Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Smithmier's Megalomania Blows Up In His Face

The public outcry and emails to Fred Puglia have paid off. Smithmier and his ego were told to take a hike.

Tomorrow it is expected that Fred Puglia will hand the big $80,000 check back to Ken and tell him, "no thanks."

Here's the video from WAND from the 5:00pm news:

Reports from DMH say that DMH employees were livid when the announcement was made about Smithmier giving Puglia the $80,000. Employees were told recently 'there wasn't much money in the bank' and that 'wage increases would be low.' The word is employees, as did everyone else in Decatur, wanted to know how Smithmier could find $80,000 to throw away on his ego trip but couldn't find any money to better compensate over-worked and under-staffed employees.

The answer? G-R-E-E-D.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never seen a goodwill gesture backfire so bad in my entire life! What was this Smithmier thinking?

4/30/2008 11:07:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

I have serious doubts about this ever being a "good-will gesture."

Ken Smithmier saw an opportunity to buy off the Decatur Celebration and to make it *his.* If it was a "good-will gesture" then the exclusivity clause, the naming rights, and the return of St. Mary's money would never have happened.

It was an act of GREED and ego.

5/01/2008 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks citizens of Decatur for finally having the guts to stand up to Smithmier and DMH and say loud and clear ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Now if only the Feds could finally get enough information to indict the crooks out there life would be really good in Decatur again.
Maybe the filming of the INFORMANT here will inspire them and give them the courage to right even more wrongs here committed by people who think their name and power give them immunity.

5/12/2008 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is NO end to the greed and megolamania of Ken Smithmier. Decatur suffers while Smithmier grows richer.
Just try and find a doctor in Decatur who is not tied to DMH and who will see you if you choose to be admitted to St. Mary's. There are independent doctors here but most of the time you have to wait a very long time just to be seen by them (if they are even putting people on a waiting list anymore) because so many of us are trying to get away from DMH and being forced to use their understaffed facilities.
People are trying to get away from DMH but it is difficult.

The outcry by the people of Decatur over Smithmier's attempt to buy the Decatur celebration should tell him that the people of Decatur are fed up with his strong arm tactics.

Thank God Puglia listened to the citizens. Smithmier surely didn't.

7/05/2008 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the rumors about layoffs at DMH? Any truth to it?

9/24/2008 11:48:00 AM  

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