Thursday, May 18, 2006

Watcher's DMH BS Ad of the Week 5/18/06

In today's paper, DMH's marketing gurus have really outdone themselves.

Dr. Thomas Rohde, a physician from the SIU School of Medicine office here in town, is being marketed as a "Family Physician" for the Mt. Zion area. He even says he'll do house calls.

Anyone want to bet he won't make any house calls to St. Mary's Hospital? Or even Decatur Memorial Hospital? If he follows the pattern of the other DMH lackey doctors in this town, he'll abandon his patients as soon as they hit the hospital door. ANY hospital door. He'll let "hospitalists" (internal medicine doctors) take care of his patients at DMH (and inexperienced residents will end up with the pediatric patients,) and he'll abandon all together anyone who prefers NEARBY ST. MARYS!

If the majority of Decatur residents DO NOT want a hospitalist when they go to the hospital, what do you think the residents of Mt.Zion and surrounding rural communities will say?

Another idiot idea by Ken Smithmier and crew that will end in disaster.

How are they going to pay for the building of ANOTHER doctor's office here in town while their OWN EMPLOYEES are being stripped of benefits right and left?!?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liken my current actions to the terminally-ill person buying everything on credit cards.

I get what I want now, even though I know I'm going away very soon.

5/20/2006 08:22:00 AM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

It is confirmed:


This means adult patients at DMH will go to hospitalists and any children admitted to DMH will be seen by inexperienced residents. Any patients going to St. Mary's will be abandoned all together.

If you want TRUE QUALITY FAMILY MEDICAL CARE, choose a physician who will see you in the hospital, regardless of where you go.

I believe the Mt. Zion Family Care office does just that. I have heard they are accepting new patients.

5/21/2006 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that DMH employees no longer get their health dollars they could use for exercise clubs or diet plans.

Are they going to start charging for parking now, too?

6/01/2006 01:24:00 PM  

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