Thursday, August 04, 2005

Decatur H&R refuses to print St. Mary's Press Release

In an effort to set the record straight, Michael Rindler, St. Mary's new Revitalization Administrator, released a press release last week that has already played on WAND, WSOY and other radio stations, has been accepted by the Decatur Tribune, but so far has been *rejected* by the Decatur Herald & Review.

The press release supposedly said that St. Mary's had nothing to do with the federal and state investigations at DMH, etc. It may have other routine stuff in it, I don't know. Bottom line: H&R won't pirnt it. They wouldn't even let St. Mary's BUY an ad detailing the press release.

I distinctly remember posters at the Jacksonfile say they thought the local media was bought, but I didn't believe it at the time. Now I wonder.

Mr. Rindler had meetings with St. Mary's employees on Monday and Tuesday where the above information was part of the meeting. As a response, several people called the H*R and complained. Others reportedly cancelled their subscriptions. The editor of the H&R was supposed to get back with the hospital soon about why they won't print the ad. Something about lawyers. Funny that WAND, WSOY, the Decatur Tribune and others didn't need to consult lawyers.

People close to the source say the H&R has 25,000 reasons not to say anything about the DMH story. I'm not exactly sure what thet means.

More to come when I get the info.


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