Saturday, May 13, 2006

What's Going On At DMH?

Have they hired any new neurosurgeons? Boy that would really increase the malpractice insurance bill.

Have they hired any heart surgeons? Boy that would REALLY increase the malpractice bill.

I heard the bill outlawing the hospitalists taking over by insurance companies is ready to be signed by the governor. Too bad for Ken.

I heard St. Mary's numbers just keep going up, and they are needing to hire more and more people to keep up with the increase in business. Too bad for Ken.

What have you heard?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there any cardiac surgeons that truly reside in the local DMH area after Dr. Meng passed away? My understanding is they drive into town to perform cases but are not around 24/7. Anyone know about this? Is this right?

5/15/2006 12:50:00 AM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

NO CARDIAC SURGEONS live in Decatur. They are imported from Bloomington. They stay (rent free!) in Decatur while their "turn" is taken each week.

I'm sure they can't wait to get back to Bloomington.

5/18/2006 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard if Carle, OSF, or Springfield Clinic may come to Decatur to give DMH some competition? Surely with the corruption with the Smithmier Stark Law scandal, there would be some interest in Decatur.

5/25/2006 08:05:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

Springfield Clinic is already in Decatur. They don't have a large presence, but they're here.

I've heard Carle has been sniffing around. No word on OSF or any other big groups.

5/25/2006 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

By the way, has anyone noticed there have been no ALLCAPS WEINEE posts? That's because I've turned on comment moderation.

That way, ALLCAPSWEINEE has no voice here.

All so sad.

Please feel free to send in whatever you like, as long as it's on topic!

5/25/2006 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to see Springfield Clinic here! They are not "owned" by anyone. Thay do pay rent to Springfield Memorial, but it is just rent. They are free to admit their patients anywhere they feel they can get the best care.

Great variety of doctors in all specialties. Please, c'mon over guys.

I will be one of the first to choose one of your primary care docs and leave the DMH doc I have seen for over 20 years. I am sure many others would follow and it would be well worth your time!

Would love to see Springfield clinic provide quality care to the people of Decatur. It has been a long time since we have had it.

1/16/2007 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Springfield Clinic, OSF, Carle - I will take any of them over DMH.

Was blessed to have surgery at St. Francis in Peoria 2 years ago - at the recommendation of my family doctor.

The care was wonderful and I recovered in record time according to my own doctor.

I doubt the outcome would have been the same if I had surgery at DMH.

For all you Caterpillar employees out there who think you are forced to go to DMH, St. Francis is a great alternative where you will be treated like an individual and given excellent care.

And it is in the Caterpillar network! Not that far away if you value your health and life.

2/06/2007 10:33:00 PM  

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