Sunday, May 29, 2011


As DMH's financial picture looks gloomier and gloomier, DMH Administration must go hunting for much needed revenue in other places. They tried to get a exclusivity for the city's major employers - didn't work. Employee benefits have been cut to the bare bone, hiring freezes stay in effect, and pay raises are few and far between (except if you're in DMH administration) - that didn't work. The public has caught on to the deception and the delusions of grandeur that is DMH administration. What's next?

Along with the allegations of Medicare Fraud, Medicaid Fraud, and Stark Anti-Trust Violations, there appears to be a new way DMH Administrators are attempting to coerce the citizenry of Decatur into giving them money.

Several reports indicate that patients are being told in the ER, and in the hospital, that Prairie Cardiovascular Consultants, undeniably the best cardiologist group in Central Illinois, "doesn't come here anymore" or "aren't available today." Long-standing patients with Decatur's premiere cardiologist group are being funneled (along with their money) to the DMH-employed cardiologists. Not only that, it also appears as if Prairie Cardiologists are no longer allowed to read EKGs, Echocardiograms, perform Stress Tests or even Heart Catheterizations, despite the fact they are still members of the hospital medical staff.

I have to think this is a violation of free trade, and that Ken Smithmier, by forcing these patients (many of which are Medicare/Medicaid!!) is now OPENLY & BLATANTLY committing Medicare Fraud and Medicaid Fraud!! ER doctors, DMH-employed doctors, or even nurses who coerce Medicare/Medicaid patients into having to use DMH-employed cardiologists may be accessories to Medicare Fraud and Medicaid Fraud. Do you DMH-employed doctors and nurses really WANT to go to jail for Ken Smithmier?

As the Rape of Decatur continues, I truly hope the US DOJ, which has been quiet for some time now, will move soon to eradicate this menace from the city of Decatur.