Friday, October 12, 2007

DMH Administration Does It Again

The 2006 DMH tax return is not available on

The tax return for the mysteriously bankrupt "Two Miles North" IS available.

While experienced workers leave DMH in droves, and those left behind are forced to work longer hours with fewer coworkers to share the load, what does DMH Administration do? Why they pay themselves EVEN MORE!


Ken Smithmier.....$778,912.....(previous year: $691,744)
Gary Peacock........$422,163.....(previous year: $357,221)
Tim Stone..............$417,874.....(previous year: $405,427)
Michael Zia...........$293,521.....(previous year: $276,902)
Linda Fahey..........$300,904....(previous year: $224,936)

How can the DMH board approve these huge salary increases while nurses on the floor are taking care of twice the number of patients they should be? while employee benefits are being cut? while the quality of care continues to decline?

It is time for those who know they need to act to do so before more destruction happens. DMH employees, will you step up?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard that there was a Grand Jury held over hiring practices of Doctors and that it has been settled...Does anyone know more about this?

10/17/2007 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I carried a tape recorder with me everyday at work. If I did I might be able to help in this investigation. Too bad for patients that I am too busy trying to take care of patients instead of gathering evidence. The turnover on the floor I work on has been almost 100% in the past year bacause we CANNOT take care of the patients DMH expects us to. I am too busy trying to teach new nurses how they need to take care of patients and trying to correct the mistakes they make and give patients the care they need. It gets worse everyday. I just go home after work and pray that I don't get called in the office because a patient or family has complained. If that happens I get punished with a poor evaluation and no raise to pay my bills. It is the nurses and patients who pay for Smithmier and Fahey's and the other bigwigs crimes.
And what about Dr Zia? He achieved his goal of getting away from taking care of patients and making the really big money as a vice president at DMH. He has much to answer for, since he was supposed to monitor quality of care.
Don't expect DMH employees to step forward with evidence. We are too busy trying to give minimal patient care to gather evidence.
Investigators need to go into the hellhole known as DMH UNANNOUNCED, go to the floors and see what goes on there daily.
If they don't do this things will never change and these administrators who are flouting laws and moral obligations every day will never have to pay for the crimes they continue to commit.

10/23/2007 07:00:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

In response to the comment left on 10/23, I can only say, someone needs to step up and tell the truth.

Those of you who work at DMH, if you know DMH Administration is violating the law, let the authorities know about it.

Someone told me that all the hospitals must follow certain standards as required by law. If that government agency is notified, and they do an inspection UNANNOUNCED as the last anonymous writer said, something might get done.

If The Joint Commission was notified, they might be able to do something, too. From what I have heard, if the Joint Commission nails you and takes away accreditation, then that hospital may lose a lot of business.

10/23/2007 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the 10/23/07 commentary, if this person is that unhappy and DMH is such a "hellhole", they need to find another job (there are many in healthcare). With that attitude, I doubt this person is providing quality patient care and is only contributing to the problems they speak of. The problems at DMH are no different than those in other health care facilties (I speak from experience.)

11/07/2007 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the post of 11/7/07 I beg to differ with the opinion that the DMH employee needs to find another job. There are countless employees at DMH who try their best every day to provide the best possible care to patients. They try to make changes from within the organization but honest suggestions fall upon the deaf ears of administrators. If all the employees at DMH who really care about quality patient care left DMH tomorrow more patients would develop life threatening infections (MRSA is rampant at DMH) and die from poor care from inexperienced staff. I too speak from experience having worked at other hospitals. Never have I worked at a hospital (and I have worked at hospitals across the state and in other states because of husband's job transfers) where staff is asked to do so much with so few qualifed experienced staff. The problems at DMH rest squarely on the shoulders of administrators not on employees who stick with it on a day to day basis who try to make DMH a better place one patient at a time.
Does the poster of 11/7/2007 work at DMH? If not I suggest that person get a job at DMH, see what goes on daily, then come back and post about their experience and opinion of DMH, the care patients receive, the support staff gets from administration and let us all know about their experience.
By the way I used to work at DMH but left because I truly cared about my patients but knew I could not give them the care they deserved. You are right, there are many jobs in healthcare, but if everyone leaves hospitals like DMH who will take care of the patients that are forced to go there? I am much happier in my current job at another hospital but not a day goes by without me thinking and worrying about the patients stuck there and the co-workers I left.

11/20/2007 02:43:00 AM  

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