St. Mary's Is Fighting Back: Volume II

Here's St. Mary's newest additions to the "I Take It Personally" campaign as seen in the Decatur Tribune.
Keep your eyes open for my review of the "DMH BS TV-Show-Of-The-Week" to be posted some time next week.
I wonder if the FBI will buy advertising time on WAND?
If you have something that the authorities would find interesting, please read through previous posts and call the FBI.
To all who were interested, I found out I missed the DMH BS TV show of the week. If anyone actually did see it, please let us know how your recovery is going.
DMH BS TV show of the week? You have no idea! The "satisfied grandmother & professor" is the mommy of a DMH owned doc. (This particular doc is also a department chair @ DMH and one of the other partners from the same group is med board president.) Then, after the feds spent "quality time" in this doc's office, it is rumored Smitty generosly pitched in to their legal-aid fund as a comp effort. Guess what came next? You know it, the ding letter to St. Mary's. At least if the feds get these docs, they can always go flip hamburgers, literally!
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