Saturday, February 10, 2007

Truth In Advertising - Vol. I

Have you ever wondered what the BS DMH Ads would look like if they were forced to print the truth instead of propaganda? Here's what one billboard might have looked like:

(Click to Enlarge)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sign is perfect!

My friend works at DMH. She told me that she was having a tatoo put on her chest that said "Do not open in Decatur."

Some of the heart doctors at DMH may be nice, but they can't compare with the doctors in Springfield who have been doing bypasses a whole lot longer than DMH has. Besides, why would I want to take my chances in a heart program that doesn't have the good nurses there to take care of patients?

2/12/2007 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think every one should have that tatoo put on their chest!

That sign is hysterically funny. So close to the real truth about the DMH Heart program. What do you think Smithmier would do if someone actually put one up like that? That's assuming you could actually find a company in Decatur to do it.

2/12/2007 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely I would be going to Springfield.

Even in snow a foot deep, I would go in an ambulance at 20 miles per hour to see a real cardiac team of professionals instead of these bozos here in Decatur.

Mr. Smithmeir, we people of Decatur are not as dumb as you think we are. Your lies and your fancy buildings do not fool us. We will continue to go to Springfield for our cardiac care.

2/12/2007 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we are speaking about cardiac care at DMH. Can anyone tell me what happened to the two interventional cardiologists that were partners to Dr Waters and Dr Jyothinagarum (Illinois Heart Specialists @ DMH). One left about three years ago and his replacement a year and a half ago to be now replaced by Tansel Turgut, M.D.

Also, the late Dr Meng lived locally, what about his replacements? They are supposed to be local!

2/13/2007 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I work at DMH. Last week, I went with a DMH employed MD as he saw his patients. He told one patient that she needed to see a cardiologist.

This patient specifically told the doctor that she wanted to see one of the Prairie cardiologists because they had saved the life of her husband and she knew and trusted them.

What did this DMH doctor do after he left her room? He told the secretary to make a referral to an Illinois Heart MD (the ones employed by DMH) despite her specific request to see a Prairie doctor. I heard him tell the secretary to make the referral to the DMH heart doctors and couldn't believe it.

Does this not fall under the category of "self-referral"?

This poor patient had no relatives in town and obviously did not know she had the right to see a doctor of her own choice.

Do these family doctors and internal medicine doctors get a kickback from DMH for referring patients to doctors in the pockets of DMH administrators?

I went back to the patient's room after the doctor had left the floor, told her that her MD had referred her to a DMH cardiologist and that she had a right to demand to be seen by a doctor SHE chose. Poor woman was so upset that she needed a heart doctor that she told me that she trusted her own (DMH employed) doctor to do what was best for her and would abide by his choice.

I put my job on the line by telling this woman that she COULD choose her own doctor.

I hope the people of Decatur realize that there are still some outstanding RN's at DMH who try their best to provide good patient care but Smithmier and administration make it almost impossible to do this if it means we can be fired for cutting into the bottom line at DMH.

DMH can come up with any reason to fire us - wearing the wrong color scrub pants (a violation of their dress code), insubordination (standing up to administration and DMH doctors) and countless other trivial reasons.

We try, but it is tough to withstand the pressure when your family depends on your salary to make ends meet - especially us single moms.

No wonder so many experienced RNs are leaving DMH. We are putting our licensed on the line every day we go to work.

2/14/2007 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the anonymous RN,

You can have an impact. First you need to act on what he have seen and heard. First step, report what you know to the appropriate people. If you are willing, I know a person who will talk with you and I am sure no one but you and he will know.

Your move.

2/22/2007 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just who are the appropriate people to report something like this to? DMH employees have been told many times by Smithmier "If you don't like it, leave. I can replace you." Doctors can't stand up to Smithmier - they are forced to leave (no referrals) or have their rents jacked up so high they have to move on.

DMH is an "at will" employer. They can fire you for any reason they want.

I find it difficult to believe that there really is someone at DMH you can report these violations to. I find it difficult to believe that only the nurse involved and this anonymous person will be the only ones who will know.

Even if violations were reported to people with the power to change things, I am sure DMH would investigate forever until they found out who the employee or employees were and those employees would be gone.

Trust in DMH administration is in woefully short supply at DMH these days. The fear for their jobs is palpable at DMH. Sad but true.

2/25/2007 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am employed by a local physician. He is a great doctor who has provided excellent care to his patients for years. He has provide free care to people who have no insurance because he cares about them and not money.

He is not "owned" by DMH. He is well known in Decatur and most of you would recognize his name if I mentioned it.

He has told me that I should start looking for another job because he is going to close his practice. He is only in his fifties and stll has much to offer to patients in Decatur but is sick and tired of the games DMH administration is playing with the doctors in town.

What a loss for the people and patients in is area. A great doctor quitting and leaving Decatur because he just wants to be a good doctor. He has told me he will set up practice someplace else - anywhere but Decatur and Smithmier.

Do the federal investigators care about this?

How about an article in one of the high priced DMH newsletters DMH sends out to residents of Macon County and surrounding areas about the great doctors who are leaving Decatur because they just want to take care of patients and cannot deal with Smithmier's view of what is right for his own financial gain and profit?

Truth in advertising? The truth in all those billboards in the area is what will make Ken richer. It is not the real truth about what goes on at DMH.

The billboards should read "Play by Ken's rules or get out. We don't care about the healthcare of the people of this area"

The citizens of this area will and are suffering because of Smithmier.

Why can't the Feds see this and do something about it?

Smithmier will literally get away with murder and get richer while we get substandard care.

2/25/2007 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The only people that can make a change are the employess that work there and the community.

My belief is that regardless of what you hear, the investigation is over. Smithmier & Co are too well connected and have pockets that are deep! The Grand Jury has a term of two years and I believe its been much more time than that. Furthermore, Mr Pittinger left in the middle of the investigation.

I have seen it first hand and left because of disagreeing of what they wanted to do for care of residents of our community. I should know, as I am a physician.

I left because what was going on at DMH was wrong. The doctors, nurses, employees of DMH that disagree should leave too. Pateients should REFUSE to go to DMH and support other institutions for their care.

Don't depend on the government to take care of this. The entire community has to take this matter into their own hands. If the employees leave and the care goes elsewhere, justice will be served and the patients/community will be safe.

2/27/2007 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger Watcher2300 said...

The investigation may APPEAR as if it is over. That is what Smithmier and Stone want you to think; they want you to think it's over and bend over.

Sources close to the situation say a new investigator was hired and is supervising the investigation. A grand jury, to my knowledge, can be kept as long as the case takes.

2/27/2007 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Followup on Grand Jury statement

Size of the grand jury -
Federal grand juries are composed of between 16 and 23 individuals. Sixteen is the minimum and 23 is the maximum number that can constitute a federal grand jury. The size of the federal grand jury is set by Rule 6(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Grand jury's term -
Federal grand juries are of two types--regular and special. Regular grand juries sit for a basic term of 18 months, but that term can be extended up to another 6 months, which means their total possible term is 24 months. Special grand juries sit for 18 months, but their term can be extended for up to another 18 months; a court can extend a special grand jury's term for 6 months, and can enter up to three such extensions, totaling 18 months.

2/27/2007 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How depressing to read about the length of terms of grand juries.

What that post is essentially telling the citizens of Decatur is that they have been screwed.

Smithmier (and other administrators at DMH) have won.

The doctors who have allowed themselves to be bought by DMH must share the blame and shame.

They get to keep their huge bonuses, shaft the employees who actually take care of patients, keep the land they have stolen from DMH Foundation, live in their mansions built at employee and patient expense and get off scott free.

What an example for the young people of Decatur - bribe and payoff media, politicians, local, state, federal investigators, and antone else who stands in your way and you can be a millionaire.

On the other hand, if you choose to live an honest ethical life, you are a fool and will lose.

What a sad day for Decatur. What a sad day for our children.

No wonder people have so little faith in politicians and government. No wonder our young people feel it does no good to vote.

Congratulations Kenneth Smithmier and DMH. You have taught an entire generation of potentially honest, hard working people that it does not matter how hard you work and how much good you do. What matters is how many people you pay off and bribe.

Smithmier, how proud you must be. What a legacy you leave for Decatur.

Wonder how different things would be at DMH if Warren Buffett were CEO?

2/28/2007 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll probably not post this message but, I felt obliged to write.

Are you reflecting the real truth? or are you biased?

I am a physician and I have trained in some of the best Hospitals in the US.

I can tell you that DMH is a very good Hospital. Technology is up to date and is very good ,and the quality of physicians (at least in my field)is excellent.

Objective criteria: Just look at Medicare performance Improvement results: DMH beats St. Mary's Hospital (in almost all categories), and beats US avarage in every single category.What else do you want?

I think that people should be thankful of what has been done in this town.


4/05/2007 01:03:00 AM  

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