Saturday, October 04, 2008

The End Is Near

Update: 10/12/08

In addition to firing employees, I have also learned that DMH HAS SOLD ALL THEIR BUILDINGS NOT PHYSICALLY CONNECTED TO THE HOSPITAL. The financial situation for DMH administration is getting progressively worse. First, the bank accounts are drained, then they lighten expenses with hiring freezes and the mass-firings, and now they are forced to sell their buildings to keep the cash flow going to be able to afford the exorbitant salaries for administration and their employed doctors. What's next? Once the liquid assets are gone, then you'll see Ken Smithmier, Tim Stone, Gary Peacock and others mysteriously leave town with some "inconsistencies" in the bank books (the PUBLIC set of books, that is.)

For almost 150 former employees of DMH, the end is already here.

Last week, Tim Stone and DMH administration manufactured reasons (when they gave reasons) and got rid of well over one-hundred employees at DMH. Many of these good people had been there for 20+ years!

All this came, by the way, BEFORE the banking problems, bailout and take-overs. Rumor has it that DMH LOST GREATER THAN ONE MILLION DOLLARS DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST. As predicted, DMH administration's mismanagement of funds has led to a financial crisis within the organization. DMH administration has been paying employed doctors three and four times the national average for their salary, paying themselves three and four times the local average for their own salary, constantly spending money building new offices, buying more and more advertising, and putting up billboards for doctors who don't work all that hard.

My contacts within DMH tell me that there are virtually NO PRIMARY CARE DOCTORS that go to DMH anymore. Since patients usually follow their doctor, those patients are going to St. Mary's now. Couple that with the fact that people are getting more and more annoyed with quality of care the few remaining employees are able to deliver, the cutbacks on staff, and the purge of experienced nurses in critical areas, and you have an exponential loss of patients from DMH.

Mass overspending on salaries, offices, and billboards + mass exodus of patients = DMH losing over a million dollars.

Who pays the price? Not DMH administration! They continue to pay themselves HUGE salaries, and instead of doing the RIGHT THING, they fire 150 employees.

DMH long are you going to let this ENRON administration continue to rape the city of Decatur?