Saturday, February 25, 2006

New Law Would Block Hospitalists

There is a new bill (House Bill 5339) in the Illinois General Assembly that has already passed the House and now is on the floor of the Illinois Senate.


This bill when passed will outlaw this practice.

What I find curious is that Consociate Health Plans, which covers many patients in the Decatur area including anyone working for DMH, is run by people who answer to Ken Smithmier.

Anyone wish to venture a guess as to whether Ken Smithmier wants to see this bill passed? Perhaps this was the plan all along for his "hospitalist" scheme: to force patients with Consociate insurance to use his hospitalists to scam even more money and put it in the DMH system.

If it was, Ken, you are soon to be even more SOL.

DMH must really be hurting for cash. Employees no longer have their wellness benefit, they no longer get a reward for recruiting other employees. Sounds like Ken is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to attempt to keep things afloat.

Spend spend spend, and eventually you run out of money.


Blogger Watcher2300 said...


The anti-hospitalist bill has passed both houses and should be signed by the governor in the next month or so.

Sorry, Ken, your "hospitalists" don't get an automatic list of patients to see.

4/24/2006 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have come up with a new and improved plan. They are going to start sending a few their nurses on to be nurse practitioners. One of my friend's (who was a DMH employee at the time) had a baby and it was seen by the hospital neonatologist. Whoever this doctor is billed through is not considered a provider through the DMH employee insurance. I guess she was stuck with this huge bill. Then, she said this doctor would check a baby and give some fabricated reason to make them "level-2" and run all kinds of tests. Here is the worst thing, I guess they had 2 or 3 babies that were given to the wrong mothers and one of the mothers breastfed the baby before the nursing staff discovered the mistake. The OB director covered it up and basically threatened everyone with their jobs and supposedly Fahey knew about all of this. My friend is long gone from their and I do not care if I have to drive across town to get to St. Mary's. At least I will not have to worry about who my baby is.

5/10/2006 01:27:00 AM  

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