Smithmier Orders Neurosurgeons To Abandon St. Mary's

Reports from St. Mary's Hospital indicate that Decatur's only neurosurgery group (Drs. Oliver Dold and Robert Kraus) have withdrawn privileges at St. Mary's Hospital.
Although St. Mary's has been paying 1/2 of the subsidy of these same surgeons' medical malpractice insurance costs for the past two years, the surgeons repayed St. Mary's by only performing 5% of their elective surgeries there. What a nice way of saying thanks.
Earlier this year, DMH Administration, who employed the neurosurgeons in Decatur, sent St. Mary's a bill for their "half" of the 2006 medical malpractice subsidy for these surgeons, but added in an additional bill for the "tail coverage" for departing neurosurgeon Marie Long who's surgery numbers were identical to her former partners.
Can you imagine Ken Smithmier had the gall to ask St. Mary's for over $350,000 to subsidize neurosurgeons who HE WON'T EVEN LET OPERATE AT ST. MARY'S?!?!? Ken Smithmier definitely does NOT have the welfare of Macon County residents as his top priority. His arrogance and lust for power have made him ignorant to Decatur's need for quality healthcare for all of Decatur's citizens.
Instead, Ken Smithmier has effectively told the city of Decatur and the residents of Macon County:
"I really don't care about you or your loved ones. If anyone needs a neurosurgeon, they will have to come to my hospital. If you prefer another hospital, if you really want choice, that's your problem. I don't give a rat's ass. As far as I'm concerned, there is no choice in Decatur, unless you choose ME. Remember what I've always said: If you want to control the doctors, you have to OWN them. And I do OWN these neurosurgeons. When I say jump, they ask how far. Any of Decatur's citizens who don't like it can eat sh*t and die for all I care."
For Ken Smithmier to take this bold of a step must mean that his organization is hurting bad for cash. Building too many buildings, forking out over-blown salaries to heads of non-existent "Institutes", and of course those large lawyer fees to defend an FBI investigation for Medicare/Medicaid fraud and blatant violations of the Stark Anti-Trust laws must really be adding up.
All this flurry, right before he gets indicted. What a waste.
REMINDER: If you think you have "interesting information" about this subject, simply post that information. I do not have an email account hooked up to this site.
This is not a surprise. As a former physician of DMH, I was told by Smithmier and Stone to do the same; withdraw my privileges from St Mary's Hospital. I left because I did not agree with there unethical behavior.
Does anyone know when the indictments will be issued? I heard many more physicians are leaving, anyone heard?
I hope it will be soon.
The quicker that this administration leaves, the better off DMH will be in the long run. The more time Smithmier/Stone have to screw up DMH, the worse it will get for Macon County.
I forgot to ask:
How's the Alternative Medicine Center going here in Forsyth? I haven't seen Dr. Sharon Collins much in the news.
Who's renting out the top floor of her old office? The FBI? Now, what would the FBI be doing in DECATUR?
I am just curious. Watcher2300, where do you shop? Here is something disturbing. A friend of mine is on one of the Nurses of Excellence committees. I was one of the committee members approached the Hickory Point Mall for a prize donation. The person was told by the Mall, the Mall was unable to donate because it was not a DMH Employee exclusive function. The last time you were at the Hickory Point Mall, did you see any signs that said, "You may only spend money here if it came from DMH?"
I think the public should be aware of which store refused to donate a prize simply because it wasn't a 'DMH-only' function!
How much does DMH have invested in Hickory Point Mall? Does Smithmier pull the strings there, too?
Who will they turn to when he's sent to prison?
It was the main HPM office.
Check out the play center equiptment.
Would the former DMH physician (anonymous said...)please call me? Bob Pittenger, at 428-0795.
Mr. Pittenger, if the doctor does not call you, I would like to. Maybe you could tell me if what happened to me was fraud.
Mr. Pittenger:
I am the physician you addressed in this message to call. Although I feel that you are a sincere man, we met, I feel that the actions of Smithmier and Stone in the community dictate that he has someone in your organization on the take. After all, Mr Smithmier had confided in me that that's how he received government approval/support for a DMH Program, by paying off one of the committee members.
Also, are you not retired? If I can help I would, but do not know what can be done. I believe that thes guys and some of the bad docs will get off!
To the writer who says that he would like to know if what happened was fraud or not. Please call and we can discuss this. Keep in mind I will be hesitant to speak without meeting and knowing you. Just as you should be careful of what you say to me, I too will be cautious.
As for the anonymous physician, I hope our first meeting was not too bothersome. I know the process was burdensome for physicians and their staff. I would enjoy speaking to you again, and perhaps learn more. I would suggest that we first talk "off-the-record" and I can assure you off-the-record is off-the-record. The first step is 428-0795, I have caller ID, so if I were you I would block the call from your end.
Mr. Pittenger:
I would love to speak with you once more. However, it seems that Smithmier/Stone/their bought physicians have someone on the inside. I have a wife, children and career to protect. They have black-balled/harmed me enough.
Can you explain to everyone how a conflict of interest does not exist in this investigation. The office building on West Weaver Road in Forsyth is owned by Smithmier, correct? My understanding is one of his tenants is the Local FBI Office.
what's that all about.
Mr. Pittenger:
If the "fix" is not in, they why have'nt there been any indictments handed down? Every decent person in the area knows that Smithmier, Stone and their posse of docs are why nothing handed down?
Wow! I just googled the phone number left by Mr. Pittenger, and it really is his number. I thought for sure it was a Ken Smithmier apartment #... LOL
It's also in the phone book. I checked before I posted it.
Anyone know what the number is for the closest federal penitentiary?
This is all very interesting. So when will their be enough evidence to convict these people. Mr Pittenger what are you going to do about MCCI they are crooked also I know you have a file on them.
Well this is a classic case of "big money talks" the Hosptals want total control of everything everyone knows they are legalized scam artist. DMH is really BIG BIG BIG money thats why they always build they have to spend it. Its really a shame they don't cut more of a break to the patients. I for one will go to ST Mary's in the future.
Mr Pittenger:
Can you confirm or refute the claim that the FBI rents office space from Smithmier at the Forsyth Medical Building on Weaver Road?
Guess what kind of letter was delivered to local physicians today? If you guessed another "we are not coming to St. Mary's" letter, YOU ARE CORRECT. Raycraft and Jones are now no longer performing surgery at St. Mary's Hospital. I wonder who is next. How mant physician buys outs does it take before the Feds take action?
I am a long term DMH employee. I would leave if I were not close to retirement age and have too much invested in the pension plan - although I am starting to worry about whether or not that money will be there when I need it. DMH has changed local investment companies at least 3 times in the last 4 years. Could this be because DMH is extorting a portion of the management fees these firms charge?
The mission statement of DMH is "To improve the health of the people of central Illinois" - quote taken directly from the back of my DMH employee badge.
Alas, DMH does not seem to have the same concern for their own employees. Insurance costs were raised once again for the year that began Jan 1 2007, forcing many employees to drop coverage. I personally know at least 1 RN at DMH who had to enroll her kids in the state's "AllKids" program because she could not afford the DMH insurance premiums. Shame on DMH and Smithmier for not providing affordable healthcare insurance for its employees. Shame on Smithmier & DMH for forcing its own employees to turn to state programs to provide healthcare insurance for their kids.
It is the employees - the nurses, radiology techs, lab techs, cleaning ladies, etc., that the patients see most and provide direct patient care. It is these bottom of the feeding chain employees that bathe, turn, change dressings, give meds, etc., to our loved ones. I guarantee you that Smithmier and his cronies are not out there being exposed to infectious diseases, cleaning your grandmother's dirty bottom, feeding her or washing her dentures, scrubbing floors, and doing all of the other back breaking dirty work that patients and their families have a right to expect.
DMH is definitely not the same organization I hired in to almost 20 years ago. It has been a steady downward spiral in the quality of healthcare provided to patients that accelerated when Smithmier & his buddies arrived from St. Louis.
Would I allow myself or a member of my family to be treated at DMH? Absolutely not! We will go to Springfield, Champaign, Peoria, or St. Louis to get quality care.
My family is covered by Family care. I pay for this insurance from the state DMH treats us like crap.. We are going to St. Mary's.
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