Thursday, August 11, 2005

Letter from St. Mary's Rindler to DMH Chairman of the Board

Also recovered from a St. Mary's employee, a copy of the letter sent to Bryden K. Carnahan, Chairman of the Board of DMH from St. Mary's Chief Revitalization Officer Michael Rindler:

July 19, 2005

Bryden K. Carnahan
Chairman of the Board
Decatur Memorial Hospital
2300 North Edward Street
Decatur, Illinois 62526

Dear Mr. Carnahan:

My name is Michael Rindler. I am the president of Integrity Hospital Company, a management and advisory firm specializing in hospitals and health systems. Sixty days ago, I was appointed Chief Revitalization Officer of St. Mary's Hospital. I am writing to introduce myself and provide some observations and offer several suggestions based on my first few months in Decatur.

Many physicians, employers and community leaders have spoken with me since my arrival concerning remarks made by your CEO and his designees about putting St. Mary's Hospital out of business. Reportedly, your CEO and his designees have commented in the past to DMH staff and physicians, as well as community and business leaders that DMH's intention is to be the sole hospital provider in Decatur. While making such statements is not illegal, they are certainly ill-advised. If putting St. Mary's Hospital out of business is a board-approved strategy, I respectfully suggest your board reconsider. If your CEO or his designees have been pursuing the strategy on their own, I respectfully suggest that your board intervene. Many patients, physicians, community leaders, political leaders, and business leaders share a strong desire for choice in hospital care.

I have been retained by the Hospital Sisters Health System and the St. Mary's Hospital Board of Directors to lead the revitalization of St. Mary's. My company has specialized in revitalizing challenged hospitals since 1989. We have never failed, and we will not fail in Decatur. During my thirty year career in healthcare, I have also authored four books in healthcare leadership. One was written specifically for healthcare boards at the request of the American Hospital Association, so I am confident I can offer you and your board some credible words of advice for the future.

First, do not doubt the resolve of the Hospital Sisters Health System and St. Mary's board. They will not be deterred by direct or implied threats from your CEO or any of his designees. Second, do not doubt the resolve of St. Mary's physicians and employees. Third, the physicians and residents of Decatur will be best served by having two viable hospitals where the public is completely free to choose between them.

St. Mary's Hospital has been in Decatur 127 years and will continue into the future. During the past ten years, it appears that the competitive "playing field" has become one-sided and unlevel. The ultimate goal of St. Mary's revitalization efforts is to level the playing field again so residents of Decatur and the surrounding community will have a choice between two good hospital providers. Be assured, we will succeed in achieving this goal.


Michael E. Rindler
Chief Revitalization Officer

cc: St. Mary's Hospital Board of Directors
Decatur Memorial Hospital Board of Directors
Decatur Area Community Leaders

Weren't there a lot of anonymous posters on the Jacksonfile talking about how 'St. Mary's is going to close in a month...let's make it a nursing home,' etc. Straight from St. Mary's administration--that is NOT going to happen.


Blogger Watcher2300 said...

For now. It's a backup for the Jacksonfile's DMH thread, and I get to post my own stuff, too.

8/11/2005 09:18:00 PM  

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