Saturday, January 28, 2012

Best Regional Hospitals

According to the US News & World Report website, there is only ONE hospital in Decatur judged the best.

St. Mary's Hospital is listed as one of the best hospitals in the East Central Illinois region.  DMH is not listed at all.

USN&WR ranks hospitals throughout the country based on a variety of criteria THEY choose to evaluate.  In other words, this is not a mail-order award, it's a designation bestowed after close examination and scrutiny.

The other hospitals that were ranked best in the East Central Illinois region were Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana, OSF St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington, and Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center in Mattoon.  St. John's Hospital in Springfield shared the designation of best in the West Central Illinois region with Memorial Medical Center of Springfield.

For the full report, go to the US News & World Report - Health web article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bredomacWell well. Now we know the REAL reason one of the most active DMH owned MD's quit his practice last month with less than 1 month's notice to his patients to become a DMH hospitalist. He will make more money as a hospitalist than in his "private" practice and work fewer hours now. Shame on you Dr. -------. Your pts depended on you and you just kicked them out with little warning.
Thanks for sending the list of mds in the area taking new pts. Sadly I know most of the docs on the fancy 4 color ad you sent and would not take an animal to any of them. They are all owned by DMH and most have difficulty with the english language.
I was fortunate enough to find a new physician with an excellent reputation. His office staff warned me that he would not see pts at DMH - only at St Mary's. Thank God I will HAVE to go to St. Mary's now to receive care. That is what I have wanted to do for several years but Dr. G would not go to St Mary's. You gave me the easy way out by becoming a DMH hospitalist.
What a relief it will be to see a doctor in a hospital who is honest and puts his pts first.

Interesting that 3 out of 5 USN&WR of the best hospitals in this region are owned by the hospital sisters. See a pattern here, Ken?

Keep it up Ken and you will achieve your stated goal when you first came to Decatur - Decatur will become a 1 hospital town. Think you believed DMH would be the last hospital standing here. Not gonna happen. DMH will be the nursing home out north while St. Mary's provides excellent care and remains as the 1 hospital in town that provides excellent care honestly and ethically.

Thanks for making it possible for me to go to St. Mary's rather than drive to Springfield for cardiac care. Just wish Ken and my former doc had done this years ago.

2/06/2012 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live near DMH and frankly speaking there is an increasing odor that seems to be exuded from DMH that smells...necrotic?
Is DMH near extremis?

2/28/2012 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just received a Letter in the Mail from Prairie Cardiovascular,as I suspect,so will every Household in Macon County,refuting DMH's Ads about providing Heart Care 24/7. Among other Things,the Letter states that Prairie Heart Institute at St.Mary's is staffed by 6 general Cardiologists(compared to 2 at Dmh) and 13 Interventional Cardiologists,(compared to 2 at Dmh) WHO ALSO LIVE IN DECATUR,WHILE THEY ARE ON CALL. Can anybody tell me,how many open Heart Surgeries were performed at Dmh in the last Year?Sounds to me as if St.Mary's is well on its way to becoming the Nr 1 choice for Heart care in Macon County if they are not already.What a Class Act they are.Surely the Public sees through the nauseating Propaganda of Dmh

3/04/2012 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

St. Mary's is the clear winner when it comes to providing quality medical care.
I will take my chances with any Prairie Cardiovascular doc any day of the week, any time of day rather than go to DMH to get stuck with a cardiologist with less experience. Common sense tells you to go to the provider of any service from plumbing, electricans, carpenters, roofers, but ESPECIALLY MEDICAL CARE who has the most experience and has done a procedure most often if you want the best results. That means St. Mary's for cardiac care in Decatur.
Nice that Prairie is providing real numbers and TRUTHFUL INFORMATION rather than the BS DMH puts out on a regular basis.
You just had to have that heart center at DMH, didn't you Ken just to prove that you had the power to do it and pad your resume. Plan backfired on you didn't it. especially when you essentially kicked the Praire team out of YOUR hospital.
Seems like the only thing that is working at DMH these days is the new cafeteria, except that most employees can't afford to buy the food there. It looks nice though.

Thank God for St. Mary's. They are providing up to date quality care in an ethical way without feeling the need to take out full page ads and buy expensive TV time.
Won't be long until SMH is the # 1 hospital in Decatur. I agree with other poster who said St. Mary's is a Class Act.
The 1 thing DMH is #1 in is the sleeze and greed categories.

3/06/2012 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard DMH is for sale and that Smithmier 's home is up for sale. Does anyone know?

3/07/2012 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the UAE deal?
Where is the five story luxury addition?
Is $mithmier relocating to the 1% owned and operated playground Dubai?

Who jumps first when the ship is sinking?
DMH bu$tout and flee to Dubai is as good an "out" as one could imagine...or plan?

It sounds like a movie plot...a B movie?

3/15/2012 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When it's all over I honestly believe this story will be told on 60 minutes, American Greed or Dateline NBC. It's too big a story not to. I hope for the day these people are all brought to justice.

3/19/2012 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not Good Enough For California...Just Fine for Decatur according to DMH.
Dr. Derrick, Heart Surgeon at DMH was made to "retire" (cease medical practice)from California because of "gross negligence. Is this what DMH thinks Decatur deserves? Not my definition of "Best"

4/09/2012 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone is interested as to the effects of Overlay Districts on their property values and appearances in their neighborhoods need only look to the DMH Overlay District.
It remains undeveloped and now neglected...with grass and infested weeds approaching two feet tall.
Take a drive down Church street between Kenwood and Kellar streets and see for yourself.
DMH has torn down our neighborhood and reduced our standard of living.
Good luck on the Lake!

5/09/2012 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting letter from Prairie Cariovascular to their patients. They stated the facts & made it VERY clear that it was not their decision to leave DMH. It was smart of them to stress that it was Smithmeier who kicked them out of DMH including the ER.

There must be a professional magazine for doctors who have been fired, disciplined, forced to resign etc, & DMH subscribes to it. Where else could they consistently find such a goup of poor excuses for cardiac doctors like they have since the heart center was opened.

Well Ken, you got your wish. You got your heart and lung center after a couple of tries. This is about the time that your crystal ball seems to have gone on the fritz. It has really been downhill for DMH since then - slowly at 1st but really picking up speed lately. Meanwhile St. Mary's has quietly been going about business, getting the new offices & facilities ready for Prairie so Decatur will continue to have access to world class cardiac care. Only difference is the care will be south of Grand Ave rather than north. Thanks Ken for putting up all those billboards reminding us that we can get 24/7 ER care here. You just forgot to mention that it is now to be found at St. Mary's and not DMH!

It's almost like you wanted St. Mary's to reclaim its former status as the #1 hopital in Decatur. St. Mary's continues to grow stronger while DMH continues to circle the drain as Watcher put it in a blog a while back.

Job well done, Ken. The people of Decatur thank you!

6/05/2012 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




6/05/2012 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Works for me! I will happily go to St. Mary's or St. John's. In fact I have to go to St. Mary's now because I have a new doctor who WILL NOT sdmit patients to DMH. There are more and more doctors and also patients who will now only go to St. Mary's.

I agree with previous poster- DMh is run by a bunch of crooks who have paid lots of money to politicians, unions corporate chiefs etc. to get their way and their contracts.

So it is up to patients like us to vote with our feet and boycott DMH. Go to St. Mary's once or twice and give them a try. You will see such a big difference between the 2 hospitals once you walk in the door you won't go back to DMH. All the employees from doctors cleaning ladies CNA's LPNs RNs lab techs PTs OTs registration people volunteers etc. are all so friendly & helpful. They actually look you in the eye and say hello and ask if they can help you. I've never seen a single employee there ignore me or look the other way when passing me in the hall pretending like they don't see me. The employees at DMH do that all the time.

If you have a pain problem go to the St. Mary's pain clinic. Tey are the best in this part of the state at managing chronic pain. Doctors in Springfield reccommend them and tell you NOT to go to what they jokingly call the pain center at DMH. At St. Mary's pain clinic you are actually treated by anesthesiologists whose specialize in controlling pain (that's why you don't hurt during surgery!)
At DMH the doctors in their "pain center" are actually radiologists whose specialty is reading x-rays.

The other thing you will notice as soon as you walk in the door at St. Mary's is how CLEAN it is. None of that filthy carpeting they are so proud of at DMH. No matter how often they clean it it is still filled with germs.

Hit Ken and Tim they only way they understand - in the pocketbook. Otherwise nothing will ever change at DMH.

So as the previus poster said go to St. Mary's even if it is just for lab work or an x-ray.

Vote with your feet folks, try St. Mary's (you will love them). It's the only way we will be able to get rid of Smithmier and Stone. They don't understand human suffering, the needs of patients and families or anything to do with people. All Smithmier and Stone understand is the almighty $$.

6/05/2012 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hearing rumors that DMH is for sale.

6/18/2012 10:33:00 AM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

I have heard rumors to that effect, too. I heard Advocate, the same outfit that bought out Bromenn in Bloomington, is thinking about buying out DMH. All it is, though is rumor. I can say one thing, if the Advocate people buy them out, Smithmier, Stone, Peacock, Fahey, Zia - they should get NOTHING. They've already taken enough money out of the pockets of Medicare/Medicaid patients over the years. Besides, I believe bank accounts are typically frozen for those entering a federal penitentiary.

6/18/2012 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have 2 people in my household who work for DMH. One is getting out after only 11 months due to workplace drama and inept/uncaring management. The other has been there long enough to qualify for a decent severance package or retirement. Both have seen the "hand writing" on the wall, in spite of their difference in years at DMH. If not for my PPO, we would get ALL our healthcare at St. Marys.

6/20/2012 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All nurses on night shift are now required to "float" to other areas in the hospital. Refusal to do so is considered grounds for dismissal. Hopefully if you find yourself in the 5100 wing your nurse hasn't spent their entire career in ped's or cardio. Plus the "budget" is now controlling staff levels\scheduling - cost vs. care.

7/16/2012 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to all of the grand expansion projects DMH claimed were coming soon? What happened to the multiple story luxury high rise replete with guest accomodations and Big Screen televisions???Seems like it was just that ...a big story? St. Mary's has expanded and is looking swell by comparison. Perhaps the "mistake by the lake" is the place to take our families for actual care.Invariably,the so called most powerful men seem to forget the provable fact that all power is fleeting...and it seems to be fleeting fast at DMH!
New management would rectify the shameful conditions that currently plaque DMH and their unfortunate employees. What a shame to witness a once adequate Hospital place a greater value on revenue dollar$ and outrageous salaries for the powerful men at the top of the food chain before the medical care of their patients!
Customer$ for profit = GREED
Caring for patients & employees = HEART

7/17/2012 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now, trying to outdo St. Mary's, DMH is running an ad saying that "Consumer Reports ranks DMH as one of the top 5 safest hospitals in Illinois." Well, Consumer Reports has had a long-standing policy forbidding the use of their rankings in advertising because they feel that if they did, it would compromise their objectivity and their credibility. Does DMH care about this? Noooooooo. Any slimy move to try to get a leg up.

7/23/2012 11:15:00 PM  

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