not working anymore while doing a head to toe skin assessment on all her patients, making referrals to wound care nurses, PT, nutrition, monitoring and charting pain control, changing dirty beds, emptying bedpans, doing dressing changes, teaching patients and their families and do all the other countless things she thinks her nursing staff can do right now with the staff they have. And don't forget all the time she loses everytime that phone she has to carry rings while she is wearing sterile gloves and has to go back to the phone and call doctors with patient updates.

I would give a week's salary to see her even try to do this. She wouldn't last more than 1 to 2 hours.

Now, there is your "Undercover Boss" - Linda Fahey.

I challenge Linda Fahey to do this. Let's see what kind of care the patients at DMH on 4100 get from the vice president of nursing at DMH.

I bet I could find lots of nurses willing to donate money for any given charity just for the chance to see Fahey try and fail at what she expects us to do without complaint.

3/22/2010 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!
Let's go Linda Fahey!!!!!!!!!!!
Accept the challenge, go undercover and do everything you expect your nurses to do every day in the time you give them to do it.
No extra help for are treated the same way you treat DMH nurses.
We'll be waiting to hear just how you did as an Undercover Boss on 4100.
Can hardly wait to hear how you did!
Are you up to the challenge or do you realize it is an impossible job?
Put your money where your mouth is!

3/23/2010 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ain't gonna happen folks. No one in DMH administration has the courage to go out and do what they expect underpaid overworked understaffed employees to do everyday.
Better idea might be to get members of the board of directors to go undercover and do the jobs.
Get Mike Rowe of "World's Dirtiest Jobs" fame to go in to DMH for a week, do nursing, lab, PT, ER, housekeeping and other jobs and see what he has to say. Have to find a way around the pt privacy laws to get Mike Rowe to do this and am sure DMH lawyers would find a way to keep him out, but it sure would be interesting to see what Mike Rowe would have to say about DMH.
How about you board members? Any of you up to the challenge? I challenge any of you to take a nursing job for just 2 days then find a way to justify the humongous salaries you approve for administrators while cutting benefits for the employees who honestly try to give good care with so little support.

4/05/2010 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Overpaid docs at DMH doing the right thing? Did anyone really expect that to ever happen?
We can only hope that Peacock is telling everything he knows to the feds so that the criminals at DMH finally have to pay the price for all the terrible things they have done to the hospital.
Are you listening Ken Smithmier and Tim Stone and the rest of you scumbags?
Lets just hope that Smithmier and his fancy accountants could not come up with a deal sweet enough to keep Peacock from doing the right thing. It would be well worth it to let Peacock off scott free if only he tells what really has been going on at DMH since Smithmier and Stone darkened the doors of DMH.
Surely there is one honest person at DMH who will soon step forward and put an end to the shame that DMH is now famous for.

4/11/2010 03:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever happened to dr mark moore and his pain clinic at DMH? he was great and he helped so many people. another proof of the short sighted thinking at DMH?

4/11/2010 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be grateful that St. Mary's has an amazing pain clinic that is run by anesthesiologists who are trained to manage pain and actually live here and are at the hospital every day. DMH will probably come up with a pain clinic that is run by doctors who they import from another city and are not available on site every day and have no real ties to the community. Typical behavior for the bigwigs at DMH.
Pay more attention to St. Mary's Smithmier and Stone. They are doing things right in a quiet dignified way and are slowly but surely eating into your profits.

4/12/2010 07:01:00 PM  
Blogger uno said...

it is a sad sad dad when workers at dmh can't to work and not be hurt.when a housekeeping super. slams a door on a 72 year old worker and cuts her finger it makes you wonder what will be next.then they actually wrote her up.they belittle the workers.families can't even get medical treatment until they come up with the when you work at dmh beware

4/15/2010 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a sad sad dad when workers at dmh can't to work and not be hurt.when a housekeeping super. slams a door on a 72 year old worker and cuts her finger it makes you wonder what will be next.then they actually wrote her up.they belittle the workers.families can't even get medical treatment until they come up with the when you work at dmh beware

4/15/2010 05:31:00 PM

They wrote the injured worker up - for what? Doing her job? The supervisor should be written up or fired. Workers are injured every single day at DMH but DMH and their well paid lawyers make sure that it is always the workers fault - never the fault of DMH. A lawyer told me not too long ago that DMH and Walmart are running neck and neck in workmans comp cases - and both companies stop at nothing to make sure the injured workers get no compensation for on the job injuries. Both companies go back years and years into an employees medical history - so the poor 72 year old worker probably cut her finger 10 or 15 years ago and DMH is saying that is what is causing her problems now.
Reminds me of the incident about a year ago where the head nurse on the surgical floor physically assaulted an employee and was "fired" by DMH. Problem with that incident is that the head nurse ended up working in the office of Dr. Sobol who we all know is very well paid by DMH. So while the "fired" head nurse no longer officially works for DMH the hospital still pays her salary since Sobol's staff is paid by DMH.

When you think about it DMH and Walmart are a perfect fit as partners. Neither company cares about employees. They care only about profits and both companies treat employees like garbage.

Anyone thinking about going to work at DMH should really think it over very carefully. You mean nothing to DMH. Smithmier and Stone care only about themselves.

How did DMH get to be the sad sad place it is today? It didn't happen overnight. The big guys just slowly bribed anyone with any power, donated money to campaigns and slowly but surely made DMH a joke.
Employees and patients beware before you trust DMH to look out for what is best for you.

5/15/2010 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looked at the salaries and bonuses of Smithmier Stone Zia Fahey Sobol and some of the other DMH owned doctors.
Then I read about the 72 year old housekeeper who had her finger slammed in a door by a supervisor.
What the previous poster didn't tell us was that the worker didn't just cut her finger. About 1/3 of her finger was amputated.
The worker is diabetic, has already had 1 surgery and will need more. She has been told by her doctor that she may end up losing her hand because diabetics are very prone to infection and heal very slowly.

After looking at those outrageous salaries and bonuses that the administrators and doctors earn, I wonder if any of those people who make those ridiculous amounts of money will find it in their hearts to do the right thing and pay for the surgery this injured worker has already had and will need again. Oh right, at age 72 she is on Medicare, so the government (all of us) will pay for it. The least DMH could do would be to not bill her for her 20% that Medicare won't cover and pay for all of the medicine she is going to need.

We already know that the poor worker can file a workermans comp claim but that will get her no where because DMH is famous for pulling out all the stops and paying their Chicago lawyers lots of money to make sure no one at DMH ever wins a case against DMH. Probably why DMH wouldn't consider giving this poor worker the medicine and care she will need for a very long time. That might be an admission of guilt and we all know DMH is not guilty of anything except treating the employees like crap and making sure they get big fat bonuses every year, medicare and medicaid fraud, violation of Stark laws and ARROGANCE that is just unbelievable.

I am positive that those administrators have much better insurance than someone who works in housekeeping. Wouldn't it be wonderful if those administrators would pay for the injured workers surgeries and the rehab she will need?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if just once those high paid administrators and doctors at DMH did the right thing?
How ridiculous that the worker was written up. She probably had the gall to actually speak up about her work load to the supervisor and was leaning against the door as she was talking to the supervisor - haven't we all done that at least once or twice in our job careers? -when the supervisor slammed the door on her hand.
The supervisor should be punished not the worker.

In case any of the big guys or board members at DMH wonder why the people of Decatur hate the place so much, it is incidents like this that make DMH's reputation go down every single day.

Anyone looking for a job, DO NOT go to DMH. Obviously they do not care about their employees.

5/18/2010 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DMH will never die. They own too many people in government, state goverment, federal government.
Too bad for the people of the city of Decatur and Macon county. Smithmier, Stone, the board of directors have managed to pay off doctors community leaders and anyone else with any power.
Smithmier Stone and the rest of the people at DMH with the power have proven time and time again that they do not care about patients or employees. They care only about their own bank accounts.
Poor employees at DMH... physically assaulted by nursing directors and housekeeping supervisors have no where to turn because DMH and its rotten smelly chiefs fear no one. They care only about their own bank accounts...not the patients and employees they are supposed to care about.
What will happen to DMH when the many many employees there who are close to retirement age run as fast as they can away from DMH as soon as they are eligibile for Medicare and retirement benefits? You will have a hospital that is taking care of you or your grandmother staffed by people with little or no experience but run by unethical crooks who care only about their own bank accounts.
We can only hope that those employees close to retirement age get out of there as soon as possible so the patients can see what kind of care they really are NOT GETTING and how incompetent the people taking care of you or grandma are.
DMH will never be the MAYO OF THIS AREA despite whit Smithmier and Stone belive because they are such egomaniacs.
In the meantime we are fortunate enough to have another hospital that does have a qualified staff that puts patient care first.
Bet St. Mary's doesn't let head nurses get away with physically assualting staff members or housekeepng surpervisors get away with amputating part of a workers finger.
Choice is clear, folks. Go to St. Mary's where you will get the care you need and pay for.
The only way we will get rid of the crooks at DMH out of here is to not go there.

5/19/2010 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone knows what happened to gates over at hr/heared he was fired

5/29/2010 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice for the city and area if DMH could work and play well together like Barnes and Jewish Hospitals learned to do in St. Louis?
Oh, right, Smithmier insists on calling St. Mary's the "Mistake by the lake".

8/11/2010 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 years on a row and counting. DMH employees don't get a raise cost of benefits continue to rise no protection for retired workers
most employees cannot afford the insurance dmh offers (even dmh owned doctors are setting up their own insurance accounts - my own dmh owned doctor told me this),
The rape of Decatur goes on and on but the rape of dmh employees is the really sad part.
Wonder if ken tim and other administrators are not taking bonuses? Not! They are patting themselves on the back for screwing employees while making themselves richer. They know many employees with years of experience are too close to retirement to quit.
How proud the board and administrators must be of themselves.

11/23/2010 06:27:00 PM  

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