Friday, November 04, 2011

The Well Is Running Dry

It is becoming more and more apparent that Ken Smithmier's strategies are backfiring and that his empire is crumbling. DMH's census is down 40% since Ken kicked Prairie out of his hospital. His heart cath lab is missing a bunch of employees who followed Prairie to St. Mary's. And, those God-awful tax bills will soon start rolling in. He's significantly increased his overhead by renting even more property and buying more billboards and city bus advertising. Much lower revenue + kicking out Prairie's patient base + spending more and more money = disaster on the horizon. (There's no European Union to bail you out, Ken.)

What does all this mean? Maybe Ken won't be able to pay himself $1.5 MILLION this next fiscal year. Even more important, the doctors who he's been grossly over-paying may see their paychecks shrink to less than half of what they were making...perhaps just enough less that they might be more willing to talk to the Feds about what they know. Perhaps just enough so that a full audit of DMH's books might reveal some interesting discrepancies. Perhaps just enough to prove to those who know how the books were cooked that they'd better talk with the DOJ now rather than be in prison later.

You can't work in a hospital that's not allowed to bill Medicare, people. Wise up, come clean, and end the charade now.