Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Smithmier's Megalomania Blows Up In His Face

The public outcry and emails to Fred Puglia have paid off. Smithmier and his ego were told to take a hike.

Tomorrow it is expected that Fred Puglia will hand the big $80,000 check back to Ken and tell him, "no thanks."

Here's the video from WAND from the 5:00pm news:

Reports from DMH say that DMH employees were livid when the announcement was made about Smithmier giving Puglia the $80,000. Employees were told recently 'there wasn't much money in the bank' and that 'wage increases would be low.' The word is employees, as did everyone else in Decatur, wanted to know how Smithmier could find $80,000 to throw away on his ego trip but couldn't find any money to better compensate over-worked and under-staffed employees.

The answer? G-R-E-E-D.

Friday, April 25, 2008


There's been very little word on the ongoing US Department of Justice investigation of Ken Smithmier, Tim Stone, and Decatur Memorial Hospital and Stark Anti-Trust Law violations, Medicare Fraud, and Medicaid Fraud. None of my contacts within DMH have said much. Likewise from my friends at St. Mary's. Throughout this entire investigation, postings have said over and over, "What can I do?" "I don't know what to do."

Now there is something that EVERYONE CAN DO...and, it doesn't matter if you're a DMH employee or not.

This morning's headlines from the DMH Herald & Review say that "DMH agrees to sponsor Celebration." Translation: They're going to use it to purposefully exclude St. Mary's and any other competition, and turn what was once a large opportunity for fun for the whole family into a large commercial for DMH. They even returned the sponsorship check from St. Mary's Hospital.

Mr. Puglia, what were you thinking? St. Mary's could easily do the same thing that DMH did, but they didn't. Why is that? They don't have a fascist megalomaniacal idiocy in their administration. They operate by the "golden rule," not the dollar bill. Mr. Puglia, unless this changes, this year's celebration will be the poorest attended to date. For many reasons. Until the sponsorshiop is changed.....

let me be the first to say it. I'll shout it from up her in Forsyth to the southern parts of Macon County: