Monday, April 09, 2007

Let The Implosion Begin

There have been several posts lately by people who describe the Smithmier/DMH Scandal and it's aftermath as horrible, and rightly so. The situation, however, is not hopeless, despite what DMH administration would have you believe.

First, I would encourage anyone from St. Mary's to post here anonymously and let us all know where people can call to find out about insurance and payment options for people whose insurance prefers DMH.

Second, the investigation is NOT OVER! Contrary to popular belief (and what Ken and Tim would LOVE for you to keep on believing) the investigation is NOT OVER. Rumor has it that SEVERAL physicians in this town were interviewed by the DOJ within the past month in connection with the DMH scandal. They were told the investigation is still ongoing and that justice will be served. This makes sense if you think about all the records that were collected when the feds talked with doctors, the hospital, medical equipment stores, home health agencies, hospice providers, etc. It's going to take some time.

I echo the cries of those who long for justice. If one of those doctors on the inside were to just tell the DOJ what they know, we would be rid of Ken Smithmier, Tim Stone and company. In several anonymous posts those claiming to be DMH employees, doctors or otherwise, were afraid of a backlash if they were to report what they knew. The thing is, they wouldn't have to worry about a backlash from them. I was told the "Whistle-blowers law" would not only protect this person from the Smithmier machine, but would also reward them with a percentage of the federal fine! I'm sure some of the employed docs are afraid of getting indicted if they tell how DMH involved them in the "fraud." Maybe the docs should contact the feds anyway and ask them for immunity from prosecution in exchange for their testimony...

Here's a couple of resources I pulled from a Google search on Medicare fraud and whistleblowers:

If you DMH employed docs (or anyone else, for that matter) are afraid you'll lose money once Ken and Tim are gone, think again. You may make millions by putting them away.

Patience, people, patience.