Monday, April 09, 2007

Let The Implosion Begin

There have been several posts lately by people who describe the Smithmier/DMH Scandal and it's aftermath as horrible, and rightly so. The situation, however, is not hopeless, despite what DMH administration would have you believe.

First, I would encourage anyone from St. Mary's to post here anonymously and let us all know where people can call to find out about insurance and payment options for people whose insurance prefers DMH.

Second, the investigation is NOT OVER! Contrary to popular belief (and what Ken and Tim would LOVE for you to keep on believing) the investigation is NOT OVER. Rumor has it that SEVERAL physicians in this town were interviewed by the DOJ within the past month in connection with the DMH scandal. They were told the investigation is still ongoing and that justice will be served. This makes sense if you think about all the records that were collected when the feds talked with doctors, the hospital, medical equipment stores, home health agencies, hospice providers, etc. It's going to take some time.

I echo the cries of those who long for justice. If one of those doctors on the inside were to just tell the DOJ what they know, we would be rid of Ken Smithmier, Tim Stone and company. In several anonymous posts those claiming to be DMH employees, doctors or otherwise, were afraid of a backlash if they were to report what they knew. The thing is, they wouldn't have to worry about a backlash from them. I was told the "Whistle-blowers law" would not only protect this person from the Smithmier machine, but would also reward them with a percentage of the federal fine! I'm sure some of the employed docs are afraid of getting indicted if they tell how DMH involved them in the "fraud." Maybe the docs should contact the feds anyway and ask them for immunity from prosecution in exchange for their testimony...

Here's a couple of resources I pulled from a Google search on Medicare fraud and whistleblowers:

If you DMH employed docs (or anyone else, for that matter) are afraid you'll lose money once Ken and Tim are gone, think again. You may make millions by putting them away.

Patience, people, patience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just some more propaganda about DMH. You never tell how it really is at St. Mary's do you? Like how they are so understaffed in the OB/GYN unit that they don't even know when babies are born. This is true as I was there. Then the infant contacted an infection at St. Mary's (it was confirmed) and died at the age of 3 weeks. How tragic! That is certainly not where I want to be. I know this won't be printed as this is only a DMH bashing site, but at least you can hear another side of it. I would imagine that you hear much more than the people who read this blog will ever know.

4/09/2007 10:41:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

To anonymous:

You could call the posting of truth "propaganda" if you wanted, but the fact of the matter is I do not necessarily favor one hospital over the other. The actions of hospital employees and staff are not in question; it is the intent of and consequences of the actions of DMH administration that motivate this blog.

I have never claimed St. Mary's was a better hospital than DMH nor the other way around. The postings here are merely to expose the Smithmier scandal for all to see, to keep the public updated about it, and to counter the propanda put out in DMH's captive media outlets (you would be surprised what the media will say or not say when advertising dollars come their way.)

The baby story is unfortunate, if it ever really happened. I've heard similar (and worse) stories come from DMH. The issue here is the administration at DMH and how their policies are sabotaging quality care at DMH and in Macon County as a whole.

What other people post is their opinion, not necessarily mine.

4/10/2007 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to tell the feds what I know. I am an RN at DMH. Whistle blower law protection means nothing to me though. There are also federal laws that protect people who try to get unions into a workplace. I personally know at least 4 great experienced RN's who tried to get a union for the nurses into one of the local hospitals. All had outstanding evaluations for the entire time they worked for the hospital. They were fired for their union activities, but the hospital of course did not use "union activities" as the reason for firing them. Both hospitals are "at will" employers meaning they can fire you for any reason they want.
Forgive me for not believing whistle blower laws would protect me. Both hospitals are too powerful. Tell the feds what I know about DMH? Sure I will, but please give me the number of the unemployment office so I can sign up for benefits. DMH would deny they fired me for being a whistle blower. I would have to hire an attorney and fight them in court for years before I ever saw a dime. If I should win, by the time I did win the money would go to my estate.
DMH does the same thing with workers comp cases. If you win your workers comp case they appeal. It is appeal after appeal after appeal and so on.
It would be no different for a whistle blower.

4/11/2007 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both hospitals are understaffed. Too many sick patients who need a lot of care and too few nurses to take care of them. More money for the bottom line of both hospitals. Do any healthcare providers in this town really care about the patients?
Smithmier seems to have taken the "bottom line" approach to healthcare to new levels, though. He advertises that DMH provides cutting edge technology in Decatur. Seems the only ones who benefit from this are the administrators and doctors, radiolologists, and anesthesiologists who are on his payroll - and of course DMH who gets a cut of the profits. All the fancy cat scanners etc in the world won't help your mother or you if you are unfortunate enough to be in DMH if there are no nurses to monitor them after their high tech xrays or procedures.

And what's with this "hospitalist" deal? I thought the hospitalists at DMH were there to take care of the patients that DMH owned MDs like McCormack, Scribner, Tim Miller, Wall, Newcome, Cavanaugh, etc. no longer had time to see patients in the hospital because they were too busy doing other things Smithmier made them do - like Tim Miller and the weight loss program at the Wellness Center etc. That Wellness Center is a joke. Too expensive for DMH employees but a cash cow for DMH.
Are Baumberger, Keith Smith, Franklin, Goetter considered "hospitalists". God help us. Seems no one else will.

Are all DMH owned doctors considered to be hospitalists?

Both hospitals need more nurses to actually take care of patients but that seems to be low on their list of priorities. It costs money to hire experienced well trained caregivers. I'm willing to pay for a nurse who knows what she is doing. I'm not willing to pay for outrageous salaries and bonuses for administrators who have no clue about what it takes to provide quality care for my mother or me.
DMH is the worst at this. Putting IMC (essentially ICU patients) on a 70 bed medical floor is criminal and negligent care in my opinion. There is no way even the most experienced RN can care for IMC patients and his/her regular assignment.

The only "implosion" I see coming from this continued focus on the bottom line in Decatur is more people dying unecessarily or suffering from preventable complications from understaffing.

A word to the State of Illinois and Federal government - get ready to pay for more Medicaid patients and permanently injured patients who now must go on disability because of poor care.

4/11/2007 01:20:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

If retaliation is suspected, it is the Feds who would jump at the chance to be the ones to sue on behalf of the "whistle blower". The individual would need to do nothing but sit back and watch the lawyers go at it.

If you want more information, call the US attorney's office in Springfield and get the information first hand. Appeals cost a LOT of money. Who's got more, the DOJ or DMH?

4/11/2007 11:30:00 PM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

4/11/2007 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting ready to go to work and had to check this site for some encouragement. Unfortunately, I find none.
I agree with the other poster. No way would I tell the Feds what I know about DMH self referrals, charging patients for equipment, procedures and supplies they never received or used. I know things like this seem minor, but there is so much more DMH administration has done illegally.
Smithmier and company are too powerful. Whistleblower laws offer me no confidence. I have seen too many news stories about government whistleblowers whose good names have been dragged through the mud, accused of crimes themselves and more.
It is going to take some doctors who know what is really going on and can testify about the contracts they have been forced to sign, the fraudulent bills they have submitted to medicare and medicaid, the referrals they have made to DMH employed doctors and departments despite requests from patients for a second opinion at another facility (only to be told they would have to find another doctor if they went to another facility) and more.
Are there any ethical doctors owned by Smithmier who are willing to tell what they know? I hope so.
I read the links about whistleblower laws and protection. They offer me no encouragement to step forward.
Smithmier and his lawyers have managed to terrify DMH employees. It is going to take someone with more clout and power than a rad tech or physical therapist to make a difference.
Please, some MD step forward and clean DMH up and restore it to the fine institution it used to be.

4/12/2007 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think you might want to talk with the government, but are uneasy about taking that step. There is an answer. Call Bob Pittenger 428-0795.

He is a retired Federal Investigator who worked for the United States Attorney.

I have talked with him and he will talk with you or anyone anonymously and let you know whether or not your information would be of interest.

I can tell you for sure, if he says you will not be will not be known

4/12/2007 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


First, two skilled, excellent cardiologists leave the DMH employed Heart Group, IL Heart. Now, the key, best Interventional Radiologists are leaving too.

Unless the community steps up, all that will be left are two groups of physicians. Those that are bought off by DMH and those least skilled. Come to think of it, they are the all the same group!

5/08/2007 02:50:00 PM  

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