As DMH's financial picture looks gloomier and gloomier, DMH Administration must go hunting for much needed revenue in other places. They tried to get a exclusivity for the city's major employers - didn't work. Employee benefits have been cut to the bare bone, hiring freezes stay in effect, and pay raises are few and far between (except if you're in DMH administration) - that didn't work. The public has caught on to the deception and the delusions of grandeur that is DMH administration. What's next?
Along with the allegations of Medicare Fraud, Medicaid Fraud, and Stark Anti-Trust Violations, there appears to be a new way DMH Administrators are attempting to coerce the citizenry of Decatur into giving them money.
Several reports indicate that patients are being told in the ER, and in the hospital, that Prairie Cardiovascular Consultants, undeniably the best cardiologist group in Central Illinois, "doesn't come here anymore" or "aren't available today." Long-standing patients with Decatur's premiere cardiologist group are being funneled (along with their money) to the DMH-employed cardiologists. Not only that, it also appears as if Prairie Cardiologists are no longer allowed to read EKGs, Echocardiograms, perform Stress Tests or even Heart Catheterizations, despite the fact they are still members of the hospital medical staff.
I have to think this is a violation of free trade, and that Ken Smithmier, by forcing these patients (many of which are Medicare/Medicaid!!) is now OPENLY & BLATANTLY committing Medicare Fraud and Medicaid Fraud!! ER doctors, DMH-employed doctors, or even nurses who coerce Medicare/Medicaid patients into having to use DMH-employed cardiologists may be accessories to Medicare Fraud and Medicaid Fraud. Do you DMH-employed doctors and nurses really WANT to go to jail for Ken Smithmier?
As the Rape of Decatur continues, I truly hope the US DOJ, which has been quiet for some time now, will move soon to eradicate this menace from the city of Decatur.
DMH served Prairie with legal papers this week throwing them out of the hospital within 30 days.
60 day notice. Moody's has cut it's bond rating ,to negative and expects loss of 11 million this year
rumors of potential buy out
Who on earth would buy them out with all their debt? Were the doctors who signed contracts with DMH idiots or just poor businessmen who didn't read contracts carefully to make sure they were protected just in case Ken slipped a clause in there protecting himself from doctors who might decide to sue him for loss of income?
My neighbor had chest pain, went to DMH ER (against my advice) but did specifically ask for a specific Prairie cardiologist.
Request denied by DMH because "they can't do everything our doctors can do." Apparently this is because Smithmier doesn't allow the Prairie doctors to use "his" facilities.
The quacks who are the DMH cardiologists managed to screw up a routine very common procedure.
Neighbor ended up at St. John's in Springfield were they managed to correct the botched work done at DMH.
Well, Ken, you just had to have a heart center/open heart center to pad your resume and try to make DMH seem like it is just as good as the excellent hospitals in the area. You got your heart center but at great cost to the community. High infection rates, poor outcomes have added greatly to medical costs for people who were gullible enough to believe all those billboards you plastered in the area.
Hope the Prairie group continues to use St. Mary's so we can benefit from their excellent care and years of experience. I'm sure St. Mary's would be more than happy to build the facilities they need so THEY can continue to provide quality care to Decatur.
And a big HURRAY for the cities major employers who refused to sign those exclusivity contracts with DMH. Seems that slowly but surely the people who make these decisions have realized that DMH cannot and never could deliver all it promised. Seems like enough people complained and the people who make these decisions realized that it cost them more than it saved them by forcing people to use DMH becaause patients had to go elsewhere after receiving care at DMH to correct the gross errors made by "the excellent doctors owned by DMH"-heavy sarcasm here.
Nice job Ken. You have managed to focus the attention of everyone on the mismanagement of DMH and its faiure to provide the best care possible (Prairie Cardiovascular) to all of us.
Pat yourself on the back for alerting everyone to the fact that DMH is run by greedy crooks who do not care about patients but care only about lining their pockets with money that should be used for charitable care and the good of all patients.
Pat yourself on the back for making people realize that St. Mary's really does care about patients and quality care.
Thanks Ken for focusing all the negative attention on DMH. Its the best thing you have done for the city since you arrived here.
I have also recently heard rumors of a potential buy out by a Chicago group?
Can anyone confirm these rumors?
The situation at Decatur Memorial could be quickly rectified with proper management.
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